Profession Knowledge not catching up

UPDATE: I have tracked my patron orders for a week and a half and I believe I know how to get your (totally not the # of catchup knowledge) to zero.

  1. Flickers (1 KP patron orders) are computed daily.
  2. Glimmers (2 KP patron orders) are scheduled and don’t care about any other value.
  3. The number of glimmers you get are set, but you get a different number of glimmers for different professions.
  4. Glimmers last 7 days so they can pile up (i.e. you can have them left over from previous “refills”)
  5. You iterate your total by the same amount each week. However different professions iterate different amounts. These are the iterators:
  • Alchemy = 14
  • Blacksmithing = 16
  • Engineering =11
  • Inscription = 18
  • Jewelcrafting = 14
  • Leatherworking = 16
  • Tailoring =16
  1. The iteration amount is glimmer kp + crafting order quest kp+ treasure kp
  2. Once a month, it will NOT give you the iteration amount in glimmers. This happens when your “glimmer refill” lands on FRIDAY. Because the refills occur every 4 days, the refill day drifts by one day (e.g. last week ->wed refill, this week → thurs refill). When the refill day lands on FRIDAY, this means your previous refill was MONDAY and your next refill will be TUESDAY. That means you only get 1 of your glimmer refills for that game week. This does not mean you are “behind”. Everyone is going to have uh… that time of month (lol).
  3. How many flickers you get depends on total - earned (the value you are seeing on your weak aura) for that day.
  4. IF your (total - earned) <= the iteration amount the flickers stop. Example: if my (total - earned) = 14 on alchemy, I will get no flicker that day.
  5. IF your (total - earned) > iterator and < 2*iterator, you get 1 flicker. Example: if my (total - earned) = 15 on alchemy, I will get 1 flicker that day.
  6. IF your (total - earned) >= 2* iterator and < 3.6(ish)* iterator, I will get 2 flickers. Example: if I have 28 on alchemy (2*14 = 28), I will get 2 flickers that day.
  7. If your (total - earned) > 3.6(ish)*iterator, you will get 3 flickers that day.

So, with this information let’s compare two strategies. Let’s say you have an alchemist and your (total-earned) = 4 at the end of last week, so you start the week with a score of 4 + 14 = 18 Let’s also suppose that you have 2 glimmer refills, and that they occur on Tuesday and Saturday.

STRATEGY 1: You find your treasures, do your glimmers, do your crafting order quest right away on Tuesday. This means you earn 10 points on Tuesday (4 from glimmers, 2 from the quest, 4 from treasures). (Again, this is ALCHEMY; alchemists get 2 kp from each treasure).

Start of week: 18
flicker: 1 (value of total - earned is 18 which is less than 28 and more than 14)
other KP earned: 10
End of day: 8

Next day: 8
flicker: 0 (value less than 14, no flicker for you)
KP earned: 0
End of day: 8
… this continues until your next refill

Refill day: 8
flicker: 0 (value less than 14, no flicker for you)
KP earned: 4 (2 glimmers)
End of day: 4
… and you can earn no more kp that week from patron orders…

STRATEGY 2: You wait until your # flickers are zero before doing your crafting order quest, treasures, and glimmers (I mean they last 7 days so you can wait on them)
Start of week: 18 (tues)
flicker: 1
other KP earned: 0
End of day 17

next day (wed), 1 flicker, end of day 16
next day (thurs), 1 flicker, end of day 15
next day (fri), 1 flicker, end of day 14

at this point, you will no longer get flickers, because your total-earned = 1 iterator.

NOW you do all your glimmers, treasures, and crafting order quest. You’ll get the remaining 14 points. Now your value is zero. Congratulations! You have made the meaningless value = 0.

So basically, doing everything on Tuesday, obsessively filling in all your glimmers as soon as you get them… caused you to get less flickers. Just do your flickers daily until you stop getting flickers (or until Monday if this doesn’t happen) and then do your weekly stuff at the last minute.

At least that’s my theory. I’ve only been observing for a week and a half so I could be wrong. (You should really judge every other fan’s information as “possibly incorrect” anyway.)