So is there a profession skill point catchup system yet or not?

Blizz stupidly didn’t put a catch up system in DF. Have they made the same mistake in TWW yet again or did they actually put one in this time?

Isn’t this what Patron orders are for?
It’s gated, as the 2pt rewards rotate every 84h, but between patron orders and the various weekly KP you are able to eventually catch up.


Do you get more patron orders than others if you haven’t done them for months? Cause if not, then no, that’s not a catchup system.

Also last time I checked, patron orders were not worth doing at all due to their massive cost. IDK if that’s changed since launch though.


If you’re behind the “cap,” you’ll get extra Patron orders that cycle quicker than the “big” ones. Usually, it’s 1 or 2 orders that give a 1KP token and 1 or 2 orders that give more Acuity. Of course, the actual value of those extra orders is up to RNG since they can roll with “Some” and “None” reagents, but they tend to have short durations so they “reroll” more often. (and if the character is still new-ish at the profession, it’s worth keeping in mind that some of the extra requests might also get you the First Craft bonuses)

Might be a placebo effect, but I feel like being behind also makes it more likely for Patron orders to give you the optional reagents that give a craft +40 skill. I’ve only had 2 of those pop up for my up-to-date LW while alts that are behind are sitting on 4-5 of 'em.


Luckily for miners/herbers/enchanters they have a catchup system you can knockout max in a few days.
Every other profession, it will take you weeks to see the knowledge everyone else is at. I feel bad for anyone wanting to get in this late.


There is definitely a catch-up for mining (and i assume all gathering)

These will drop, allowing you to catch up on at least the previous week’s KPs, knowledge points:

And then, the patron orders for crafting appear to act as catch up because you can earn KPs for completing them.

Don’t forget to get the treatises for the professions, too. 1 KP per week, and there’s no catch-up for that.

Patron orders > acuity > prof books from all the accumulated rep so far in the expansion. Also check patron orders daily since the ones with all mats included will always be a 24h timeout.

If you’re complaining about massive cost then that means blacksmithing. It just sucks, better now that tinderboxes don’t cost 2k gold each but smithing is still the worst by far.


Yeah, treatises fall under the same “If you haven’t done since week one or missed any week, too bad” category.

They could’ve easily made these treatises usable X number of times UPTO the current week, ala Crests weekly cap but nope! If you are late, tough luck.

Also, treatises are just another “additional” way to gain KP, there really isn’t a good, easier and “cheaper” catch-up for Crafting professions. Have anyone seen most of those patron orders? You can end up spending anything between 1k to multiple thousand gold doing just one order.

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It’s not equal for all professions. Like enchanting gets no KPs from patron orders. So have a stash of stuff to DE and that’s the main thing that helps.

Yes there is a crafting “catch up” system.

If you are greater than four weeks behind you’ll get 21 additional 1 kp (flicker) patron orders per week. Or, 3 flickers per day. If you are caught up you won’t receive these*. (*Except on one week a month when your last order refill happens on a Friday)


If you start now you can’t exactly catch up since only leatherworking, jewelcrafting, and blacksmithing should have KP remaining to obtain (all other trees should be filled by now).


Crafters catchup system is horrible. It’s heavily gated by the patron system, demands you use up resources, and requires that you know the required patterns in the first place, which isn’t great when you need those knowledge points just to unlock those patterns. It’s very restricting and takes months to catch up if you’re only just starting out now.

Conversely, gathering professions are significantly better, as all it takes is an investment of time gathering resources to get those catchup points. A couple of days of heavy gathering and you’ll be on top of it, as well as having a large stockpile of resources to use or sell.

Patron orders are a good idea for getting the weekly quest done and getting more blue dust, crafting finishers and crystals, but it doesn’t work as a catchup system. That needs work.


Yeah I’m slightly behind on my blacksmithing due to how Blizzard loved to put the profession knowledge on the more expensive patterns, most of which are locked behind… profession knowledge (smart one Blizzard) and I only get 1 catch up patron order every 2 or so days now. Today I got none and I’m still like 8-10 points behind where I should be. It seems the closer you are to catching up, the fewer catch up patron orders you get. Which is honestly stupid.


Flickers baiting

Excellent post by Teishoku explaining the mechanics to increase the number of days you get flickers. It works! Caught up a number of professions this way!

You can get 3 “catch-up” knowledge points every day from patron orders that are only available if you are behind. Its a slow catch-up, but it exists.

Gathering and enchanting get extra drops from gathering/disenchanting if they are behind.

There’s not a catchup system in the manner there SHOULD be…

…but your alts can just walk right up and buy the new profession points in Undermine (once you’ve unlocked them in the R16 range).

It’s only 10 pts, but it’s (in a sense) free.

But I would agree: that’s not catch-up. Just as I would agree, it needs such a thing.

Dirt piles

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Welcome to FOMO design.

That 3 day early access version of the game suddenly looks like it was not benign.

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Please tell us about this system!

Turn in the weekly quest in Dornogol then get to Mining, Herbing, or Disenchanting. After your weekly drops end you will semi-randomly receive 1KP items for continuing the activity up to the system defined ‘caught up’ point.

there IS a catch up system, but its so terrible that it doesnt really help.