TLDR! This is my goodbye thread. Where I’ll just be posting some of my fondest memories of WoW before my sub runs out in the next 20h.
It’s been fun, honestly it has. I’ve had some of the best memories playing this game.
Starting with playing on my dads account prior to getting my own.
I was 9 or 10 at the time when my father swapped us over from playing EQ to WoW in vanilla.
To this day I can remember my first time in Elwynn forest, running around getting lost and killed on my dads starting Warrior(Thunderaxe RIP). The world felt immense and completely enchanting.
Sitting there on my dads lap while he grins and just lets me run about doing whatever I please till dinner time where he would then take over and actually try to get stuff done, lol. I slowed his leveling down so much as I would sit there with him telling him to check this or that out. He never complained about it, just simply indulged me. We were two peas in a pod enjoying a new game together.
For my birthday he surprised me with a new pc(his old one, good move dad) and my very own WoW account to do as I please on. There were basic ground rules of only being in his guild, only playing while he was online, and no chatting with strangers.
Skip forward a bit where my first test characters were a Warlock and a Warrior, it wasn’t until my first Nelf rouge(Little me at the time thought it was spelt like this). Somewhere in my brain I had this notion that because he was a Nelf and could use Shadowmeld he should surely be better at stealth than clearly any other race.
It was the most amazing thing to know I could vanish from sight in front of someones very eyes, to know I could always be in hiding and watch my dads back. As we played on a pvp server called Ysondre that was tagged as for New Players.
He and I did everything in game together. Regardless of the fact he was like 20 levels ahead of me, these were some of the best times I ever in the game when I was small.
A little further down the line as my father neared lvl 50 and myself level 40 we joined a guild called Warlords of WoW. A family run guild. Our GM was Daverycrocet a Nelf hunter and his wife Malificent. They had 3 boys all my age. My father felt comfortable with me playing with their kids online. The guild set up a vent channel just for us 4 where nobody other than our parents were allowed to join in.
After meeting this trio of miscreants my father changed our rules saying I could play if Davey or Mal was online and that I was allowed to join their sons. I remember the parents fondly both were very nice and understanding to me, Davey always kept tabs on our little quartet making sure we stayed out of chat and didn’t go grouping with others not from the guild and having Mal always in the chat with us as she was a stay at home mom it was honestly like having a second mother that was always online. She was a sweetheart.
Our guild wasn’t serious but it slowly drew to a close as BC neared it’s release. There wasn’t much explanation to the guild why Davey and Mal were quitting but we just said goodbye and went our own way. My father and I left the guild and did our own thing till the xpac released.
I remember the first day in hellfire together. Stepping through the portal to ongoing war right outside was a sight to behold for little me. I followed my dad close as we were going from quest to quest. When the ground rumbled and we were instantly turned into paste, ahh the old Fel Revear. A foe I truly grew to despise alongside my father. We couldn’t of been happier to get out of hellfire and away from the mechanical monstrosity that plagued us.
Later into BC my dad quit his job and got a new better one that he’s still at to this day as a jeweler. He stopped playing shortly after getting to 70. Saying he was tired of it. I was afraid he would stop me from playing but to my surprise and as is obvious he didn’t. Though at the time he was 70 and I was still in my low 60s and had long tired of my rogue. So when he left I asked if I could have his account instead, he gave it to me and thus the permanent death of Supershadow came as the account was closed.
Some time into BC I decided I want to try a new server. I chose an RP server after reading the description of the server types. Went on to Lightbringer(Chose it only for the name).
My first mage was made on that server. It was so strange seeing people in Goldshire just standing and chatting, or sitting on the fence.
While leveling I ran into a rather large number of people RPing, it was honestly cool to see so many people acting in a way I wasn’t accustomed to from my tiny PvP server. So after much deliberation(totally on a whim). I decided to beg dad for my birthday for a server transfer for my character… of course with a new server clearly the warrior I was playing(Thunderaxe) should get a new name! So I doubled down and asked for both. I wasn’t a kid that asked for a lot of things from my parents so they agreed and got me a transfer and a name change.
Thus Drakús was born! It was a good time on Lightbringer. I didn’t join any guilds worth remembering or make too many friends. It wasn’t till WoTLK release did I really hid my stride, best of all it’s when my parents decided to homeschool me after a snafu with the school where I would get in trouble for finishing my homework in school and “clowning around” to entertain myself while I waited for the boring day to end.
Plus I finally understood the game well enough that I could really do well. Learning how to use keybinding and macros. Where Drakús went from being a really terrible fury warrior to an actually decent prot warrior that managed to raid.
