So it would be cool once this remix ends we get jyniu and hozen as AR's

People have been begging for Jinyu since MoP. I think they’re really cool personally and would race-change this Priest in an instant.

I mean, we have Dracthyr which have never existed in any form of lore until this expansion

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Yes, but much like Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei & AU Mag’har, Dracthyr should have never made it into the game.

Jinyu are fine, but the point itself is bad.

To be fair, Dracthyr are also super dumb and a lot of lore Andies like myself hate their inclusion. So that’s not a good argument per-say.

Sethrak have a lot in common with the Zandalari; they used to live together back in the day in Vol’dun and worship Sethraliss. There’s a whole quest line dedicated to stopping the Faithless from preventing Sethraliss’s rebirth. Upholding a loa is definitely troll approved.

What’s more, if you complete the whole Vol’dun story, priests of Sethraliss show up with other loa priests in Dazar’alor, and these npcs are aligned with the faction The Zandalari Empire. There’s definitely more than enough for Sethrak to join up.

We’ve had friendly arakkoa in Outland and Alt Draenor. It really wouldn’t be much different or more complicated than tauren joining the Horde cuz they helped each other out. Dracthyr only join a faction because Ebyssian/Wrathion recommended it. That was far less of a “reason” to join than any of the previous races.

“Cool model” is absolutely a reason. It’s how the Alliance got NEs despite it making more sense for NEs to keep to themselves post WC3. It’s how the Horde got BEs, Alliance got Worgen, Horde got goblins, so on and so forth. It’s a pretty big driving force behind why we have races in the game.

Edit: I misread “good story”. That’s very dependent on who’s writing and Blizz hasn’t really cared about keeping things consistent, not even Metzen. But races joining can and have been good story. Worgen starting zone was pretty positively received, for example.

Even then, though, what’s “good” to some isn’t to others.

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I think Dracthyr are dumb too, but the poster I’m responding to stated that Jinyu feel disconnected as they largely only exist in one expansion / zone. Nothing feels more disconnected than getting a random race pulled out of Blizzard’s dooker though.

I could also use the argument that vulpera (one of the most popular horde races now) were a one-zone race. I see no reason we can’t add long-desired race like Jinyu / Ankoan.


The Trolls & Sethrak had been separated for centuries by the time the Night Elves & High Elves split. Loa sharing doesn’t mean much, considering the Trolls share a Loa with the Tortollan as well, the fact that Chronicle V1 called Wild Gods “Loa,” & the fact that Cdev mentioned Trolls even call Wisps Loa…

It was significantly different considering the Arrakoa maintain their political structures, have not explicitly sided with one faction or another & we’re not setting up any permanent locations in Outland in order to justify extended diplomatic contact.

Re: AU Arrakoa, I am vehemently opposed to including AU races for story reasons. WoD was a dumpster fire, it undermined the integrity of a lot of lore & the more self-contained it is the better. Frankly, adding AU Mag’har was a mistake, especially considering we had MU Mag’har available.

Not a big Dracthyr fan, honestly.

Realistically, there was simply no other way for Night Elves to exist at all. They don’t fit as raid fodder, they don’t really work as neutrals, either. While it could’ve been handled much better, Night Elves joining the Alliance (& likewise Forsaken joining Horde) was basically the least worst option.


Blood Elves shouldn’t have been thrown to the Horde. Goblins, canonically, made sense, and so on.

They aren’t tying allied races to gameplay events that have no bearing on the main story.

Jinyu and hozen models weren’t meant to be used for full races.

Our actions in the past don’t affect the present, so when the event is over, we aren’t going to magically have these races hanging around Alliance and Horde cities, or get a mission from our faction leaders to go reach out to allies on a continent that we currently have no need to revisit in the present.

Quit trying to make allied races happen at times where they’re clearly not going to happen.

Oh yeah, can’t wait for the “Fathomless (that’s what these things are called, apparently) for the Alliance” threads full of people who are secretly still bitter about gnomes being chosen to get an allied race over worgen. They’ve already clamored for sethrak, saurok, and saberon to fill that role (but not tarasek, oddly), so what’s one more?

Instead we’re getting…



:rofl: :rofl:

It’s absolutely WILD that the expansion feature of The War Within, the expansion intended to “bring it back” after Dragonflop is Earthen. This is after Dracthyr as well.

We’ll see if Midnight / Last Titan can deliver.

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Hozen would be cool but jinyu are literally night elf reskins why would you want them
it’d be almost as bad as when alliance got mechagnomes and horde got vulpera bro

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Allied races need to die off, they’re so lazy. We’ll never get ogres at this rate

By “Azerothian races” you mean “The Horde”, right?

Naga got a load of crap for absolutely no reason. It’s for a very similar reason Nelves got their narrative twisted to fit a certain perception. Blood Elves going Horde are in that same bag of issues. It all has to do with butchering what was created in WC3.

Hozen and Jinyu are remarkably shallow. Outside of a single continent, it has nothing to connect with the rest of the world in terms of events and interests. But as others have stated, you can find an excuse for anyone to join any faction.

And, really, calling Dracs dumb but asking for “fish people that use water” and “monkeys that throw poop” is the real backwards here.


Lol Dracs are dumb. Of all the established draconic races we get… a race introduced with zero established lore, one class, and a design meant to try and pull players from the FF MMO that sticks out awkwardly when placed side by side with existing races.

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Just using the same skeleton does not make them a reskin. You’d have new textures, racials, voicework, etc.

Same as Vulpera and Goblins.

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I understand the irony, but it’s still quite strange, isn’t it?

Why did Blizzard make that decision?

I understand that the model was already there, so they wouldn’t have to create a new skeleton variant, but…

The skeletons of gnolls, ogres, vrykuls, forest trolls (and variants), hozen, jinyu, mok’nathal, tuskarrs… and even skeletons of other races like nagas, centaurs, the “pharaonic” ones from Silithus… they all exist and it’s reasonably easy to create lore, reasons, and possibilities for them to be allied races.

and any other race would be a better fit to the players choice (i think any of these other races that i’ve mentioned would be better acepted from players)

Lol what, you think the dracthyr appeal to ff14 players? you crazy dude. they’re hideous- they won’t draw in anyone.
If you want to pull my fellow ff14 players in nothing will work except cat girls. that race is more of the poplation than all the elf races in wow combined

You can still kill the Hozen as horde if you go to war with them in your rep panel

They are hideous, but they’re clearly designed to be lithe like traditional eastern rpg characters. They also transform into highly customizable elves. There’s a clear attempt at a non-WoW audience.

They had npc’s in bfa.

They already did choose a faction…

Vulpera is goblin reskins. Why would horde wants them? /sarcasm.

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