So like, can we really only get 1 shot a day at the Broom?

Yea i have the love rocket already, seems like lately theres been reward inflation lol, i bet all the collectors brains are going brrrr

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You can thank the Management of Blizzard for this change in recent years to screw over people with alts used to farm things like this. It certainly lowers my fun now.


Does level matter?

Wouldn’t mind giving some xp to an alt while trying.

This wasn’t what people were saying. It is how Blizz interpreted it. People wanted it to have a better chance of dropping or be able to earn currency towards it. Because it’s tiring having to farm it on multiple characters for years and not get it.

But they only saw the part where it’s tiring to farm it on multiple characters. Everything else they tuned out.

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there where legit a not insignificant number of posters saying basically exactly this. their posts read like variations of “OMG I CANT STOP RUNNING THIS ON MY ALTS BLIZZARD MAKE IT ONLY DROP ONCE A DAY.”

They were saying they were tired of running it on multiple characters for sure and gave specific ideas for changes. Blizz just didn’t read it all. I didn’t see anyone say make it only drop on one character. And I’ve been around for a while.

they may not have said once a day but the they had to know what the result was going to be with blizzard…some of us even warned them against asking for this because we knew this was EXACTLY what was going to happen. a couple even jokingly suggested this EXACT result would happen.

Then that doesn’t go against what I said people were posting at all. And how Blizz took it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I got the broom mount first try.


I did not, lmao