So long, farewell... oh you know the rest

Dad quit playing. This is where everything went downhill.


You’ve grown. It’s a wonderful thing. Time lends to experiences both good and not so good. I’m personally glad that you have so many good memories of growing up with the game that you shared with your dad. That’s time that can never be replaced.

While you friends are all gone, know that should you ever come back, new ones await. :slightly_smiling_face:

Keep your gold. Enjoy your time!! Good luck op!

see you in 10.0

Retail Shadowmeld

“Classic” Shadowmeld

OP, thanks for sharing your WoW story. I’m so glad your father introduced you to the game and that you have such wonderful memories. Best of luck to you!

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Wishing you well and hopefully you land somewhere fun.



Wishing you well buddy!

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