So, is this all the content we have

Haven’t you heard? Players love recycled content. That’s why the new M+ rotation is so popular.

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I know you meant this with sarcasm but the M+ rotation is legitimately popular.

I don’t know anyone who spends a lot of time pushing keys who would rather be doing the same 8 dungeons for 2 years.

Cancel and come back when there is content that you feel is worthwhile. There are no loyalty rewards in this game for maintaining a subscription.

Personally, there is a lot of content that I need to go back to within the game. At less than 50 cents a day, this game is one of the cheapest forms of escapism that I can find.

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I mean I don’t know how you define “a lot of time” pushing keys, but I can tell you as someone who got all the 20s in S1 that I didn’t really do any in S2 because I don’t want to have to learn new dungeons every 6 months.

If they’re going to insist on new stuff all the time, they could at least make new dungeons, though.

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Y’all…do understand that if you get bored of the content, you can just stop playing the game. Right?

Hey OP check it out

i hope this is good

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I’m not holding my breath, half the dungeons are recycled. Zone is already dead with that horrible follow the tree weekly quest.

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yep. do the tree weekly, and 5 seeds. and it’s done.

and only 1 campaign quest left.


Feels like such a waste for that entire zone for it to be follow the tree and plant five seeds a week.

More tophats and coattails, ideally.

What is an example of a good zone in your mind?

Unless your raiding or m+, it feels super barebones.

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How do you figure? It’s new. There’s stuff to do. There will be new features. It took development time. Explain how it isn’t content?

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I really hope this “recycling old dungeons” isn’t going to be a long-term thing…

Last season of Shadowlands was fine with the recycled old dungeons… but that’s basically when the novelty wore off, it was supposed to be a one-time thing and it was appropriate given the intense content drought

Instead, they continued it into DF and honestly it kinda breaks the “immersion” factor of a brand-new expansion

We need to go back to “getting more new dungeons” as the expansion progress rather than this lazy “recycling old dungeons” they’ve started doing for late-expac content instead of adding new maps

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It’s not that expensive. When you look at costs of other forms of entertainment 14.99/month is pretty decent. You’ll spend more in a day just going about your normal routine. Even if you budget.

Of course, It’s pretty much standard. Think of this as a time to do old achievements or collect mounts, titles, Pokemo…Battle Pets. Or level up cooking and through a kegger.

One could, stop playing for a spell and play a different game. This year has been a BANGER year for releases. I’ve been playing BG3 and Stellaris. I may get back into a full run of all three Mass Effect games.

This could be your opportunity to step away from WoW and watch some TV shows you’ve missed, read a book you’ve been meaning too. Or whatever WoW has been taking time from. This is an opportunity.

Besides, Blizzard has been good this expansion with it’s patch cadence. That is something I find satisfying over all.

I got nothing for you my friend.

You’re bang on, I raid and m plus pug if I didn’t do that there isn’t anything else that would keep me interested.

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So you have never thought any zone has been good?

Man that sucks :frowning: