So is it Sept 26th or not, since you removed the date lol

To be fair though, the people who did see it or got announcements are probably unlikely to recheck later to ensure the date was still the same.

Sep 26th is two months away?

And was stated to last 6-8 weeks upto to release of WotLK, which is certainly within the timeframe for Sep 26th.

I believe they are having a go at the ridiculous month/day/year format the US uses.


I never said it was impossible.

Between you not understanding what I said, and jumping around between conversations with multiple people. There is zero chance anyone can have any sort of discussion with you.

literally saying it’s impossible…

Do you have short term memory loss or something?
I have to think you’re trolling at this point otherwise.

this guy gets the point i made to you.

You really are pulling what I said completely out of context to try and prove your point.

Add that to the reason its impossible to have a conversation with you.

yeah… i’m putting things out of context.

you couldn’t even be honest that you replied to me first.

My gosh.

12:00am is the first minute of a day. You seem to mean 12am Tuesday.

I’ll give you another hour to grasp the joke

You make one post and im supposed to assume your joking, when multiple other people genuinely believe the same thing?

Ape talk mate

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Old mate cottoned on pretty quickly, others just need a little more time I guess :man_shrugging:

Retail humor innit

Like omg. I’ve waited 15 years for this release and have saved up all my vacation days since the original wrath ended just for this. I’ve been burying twinkies in the back yard FOR YEARS!!! I literally just got off the phone with my gf and broke up with her so nothing will prevent me from becoming the worlds first classic level 80 feral druid!!! Dont mess this up for me blizzard!!!


At least the day of.

Felt kind of bad for the tbcc day 1’ers in the US.

Tbcc fired up a bit late. like more than half a day late iirc.

It was no skin off my nose. Work done. dinner done. helped kid with homework. time to chill for the night.

and boom…now the servers are alive.

US people had to stay up to like 0400 East coast time. I walked in 1900 ish.

It wasn’t an accidental leak. They have a history of “leaking” releases and other stuff. They can’t be this incompetent. For the life of me, I don’t understand why they operate like this.

You give them too much credit. Someone messed up and it got leaked.
The real question is, if they’ve already got a date set, why aren’t they announcing it officially?

Lmaooo, the Twinkie part had me going.

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They may not have gotten to go ahead to do it yet. I would be willing to bet that they will officially announce within the week now that the cat’s out of the bag.

No coinciding with the Halloween season? I think that would be better. Gives you one more month to work out any final kinks.

that was the legit part to be the really nice touch. ain’t nothing natural that decays in those things. they’d still be good.

them and moon pies.

It does make sence. If prepatch starts august 15, ends september 26 that is before the holiday event season which goes from second week october, to late december and would interfere with the prepatch buzz.

How is date format “retail humour”?
It’s literally got nothing to do with WoW.