So let me get this straight, people can sell addons now?

It doesn’t matter. Once it starts becoming acceptable to start selling even addons to addons, guilds and groups will start requiring members to go sub to people’s patreons. As a result, tons more people will get left in the dust.

This kind of thing cannot become acceptable.

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Where did i say in my first post that a weakaura aura was being sold? Pls show me. Ill even quote the whole first post again for you to show me properly.

This isn’t some new thing that happened. OP brought up an ages old “issue” where all of these resolve themselves in usually a day, because everyone shares the aura with everyone else— for free.

Thanks for proving my point. You specifically said the weak aura pack. There is no addon being sold. This is all old news you brought up as an inflammatory topic as you always do and I’m not engaging you further.

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Again show me where I said a weakaura aura pack was being sold? Cuz If i recall and even quoting it I said a specific addon is being sold. I didn’t mention weakaura auras being sold at all. :person_shrugging: try again.

there is some sound logic going on with this discussion for sure :rofl:
there is all so the leveling addons for classic wow they do the same thing with
one of the Honorable drecthions the game has gone wrong

Some players are more equal than other players. That’s why.

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I input my 2 sentences in teh first post to deepseek. to help you explain a little bit what i said.

  • read this first.
  • then this
  • lastly this

Thanks, hope this helps. <3

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Nothing wrong with charging for an addon that people spent hours and days to make, no one is forcing you to buy it.

Zygor’s leveling guide addon has been a PAID ADDON for more than 15 years.

If im the author of ELVUI which I dedicate all my times to, I would probably charge for it.

its not allowed. report them, its against ToS.

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I assume they’re using some loophole, like Zygor does.

Morally justified to pirate it.

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“Hey chatgpt, help me explain to affro how they are attempting to make mountains out of molehills. Their constant negative posting seeking to provoke outrage on the forums just makes them look like a disingenuous attention seeking troll.”

Afro on the forums after they find something on reddit.

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Yes there is. They don’t own that. Blizzard does.

A miracle?
You speak like you not playing a video game but as if you are a cult member.
Please dont forget, all this is a just a video game. Right?

Yea they can but not legally. But even many streamers who Blizzard actively support do it.

But they have a big loophole that they can get around by offering lesser versions of the same addon that is free.

nothing will happen. the TOS is an utter joke. the game is pay to win. blizzard has sold out. they freely allow people to bot egregiously and will even punish people who take action. if anything, they probably kick back some of the “donations” to Blizzard so they turn a blind eye. flash enough cash and Blizzard will step aside.

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Reading the title and mentally misplacing the comma is wild.

Let me get this, straight people can sell addons now?

people still use reddit? what is this like 2010? next thing you tell me that you still use facebook too. :face_vomiting:

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I mean where else are you getting your rage bait topics from? lol

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Imagine highlighting important things and thinking it’s rage baits LOL.

Yes… “important things”… not constantly trolling with click bait/rage bait posts lol.
