So like, can we really only get 1 shot a day at the Broom?

The new Vday box item says the first getting of the box per account has a chance for rare rewards.

Initially I thought it was like what they’d done previously where your first go of the day had a higher chance, and then it lowered.

But now I’m confused as the wording only makes it seem like no matter how many alts we have, we only get 14 chances total to get the Broom.

Do we have any confirmation?

yep because players whined about not being to exert self control and wanted blizzard to stop them from being “forced” to run all their alts everyday for the mount.
“oh but blizzard upped the mount drop chance significantly”
and you guys believe them…

from the same company that straight up lied about saying they were making two seperate instances of upper blackrock spire in wod to save it from being erased then went back on that and didnt tell anyone until 2 weeks before prepatch launched.


Oh my gods…I HATE people. No one was forcing anyone to play this game they pay for, let alone run the content on alts.

This is one of the most L decisions Blizz has made in my opinion.

But thank you for letting me know.

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There’s no confirmation but the 2024 article that mentions holiday event changes you can find in the various threads about this indicates that your chances increase each time you don’t get the rare rewards now (with only one chance per day per account).

The 2024 article just says this generically for holiday events in general so it would make sense that it applies to this new mount as well.

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The tooltip is the confirmation.
Unless by some miracle the devs decide to explain it better before the event ends. But if there’s even a small chance that explaining this change would lead to less engagement over the course of the event, I doubt they’re going to bother.

People are the WORST!

Except you people.

Well, most of you people.

Ok, some of you people…


To be fair, Quality Control has been in decline since mid DF, and their tooltips have not always been accurate.

It also seemed strange to me, given how previously holiday revamps weren’t done this way, like with the Noblegarden Carpet.

The first box of each day per account has an elevated chance to drop the mount. Each subsequent box has the usual rare chance to drop it.

Read the Blue Post

but is that also apply after the change to holiday drops overall cause 2024 post said once a day and alts dont get a drop

This is in regards to 2023’s version.

This is the first time it’s said 1 chance per day per warband, and to be honest, I don’t care about the Heartbreaker, just the Broom, lol.

elevated could mean a +.1% drop chance. it would still be correct cause its still TECHNICALLY elevated compared to the previous drop rate.

I thought the OP’s question was about the love witch sweeper. The article today suggests the first daily is the only chance to drop that one.

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That post is from 2023.

This article is from 2024 and likely supersedes the information in that post:

Updated Loot System

We’re changing the way the loot system for the holiday boss drops work. We have increased drop rates significantly for the first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on a single account will be eligible to receive the item drop, however. For each subsequent daily attempt on the boss with a single account, the chance for the item to drop will increase and continue to accumulate for each failed attempt.

This change will allow players to spend less time working to earn a specific dropped item while providing an increasing opportunity to get that item during the holiday.


What broom lol

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Yes, it was. I’ve never cared about the rocket to be honest.

Pink version of the Silvermoon Sweeper from the Trading Post, it’s a new boss drop from the Crown Chemical Co. The broom matches the Love Witch Armor.

ah, okay, thank you

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This is my favorite gif of all time.

its in my top 10. not my favorite though.

I see so they added another mount lol

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yeppers, lol.

Which I’m glad they did, cause I’ve wanted this one for a long time since I saw the datamine.

I’m also pleasantly surprised that this one is in-game only and not in the store, since a lot of the Sky/Twilight/Love Witch stuff has been also going into the Store