So, is the new Netherdrake supposed to be customizable or not?

WoWhead had an article saying it probably is and it’s just currently glitched along with a showcase of all the different options that were datamined but Blizzard has been mum on the subject so far. Anybody have any more info on this? Is Wowhead just wrong? Or is it actually glitched and just not fixed yet?

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In before the Blizzard advertisement announcement about the great deal of paying $15 for the ability to customize the new drake.


yes but the customizations are not yet added, most likely 10.2.

Is there a source from blizzard on this or is this more speculation? Doesn’t make much sense to add the mount itself as a monthly trading post reward without planned customizations.

Netherwing dragons were datamined a while ago. Its speculated they will be part of the 10.2 zones for the actual customization is all we have to go on and it makes sense, they would fit with a “void gate” zone.


Hmm, what if they are customizable, but you can’t see any options until the Kalimdor races come in? That might be where we’d earn the Netherwing customizations (if they don’t save those for Outland races, that is), similar to how the Slitherdrake customizations come from Zaralek cavern activities.

Can you customize it in game? I haven’t checked.
Just because some options were data mined doesn’t mean they are in the game or even will be in the game. My bet is they just didn’t implement it yet.


No customization options show up at the rostrum yet. So if it’s going to be customizable, it will be in the future. There’s not even a section for the drake in the rostrum options currently.

Ok, so no. There hasn’t been a source from Blizzard. It’s just Wowhead speculating.


but… it doesn’t look like a netherdrake.

at all.

This has been asked before, and generally the answer is - we know as much as wowhead does. When it happens I’m sure we will see it there.

WTB the nether drake wings verses what it has now.

With the datamined options, you could basically make it look like the TBC netherdrakes outside of the wings being different.


I want to be able to change the wings on mine to match the other netherdrakes, but sadly that doesn’t seem to be part of the datamined customizations, if they become a thing. But I hate that the wings are just the highland wings or the infinite timereaver ones. I want the smooth fin-like ones.

Compare the Azure if you got it. Looks the part as part of the extended family, plus the customisations have some that make it basically perfect. As in, closer than you can get the Dragonriding drake to any of the old drakes

Except for the wings but, from an anatomy point of view how the heck did those even function originally


could of sworn WoWhead said that it’s customization options are currently glitched or buggy but that Blizz knew this and was working to resolve it. I mean hey it’s a reward from the trading post, they’ve all been like this just give them time to fix it. Yes there are options for it but sadly only one scale color atm. We may see new colors in 10.1.5 but idk for sure. Plenty of horn options and it can even wear armor and gets a helmet so…kinda neat

It’s absolutely a Netherdrake, just on the Ghostbusters demon dog model.

See thru wings: :ballot_box_with_check:
Shark head: :ballot_box_with_check:
Glowing stripes: :ballot_box_with_check:
Plates on head and neck: :ballot_box_with_check:
Shark tail: :ballot_box_with_check:
Glowing legs: :ballot_box_with_check:
Lightning effects: :ballot_box_with_check:

The only difference are the horn placement and the wing reinforcement.


That’s kind of my issue. WoWhead just says crap with no real evidence.

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Probably not. The customizable mounts have all been part of the story to acquire.

Doesn’t seem very likely that Blizzard introduce a Dragonflying mount with no story attached to it and is Time Sensitive, meaning you could get customization options while potentially not being able to access to mount until it rotates back into the TP again.

My theory is that Blizzard are going to move away from DF Mount Customization and towards simply making Dragonflying mounts like older mounts (and older mounts into Dragonflying mounts) where you collect them and that’s it.

Especially since I think we’re getting DF outside the Dragon Isles in 10.1.5?

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The wowhead article isn’t really a statement that something is going to happen, it’s more “Look at this neat thing we found, I wonder what it could be for.”