So... it's just a portal in the current hub city?

Just saying. Easier to have a larger world when it has a fraction of the people in it.

Open world housing was always going to be a horrible idea, regardless of the world size.


I agree. It was an unreasonable expectation to have.

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Your assumptions tell me you don’t quite understand what the majority of the playerbase actually does in this game.

Hint: it isn’t end-game content.

I dont even consider it an unreasonable expectation as a bad expectation.

It would be a negative on housing, as a whole, if it was open world.

I can’t imagine how. Is this a get off my lawn thing?

You dont see bots logging in immediately and swallowing up all the ideal places?

There suddenly being a 3rd party website to buy a “good” plot for real money?

Sorry, you didnt log on fast enough. You dont get a nice place in Stormwind, Goldshire, etc.

With instances, people will be sniping the good plots within the instance as a new public instance opens up.

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i mean i’m still @ a loss as to why people even want this feature, i’m not sure what it benefits .

At best, I would see it as either another Sungsong/Garrison or a buiding they can put in any zone but all it has is a portal to your “house” based on the zone you set as your home.

Never understood the mentality of buying what you can earn in game.

Outside of sustaining subs, m+ didnt have anh profit driving behind it :wink: couldn’t buy titles and reskins and mounts off the store

And not everyone who doesnt do end game is wanting player housing either. Your assumption anyone who doesnt raid or m+ is looking at this as answer to fheir prayers shows how out of touch you are and how much youre projecting

This is why I wanted a boat. Don’t have to fit it into anywhere, just plop it on a coastline.

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You just buy tokens to buy those things instead lol. Everything has profit behind it if it can be bought for gold now.

The “can be earned in game” is as much a cope here as it is in, say, Clash of Clans.

Open world housing would be awful. SWG had endless plains of derelict homes clustered together with vending machines selling cheapo dlt-19 or something. If they at least added tumbleweeds it woulda been slightly immersive.

I’m trying to imagine in wow people with their 47 alts stacking houses on each other like soviet era apartments outside redridge or something.

I did kinda like how SWTOR did housing. Allowed for good rp settings.


I think daoc did instanced neighborhoods and it was kinda similar to swg, just kept the ghettos out of sight. Been awhile, might remember that wrong.

Yeah but the non 1:1 tradeoff kills the while idea though

Dont get me wrong. The token was simply a “chinese gold farmers are making a profit, lrts just make that OUR legal profit”

Instances exist because there’s too many people on a server to physically make sense even from a basic questing perspective. so imagine if they can all make a house somewhere on the server, the land would literally be buried under houses and more houses. The only way to make this work, is to limit the amount of players on a server to a number that allows physical presence of all their houses in the world at once. This would mean reducing most server population by about 98%, and opening thousands more servers which would all feel empty of course.

Or make a world so big that it can allow reasonable housing terrain for the current server population which would make make the world so much bigger that this task would end in 2398 and you will not experience it. Or make is Ai generated, lifeless and also disconnected from the world but in different ways.

I think they are doing the best option possible.

To that point, you should see how new world handles player housing.

How they handle is each plot is a cycling instance. Everyone can share the same plot and it randomly cycles through peoples homes so others can see.

SW has plenty of filler buildings that could be repurposed into plots for this. Same with org.

What trade off exactly is there in providing a free digital currency for real world money? Anything you can buy for gold in WoW is a potential source of profit for Blizzard. The cash shop is legit a game feature with the token’s existence.

They do not care if you drop $25 on a pixel or $20 on a token. It’s all free money for them.

Convinced at this point no matter what they do with housing people are going to gripe about what they should’ve done.


Its GD.

Blizzard could say they are going to give everyone with an active account a million dollars, and someone will complain.

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Being restricted to human/orc zones is such a massive failure of the feature already.

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The way New World did it was they had a certain number of homes in each city, and that was the selection that everyone had. You could buy three total homes and different homes had different prices.

Everyone who owned a given home just loaded into their own instance of it, or the instance of the leader of the party so you could visit that of others. There was also a ranking, and if you were in the top five or so it was displayed and people could enter your home even if you weren’t partied, to check it out. if you were the #1 rank for that home yours would be the one displayed to the public. The actual calculations that went into the system were pretty bad, but the idea of the system was really good. I actively went out of my way to secure the top spot for my homes when I had decorated them for Christmas.

Overall it felt like a solid way to handle the system. The homes felt like they existed in the actual world, but could still accommodate any number of players. Having an associated system where players competed over whose would be the true house in the overworld further grounded them. WoW could fairly easily implement a similar system. Outside of the existing cities for sure, but I also don’t imagine it’s some impossible task to update a literal handful of buildings (every city has structures that you can’t currently enter or are mostly decoration) in the capitals.