At some point during this time I had swapped over from tank and made a priest. Not at random mind you. See I was doing BGs and I saw an unkillable god! A disc priest that just wouldn’t go down to anyone. I knew my prot warrior was good in PvE but I just couldn’t cut it in pvp. I made my own Disc priest. This was a good change for me when I made my priest. Ulduar was part way through and ToC was about to come to out. When it did my little priest would be ready.
I ended up loving disc priest from ToC to end of WoTLK. Became a heroic raider, ended up getting my first 2k in 2v2(yeah not a big deal but little me felt accomplished) and best of all because I played healer I made a lot of friends.(RIP my buddy Negi, if you see this I still think of you sometimes Negi!)
Cataclysm was enjoyable, it felt crazy seeing the world I had become all too familiar with that I could pretty accurately redraw the map from memory in church(something mother wasn’t happy about along with drawing my characters and stories about them). It was fun and I did the usual during this expansion. Nothing too memorable honestly happened for me this time. I remember doing the end raid and a ton of pvp… Oh there was the birth of my next Rogue Nelariah(she was human at the time).
Mop was a better Xpac for me. I played my Rogue for nearly the entire expansion. I made a lot more friends and joined a good guild I loved doing SoO and fighting endlessly on timeless isle. This is also when I made my second best friend after Negi left. His name was Lamoa, a female human warlock.
At the time we weren’t friends, anything but really. It was early on in the expansion where I ran into him. We were outside the Shrine of Seven Stars(Alliance hub for MoP) dueling. I don’t remember who initiated it but he and I ended up going round and round. Neither willing to let the other end on a victory. We would nearly always end up going 1 for 1 always trying to find a way to get an edge on the other or change something to throw one another off.
It wasn’t till I ran into him a WsG match that we were on the same team. Of course I couldn’t let me rival out do me in DMG, KBs or flag returns(I actually took pride in return flags was one of my favorite things as a Rogue assassinating FCs). That game he and I were competing for the top of the score board. Always trying to snatch zerker from each other or snipe kills. It wasn’t till after the game ended in a spectacular 3-0 shut out with both of us being within a few points on dmg and equal KBs(I don’t remember who did better I should ask him on discord later if he does, were still friends and I have his phone number!!! HI LOM!) did we realize we while yeah we were competing, we were also inadvertently working together. Blowing people up together.
After that… I mean we were kind of inseparable. We did everything together! Bgs, raids, arenas. Where he was so was I. Doing dailies on Isle of Thunder or running around timeless isle. I was always there in stealth watching his back and killing any horde(or traitor Alli using ordos buff) we saw flagged as we both ran around flagged together.
It was the best time. I later found out we’re like the same age with nearly the same history of WoW! He was only a few months younger than me and he was French and I was American… he taught me something my parents were not happy about and that was french swear words so I could swear when we were pvping and not get in trouble. Though dad eventually took the initiative to translate what I was saying… I paid the price for those swears with the belt. I didn’t tell him who taught me those swears, wasn’t going to rat out my best friend and be told I couldn’t play with him.
MoP was a great… I had a lot of good times. Then WoD
WoD was not fun for me as an expansion but I still made the most of it. Made a bunch more new friends that I’m still friends with to this day. We founded our own guild. We called it Mysphitz. We were all really weird and wacky people. I played both my Warrior and Rogue at this time. I don’t remember doing a lot of big stuff in this xpac.
It was honestly just goofing off with my guild, trying to raid and enjoying one another. Even though the xpac was terrible it did bring with it 2 new people that I’m still real life friends with to this day. So for as much as I didn’t enjoy it, it still brought joy to my life. So skipping on down to Legion.
Legion I continued with my little guild till it fell like the rest to inner guild drama. I was fine with it, the guild was just a medium for us to meet and now we were all close enough that guild or no guild we were still friends… really a family of sorts at this point(Hi pickles! Hi Yal, if you’re seeing this tell the kids I said HI call you later for xmas). But Legion was where this character that you’re seeing was born, the birth of Symrol. After all! Who could resist a paladin wielding the legendary Ashbringer. I had to have one. Contrary to the rest not many friends were made during this xpac(since I just kept to the ones I had found) but as far playing the game, I had the a great time with the gameplay! There was always something to do either pvp or pve.
BFA… it was a thing. I played it.
Shadowlands… is a thing and this is where memory lane ends. Nearly all my friends have quit, the game just doesn’t feel the same any more and as it’s moving on I’m going to try to as well.
To all you out there that went through the struggle of reading this, thank you for walking down memory lane with me. WoW will always hold a special place in my heart and I hope you the best on your journey.
So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight…