So Long, Big Love Rocket, and Thanks For All the Xanax

I wasn’t going to bother writing this; I was just going to leave quietly. Then I thought, you know what, I may as well just say my piece on the way out.

<—TLDR (blah, blah, two-months’-late-garden-variety Big Love Rocket whine, blah, blah) –

I’ve been playing this game since early 2005 and it’s been a huge part of my life the entire time. No matter what bout of unemployment I was dealing with, I always managed to scrounge a game card if I couldn’t afford my sub. Until now, not two weeks has gone by in 18 years that I haven’t logged in. I am afraid to discover how many thousands of real dollars I have spent on this game and associated collectibles in that time.

Like many others, my white whale was always the Big Love Rocket (which it will forever be known as). Every February since the mount debuted in 2010, I sent at least one toon through SFK every day it was up. When account-wide mounts became a thing (whenever that was), I created an army of alts for the express purpose of farming it. Year after year, I’d create more and more alts, determined that THIS would be the year it finally dropped. As other farmers know, the more toons you ran through the instance during a day (especially for horribly inefficient DPS-only classes), the longer queues got over time until you finally hit the too-many-instances wall. The start-and-end to the daily grind could easily be half a day with even a moderate-sized alt count. And mine was nowhere near as big as other people’s.

When character boosts became available (and the drop level was restricted to cap minus 10), I started paying money to boost any alts I couldn’t find the time to level, just to keep the drop-chance as high as possible. 2017 was the only year I failed to maximize my chances and that was because my dog had developed what turned out to be untreatable pancreatic cancer and I had to euthanize him during the season (although I STILL managed to get some daily runs in, while dealing with a unique form of self-loathing that comes from playing a stupid video game while your dog is dying). I grew to hate the month of February, because each year I knew how I’d be spending it.

Still, I might have carried on this way forever.

Last year, however, Blizzard made an announcement. I’m paraphrasing, “To all those people going through this awful grind, we hear you and we’re going to improve the experience this time next year.” Now, to be fair, they didn’t say WHAT changes they were going to make. But the year went by and I guess I started to believe that this grind that I’d really come to despise would finally be over. The 2023 season approached and I waited for news that Blizzard would implement a global drop-rate increase to match other holiday mounts, or some form of bad luck protection that factored in ALL of the attempts made on the mount over an account’s lifetime. In either of those cases, even if the mount didn’t drop for a season, an end to the grind would finally be visible.

Instead…we got what we got. An undisclosed drop-rate increase for the first run each day only. If the mount doesn’t drop on that run, you’re still going to have to send all of your other alts through - but at the old, soul-sapping drop rate. In other words, the grind isn’t over. It will never be over.

The 2023 season came to an end, I ran my last run, and I logged out, the same as every other year.

But this year, just the thought of logging back into the game fills me with this weird anxiety. In the time since the holiday, there’s been a patch - I don’t care. There’s a new monthly collectible feature where I’ll miss stuff if I don’t do it - I don’t care. I’ll lose my place on the pet collection leaderboards - I don’t care. After this last Big Love Rocket season, I find I am completely and totally burned out of this game - and it’s finally time to unsub.


On my way out, two suggestions:

  1. Collectors are going to farm. A subset of the player base is always going to do whatever they have to do in this pursuit (remember the unhealthy behaviours the Poundfist camp encouraged - and that was available all year long). Design your mechanics such that the amount of work needed to achieve the reward is known and attainable. RNG is fine, as long as it’s reasonable. The Big Love Rocket RNG for only two weeks a year was never, ever, ever reasonable.

  2. For me, and I think this is the bigger one: You changed this mechanic because you listened to the small number of players who were enduring this grind. That’s great! The problem is, you drew attention to the grind in a way that made us (well, maybe just me although I don’t think so) realize how much we wanted it to finally be over—and then threw in what still feels like a pretty cruel bait-and-switch. Don’t do that.

Anyway, if you’re still reading, thanks for taking the time. And regardless of whether you like or hate my post, thanks for a really great 18 years. You and the whole community saw me through a lot of stuff.



I’m truly sorry you feel this way. Obviously it’s best that you move on, or at least take a break, when you’re burned out.

I agree that the grind for the Big Love Rocket (or whatever they call it now) is unreasonable. I 100% agree that Blizz’s so-called “fix” was anything but. I’m saddened that your fixation on this one item has caused you to quit a game you obviously used to enjoy (33920 achievement points!).

Again, from what you’ve written, leaving does sound like the best choice for you. I wish you well in your future gaming endeavors. But I can’t help hoping you’ll come back to Azeroth after a break. Because that mount really isn’t all that great a thing, and maybe after a break you’ll realize you can have fun and not care that you haven’t gotten it (yet).


What really really sucks about this is that wowhead made a post that went over the data they collected using the wowhead client from players.

From 2010 to 2022 they recorded 929,074 openings of the box that contains the mount. Of those, only 315 contained the mount. (Roughly 0.03%)

In 2023 they recorded 33,905 box openings and seen 97 mounts. (0.29%)

They multiplied the drop rate a lot and it was still less than 1%.

In my book this mounts drop chance is still absolutely terrible.

Yes yes, before anyone says it… I know this isn’t entirely accurate as there are plenty of people who don’t use the wowhead client to upload game data, but this is the only data we have to judge the numbers by.


Something did change however, since I looted two of them this year.

That’s it, you used up alllll of your luck for the year.


Normally, I would believe you but I have looted Mechagon Peacekeeper since then… :slight_smile:

Maybe next year is doomed!

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All that bad luck is building up, you might have the Al Bundy curse.


Wow, not gonna lie, that’s the literal definition of insanity. Trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. You very much need to uninstall the game for a bit. Come back or not. Your mental health is important and you need to prioritize that. I wish you the best, and hope you find your happiness.


… You do realize we’re talking about something that literally involves doing the same thing over and over for an incredibly low chance at a reward, right?


If you’re burned out you should step back for a while. But if it’s just because you’re mad that you didn’t get some pixels on a screen, and it seems like it from what you wrote, that’s rather childish. There’s a lot more to the game than one mount. I mean I’m still trying to get Invincible, it’s been years, I don’t even want to know how many runs I’ve done across all my characters. It is what it is. I’ll get it eventually. You’ll get the BLR eventually.

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Yes, but to the extent the op took them is what I am referring to.

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Well, As collectors, We’ve to be insane with the mechanics provided by the Reward Devs, Those Devs rarely speak with the community and keep a lot of things behind a RNG wall…Similar to OP, I expected something different this year since Dev provided an update during 2022’s event with a perspective similar to the players enduring that grind, however; the event still has the same boring fight that doesn’t provide gameplay, the same instance limits per hour and the fix didn’t help with the massive RNG behind this item, it could be 99% drop rate that RNG could be really bad for a player for years.


got mine lol

I mean, I dunno. I consider the lack of some extent of bad luck protection to be disrespectful to the playerbase, personally, but I guess we’ll just tow that “0.01% drop chance makes something valuable” line.


I recently won the timewalking mount, which I had never wanted to be honest. The only mount I still want that I don’t have yet is Invincible.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:



I don’t understand the appeal of this mount. It’s fugly as all heck. Is it just a “gotta have them all” kind of thing or what? I can’t imagine spending (potentially) hours a day, every day for two weeks ever year, for over a decade farming for this thing. I genuinely don’t get it.


This is something people on the forum don’t understand, everyone leaves quietly. All the quitting posts go unforgotten in a day or two, sometimes three. Quitting posts don’t make the impact that people think they do. I’ll never understand why people think they need to be so dramatic over taking a break from a video game.

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I can only imagine the OP’s frustration. I used to play games endlessly fixated on achieving one aspect and burn myself out.

It’s like the gods of RNG and the demons of youth wasted were like “you’ll never get that Stone of Jordan hahah”

And they’re right, I spent thousands of hours from 2001 to 2015 farming for one stupid ring and it NEVER dropped! Not once and not even in groups missing it. It’s as if it never existed.

That’s why I just play the game and if something interesting happens cool…if not…oh well. I don’t have a completionist mindset.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I don’t either, perhaps that’s why I can’t understand the obsession (?) With farming for things with low drop rates.

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