Animal loas like Rezan are wild gods right? So doesn’t that mean when they die, their spirit just travels to another plain, or reincarnate, like Torga did?
Was it retconned, is he not a Wild God, or is just a overlook in writing?
Animal loas like Rezan are wild gods right? So doesn’t that mean when they die, their spirit just travels to another plain, or reincarnate, like Torga did?
Was it retconned, is he not a Wild God, or is just a overlook in writing?
Blizzard has said that Loa don’t really die forever, or something like that, but I doubt we will see him again in game.
Rip Shadra
Hardly anything in this universe dies permanently if it’s marketable enough.
Granted I’m not entirely sure how marketable a gilded lizard can truly be.
Well there was that ravasaur mount in the digital deluxe preorder
for story purposes, rezan is dead.
it took forever for the wildgods that died during the war of the ancients to come back, so I doubt we’re going to see rezan back during wow (without player intervention)
Alright. But can you ride Rezan? Can one keep a Wild God as a mount?
I rather like the idea of the many priests and shaman of Zandalar listening to the voices of the loa like a distant wind upon the sea, only to hear… “rez plz”.
They self-rez over time.
I defy you to point out any character in WoW so dead that you are 100% certain we won’t see them again
Hmmm. So do demons.
IMHO if they go the route they appear to be with Bwonsamdi, (that he’s a future raid boss) they should have a quest when it’s time to fight him where the Zandalari restore Rezan. Rezan could then free Talanji from her bargain.
Then all it would take is a simple Loa Shrine Swap where after players complete that quest, all of the shrines to Bwonsamdi are replaced by Shrines to Rezan.
The only 2 big differences would be that instead of dead spirits you’d have “Boon of Rezan” which caused small light based devilsaurs to spawn, and the Zandalari Racial that would be the “Embrace of Rezan” which would deal Holy Damage instead of Shadow damage. Thematically the abilities would be identical in use and functionality otherwise.
A better solution IMHO would be Vol’jin replacing Bwonsamdi, but since it seems he’s going to be far more important, it’s probably better to keep him for future use in the likely Shadowlands expansion that I expect is coming.
I’d say Varian unless we’re counting him showing up as a ghost to help Anduin through something later on.
Ghosts count as showing up
Well Torga died and he was apparently reborn as a baby turtle. Not really sure how the process worked though. How are the prelates drawing their power with Rezan dead anyway? Shirvallah?
Generally we get some kind of proxy for that, like offspring. For example, you can’t ride Xuen or Yulon, but you can ride Ban-Lu (one of his cubs) and Yu-lei (one of her daughters.)
Going by Hearthstone, yes, Shirvallah is the Prelate/Paladin loa. Rezan is (was) reserved for the royal family’s use.
Probably Kim’bul, or something like Tirion. The sheer faith is enough.
I mean didn’t Uther cut Tirion off from the Light?
I have a theory that the few Prelates who still have power are either going on the raw power of faith or are otherwise on borrowed time. But of course it’s just speculation.
Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying
Probably Kim’bul, or something like Tirion. The sheer faith is enough.
I mean didn’t Uther cut Tirion off from the Light?
I have a theory that the few Prelates who still have power are either going on the raw power of faith or are otherwise on borrowed time. But of course it’s just speculation.
See, I’m not so sure. Zandalari are called paladins purely for game-play reasons, but lore-wise they’re actually prelates. And I think the difference here is that they have to directly draw their power from a loa and that the connection can be severed if their loa dies. Can they actually sustain their power based purely on the light alone?
With blood elves it’s a similar tangent, I imagine without the Sunwell it would be difficult if not impossible to channel the light without using it as a Conduit.
Mankrik’s wife.