So im gonna start this discussion

The bait. I won’t take it though

That’s because the answer is the same for both questions.


Oh ok I see the point you were getting at

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last expansion raid bosses aren’t meant to be soloed till 2 expansions later, this is always the norm

your exception was BfA in 8.3 where you were OP to insane limits thanks to corruption system

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Why do players transmog, strive to get cosmetic items or specific pets or mounts? Why bother with achievements?

IRL, when on a trip somewhere, why stop on the way? Why make detours?

It’s an adventure to be savored and experienced.


So we can actually do high level torghast, world bosses, legacy content etc. Solo on any class and spec for cosmetics because bliz refuse to scale it for the majority of players and cater too a type of player base that is aging out


Real talk, it’s because they know their preferred content isn’t as popular as they would have everyone believe and if there were alternative paths to gearing up, they know the pool of people they can strong arm into their content would shrink drastically.


if you want to bait, use a less high demand alt name than lizzy. you clearly got that name secured over a decade ago and you are literally baiting nobody with this. zero chance that name was available anytime recently.

Im not baiting anyone into anything. just because you dont like the argument dosent mean that its bait.

i am of the belief that if you arnt doing the content there is no point for you to have the gear.


I think after the dumpster fire of gearing this expansion has been, they don’t have any more to lose. They should just let casuals get mythic raiding gear in 9.2 and see what happens.

The fact you’re calling it an argument means it’s exactly bait. That’s the turn of phrase, “baiting for arguments”.

There is no bait. i am being serious.

also calling something an argument dosent mean its bait. im not sure what logic your working on but its rather flawed

Well fine. but it dosent need to be anything unique looking. gets to just be mythic stated while looking like any other dungeon set.

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I presume you consider yourself a non-casual player. Why do you bother? There comes a point where new gear is only a marginal improvement (and is overwhelmed by your skills as a player.)

Wrong. Casuals have content and gear above their level they could gladly work for

M+ the challenge goes beyond what the gear can offer.

Big difference between someone in a 20+ key in 240 gear and someone in 233 gear doing content that tops out at 207.

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so you didnt read what i typed.

i said im a casual player. helps if you read more than the title

I apologize; I misread. Then why are you asking? Your own motivations are sufficient.

you said I’m wrong then explained to me how I’m right. Why do you care about the gear at all? Why is one of the biggest complaints from your crowd not getting the drop they wanted in their chest every week? It’s just for fun and gear doesn’t matter at those levels, right?

Like seriously, this gatekeeping MIGHT have had a point when the game still had an actual progression system, but we’re now in a game where each patch makes literally everything from the last patch absolutely meaningless. Wanting to bar “casuals” from getting gear unless “they do MY content” is just as, if not more, selfish as wanting equivalent gear through alternative systems.

227 hunter, best korthia gear offers 233, this is valid proof that you don’t need high item level gear to beat torghast

you’re in a group with 40 people where is this chalenge?

9.2 will offer higher gear from doing zereth mortis and you’ll be able to do much old content as you like


OP asked a question you didn’t like? Thats not bait

if she would have said “lol bads don’t need gear to do world quests” then maybe your statement would been validated

its literally an honest question that these casuals won’t give a valid answer