So is 3:1 alliance:horde the typical Ashenvale "pvp" experience?

Oh yeah the WG buff where if you were the only one there and it was full of the other faction you were a GOD

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I love Ashenvale. It can be so much fun when things like layering don’t give you 3 raids vs 1


Yeah I am curious what happened to the whole forced faction balance thing. Did they end up not enforcing it, or did they just enforce it in a weak way? Alliance absolutely dominate the ashenvale event on my server too.


It’s only enforced on PvP servers.

Faction balance doesn’t really matter when you’re not playing on a server where you can hide as a non-flagged.

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I play on a pvp server.

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Then what are you asking?

Ashenvale is very, very balanced when things are working as intended. Other than when people use layering to pull people out of one layer to outnumber the other faction on another layer, when layering is organic it is very well-balanced with 0-0 remaining or 0-1 at most. I haven’t seen a total blow-out in Ashenvale since the changes to LTs unless there was some layering nonsense happening.

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Read above. I don’t think its hard to understand what I am asking.

Alliance always reach 100% progress way faster than horde. Quite often they blitz through all 3 horde bosses before we can kill an alliance boss. Either there’s a faction imbalance, or alliance just happen to be absurdly more enthusiastic about this event than horde.

edit: This includes the events I took part in during the past 24 hours.

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There is zero reason to play horde on a PvE realm. The best weapons in the game are swords and maces, and there are no end game axes for orcs.


Got ran over by a 600 man Esfand raid in Ashenvale the other day. It was actually magical I watched hundreds of them stampede over my body running to the next objective. lmaooo


As someone who has gotten his butt FLATTENED repeatedly by Horde in Ashenvale ON Wild Growth. This post is hilarious to me.

That’s how carebear servers are always populated

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You actually rolled horde on the only PvE server in the US? Didn’t you know alliance would be the majority on a server like that?

Wait you guys actually PvP in the PvE server ?


We were told by the devs how this would all work beforehand and they clearly said they wouldn’t do any of the population locking for factions on PvE servers.


eh the weapon skill part will most likely change before spring

Said nobody ever.

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One should not be forced to do something because the developer is lazy and refuses to balance its servers.


Just a prediction. I usually don’t do it for Orcs. But I made and exception for you. Happy holidays.

Wild Growth US Horde have won twice in a row. I think balance is fine now.

That said, the new strat is that you will never be able to tag every boss in the zone, you kill one of the three (while other raids do the other ones) and hearth to the end boss hoping to kill it before horde do.

In this way, everyone is now getting ~500 rep less per battle on both factions.

You’re not being forced to do anything.