So it would be cool once this remix ends we get jyniu and hozen as AR's


You already answered this -

jinu probably smell like rotting fish
and hozen are stupid poop flingers

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I’d probably make a jinyu monk, not sure I’d level it, but I enjoy their vibe through MoP.
I hate the hozen though, wouldn’t make one ever.

Really just want Saberon though. :smiley:

Yeah, but then we’d be celebrating WoD and not pandaria :stuck_out_tongue:

True true…but the heart wants what the heart wants, lol.

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Hey now. no king of the hill references here :stuck_out_tongue:

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While Jinyu & Hozen likely wouldn’t be super popular, there’s no way they’d end up in a place like Mecha-gnomes. Additionally, both are actually new & fresh and don’t leave players asking why they weren’t just baked into their main race customization (like Mag’har & Lightforged, both of which now feel lackluster since Main Race customization has been expanded). And unlike others, both existing Allied Races & fan requests (Vulpera, Saberon, Sethrakk, etc.) Hozen & Jinyu are canonically already aligned with factions & don’t require some contrivance to justify their joining.

While they’re not at the top of my list, and obviously I’d still prefer Ogres, Forest Trolls, Taunka, Furbolgs & further High Elf concessions, I’d still be somewhat pleased with Hozen & Jinyu for the time being.

Unfortunately this is all wishcasting. Creating 4 models that can fit gear, doing helmet resizes on all of them, creating at least two new skeletons (Since Jinyu borrow heavily from Night Elf) with fleshed out animations for all classes, at least two additional mount models, two tabard skins & two sets of heritage armor is a big ask over a stretch of 95 days.

I’d like it, it would be cool if it happened, but sadly it won’t.

That race for the alliance as a Worgen mirror to vulpera and light undead for the horde

Vulpera is just a modified goblin model, as an AR jinyu can use the NE model since it’s design is distinct enough already, it just needs a female one. (Which should not be hard because fish) Hozen might be harder, but not undoable. If helmets is a barrier, they could has turn off helmet transmog.

I get that & it’s why I pointed it out. Although, I have to assume that in the case of Jinyu, they’d borrow from the Night Elf model the same way Zandalari do. They keep the skeleton, but have some unique animations.

That’s really the problem, it is less work overall, but speaking as someone who had a little bit of experience in the WCIII custom community, it’s not modelling or even constructing a basic rig that takes the lion’s share of time. It’s animation.

With regard to helmets, I’m not saying it can’t be done, it obvious can (just look at Tauren & Worgen!) I am simply saying that Hozen & Jinyu would require quite a bit of time on that front. Every Helmet model in the game has to be tweaked to fit new races. Shoulders & the like obviously just get resized, but helmets require significantly tweaked geosets.

It’s not impossible, it’s practically a given considering it’s just part of adding a new race & has been done for all the others. I am only saying it’s another big time investment.

I am still very pro-Hozen & Jinyu generally speaking.

Are you ookin serious right now?

Id play an Ankoan waveblade in a heartbeat

I would absolutely level a Jinyu and Hozen. Heck, I’d probably put many hours into a Jinyu Shaman. I think Night Elves have good animations for Shaman but Night Elf Shaman don’t exist, so give me Jinyu.

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Those races are in the same wagon alongside Earthen. Some people may want it, but add very little to the game.

I think the remix was made because, first, as a way to make leveling more interesting through an event, and secondly, due to lore/narrative reasons. I think something will end up connected to TWW. I don’t see new races coming out of it.

Well, considering Earthen are being shoved down our throats for no reason, I suppose it looks good! Either way, they actually aren’t in the same wagon as Earthen, on a more serious note, because they don’t require some contrivance of freewheeling to join either faction. Hozen & Jinyu are already within their respective factions.

With regard to this bit about “adding to the game,” what do you actually mean by this? Because 99% of the time this is said, it often just means “Give me a random race, and a contrived story because I want the model!” (See Arrakoa, Sethrakk, Saberon, etc.)

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Mostly opinion, I guess. I don’t see Hozen or Jinyu outside of Pandaria. They kinda feel disconnected from everything else.

Those Ankoan felt a little different. Maybe it’s because it was a Nelf area, or the music itself (which was amazing), but felt more connected, like Naga.

Maybe that’s the thing, I’d rather see Naga added as allies to Night Elves first.

And then the forums would be flooded with all the obvious transmog issues these would have

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I will say this is a somewhat fair criticism, although it does mostly apply to Jinyu. For what it’s worth, we have seen Hozen outside of Pandaria, at least the Horde has (notably in Zandalar).

Would like sneks and birbs.

Neither race has any reason to join a faction. “Cool models!” does not make for a good story.

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That’s a hard no for me bub. Naga have been and should continue to be one of the mortal enemies of the Azerothian races. Yes, some of them work in a capacity for the Illidari but they’re the exception and not the rule, just as a few Dreadlord have been on our side for a time even though they’re our most hated enemy.

Your entire post is backward in my opinion. Hozen and Jinyu make the most sense of any of those races, Ankoan after them because those guys are only a small patch race that many people may not even be aware of, and then Naga dead last who should ideally never be made playable.