So let me get this straight, people can sell addons now?

MDT has nothing to do with competition nor esports.

It’s not that stupid stream thing that Blizz tries to promote constantly? I guess I mixed my acronyms up.

MDT is Mythic Dungeon Tools, an addon that’s used to plot out trash percentages in key routes.

You’re probably thinking of MDI.

Anyone old enough to remember when carbonite quest tried charging a fee?

All addons shall be banned, 100%.

Yup you’re correct, I was thinking that.

It does not change my opinion though. Selling addons is not a good thing and I sincerely hope it doesn’t become the norm.

Nope. That’s the loophole. They’re giving “free access” to Patreon members.

And it’s not an addon. It’s an aura for an addon.

No one is trying to charge for an addon. They’re giving out an aura for an addon that works without said aura if you’re a Patreon member. It’s a loophole for a mod you don’t need to use the addon.

I don’t get notifications if someone replies to me further down in their post. No one seems to know why this is happening to some people. It’s annoying.

(I just split this reply off from the one above so that you’d get it. LOL)

Maybe thats part of the bug lol.
Quoting multiple people fails to notify everyone quoted.

Which could be defined further as their code you could do yourself essentially.
Thats what is great about wa. Its 100% do it yourself.

Yep. Once one person get the aura, they just share it with everyone else, copy it and everyone moves on.

Remember its okay to laugh at people who pay for addons :dracthyr_yay_animated:


Who said they were necessary? Addons offer ways to customize the way we receive information. Blizz puts visual and sound queues in game; addons let us highlight the stuff we care about so it doesn’t get drowned out by all the stuff we find less important. You can play with default UI (many do), or you can opt for customization. Simple as that.

We used to say this about the celestial steed…

I always thought Celestial Steed should have been drop from Algalon. Should have been special mounts provided by Algalon so we could race back to signal the Titans. That would have made them more special than a store mount.

Semantics. It’s the same thing and you know it. You don’t need loopholes for things that aren’t rulebreaking or questionable.

Yes, I do use addons. I get the free ones from Curseforge. It’s against the rules to try and charge for those and the people trying to do so are despicable.

Remember, it all begins with one thing, and then it grows from there. Not that my chances of getting into a good guild or doing higher content are high to begin with, but it’ll become downright impossible if having to pay money for special addons/auras/whatever starts becoming the norm.

Yep, I get it. The word “mod” is what threw me off. I’d just call that a weakaura instead of a mod. It’s much clearer that way.

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It’s not the same thing. At all.

The addon is not the aura.

I know it gets confusing, but the addon is named WeakAuras… the mods/auras are Weak Auras… I don’t know the best way to differentiate them. lol

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They aren’t selling Weakauras (addon).

They are selling config packs for it. Settings. not even special functionality for them either, anyone could recreate them if inclined.

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man notice i didnt say weakaura aura being sold, on my first post.

Are you really going to cherry pick your own post and ignore your first sentence? :rofl:

An aura is not the addon. This was a thing back from October and even the old thread on it explains the following: