So... it's just a portal in the current hub city?

That’s…literally what they said, there’s going to be whole sectors of houses, either 50 public house neighborhoods with randoms or like 50 guild houses.

"Before we go, we want to mention the concept of Neighborhoods as a small tease… Houses are organized into roughly fifty plot Neighborhoods, letting players live next to each other, work together, and share in the rewards of being part of the Neighborhood. Neighborhoods are instanced but crucially also persistent so your neighbors can be your neighbors for years to come (or until one of you moves). Neighborhoods also come in two flavors:

  1. Public Neighborhoods, which the game servers are responsible for creating as needed and maintaining.
  2. Private Neighborhoods created by groups of friends or guilds to inhabit, progress, and customize together.

So, while an individual player can have a house, a community can have a Neighborhood!"

You’re right, but this isn’t really unique to WoW.

It’s a people/internet thing.


nice cherry picking of my statement. LMAO!

Because its not currency. Its the token.
I have to take steps to get said currency. I cant just buy 100k gold or 50k or 1m gold straight from blizzard

I cant just buy a +10 clear and a 616 piece of loot.

Im not disagreeing with what youre saying. I do think token has turned into a currency to purchase things you want in game.

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didn’t really expect a whole lot with housing. However, they really didn’t even hit on the basics to make it meaningful.

The messaging today feels like they are halfassing it… which sadly, seems par for the course.

So it’s exactly what I said with one extra step and that step including profit for Blizzard?

I agree, but I think they are unwilling to commit to anything this early in the design because if anything changes contrary to what was said the pitchforks come out, so I don’t blame them.

That’s not cherry picking, you made the statement, I then showed you where it was already being done.

Between that and the OP, it’s clear you cherry picked the article and didn’t read it entirely.

valid. sure. just feels very uninspired I suppose.

I was hoping for more of a commitment with Metzen and MS behind the wheel now.

Literally all of these are good things, except number 4 which doesn’t make sense. I’m not understanding

Very rude statement to the team that is busy making this happen for us and trying their best under the restrictions that they have.

what restrictions do you speak of? Metzen has publicly said numerous times, that type of environment is not acceptable anymore.


But as i said, what i see as profit driven is: gilded brutosaur mount. Something i have to fork over for if i want it. Or other mounts and such.

I do think the token was more to stop RMT, with the added benefit of gaining their profits, and then overtime has just become a currency transfer. But that was player driven (and bound to happen)

The only thing we disagree on is our PoV on what makes it such. Same outcome thougj

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It was to get their hands in the market. Not to stop it. The token is a RMT with the extra step sending profit to Blizzard. It was not altruistic.

RMTs were not as damaging to WoW as the token has been in my personal opinion.

Thats fair enough

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You should really have just adjusted to tokens by now :wink:

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Here we go. Let the wild speculation and complaining begin

Smart aleck.

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People were tossing out some HIGH-FLYING ideas when the first announcement went out. Feeding off of each other’s suggestions and treating them like the actual roadmap, making assumptions about how things would work and then building several layers past that.

I was basically the grinch raining on their parade, pointing out that we had no idea what the functionality would be yet. Me against basically my whole server all signing their in-character names like it was some kind of binding endorsement.

That having been said, I think a lot of what they wanted (guild housing, basically) might be covered by the “Neighborhoods” feature, potentially. It remains to be seen if they’ll take what they can get or throw a fit about it.


What did you expect? It’s Blizzard.

Every new idea should always be approached with skepticism and low expectations.