So im gonna start this discussion

Well up until about 180 anyways

Yes, incorrectly, I might add. 200 item level is not going to be enough for mythic Antorus. That portal chick is going to hand your butt to you on a skewer. You’re not going to be able to down the mistress chick from Tomb before she soft enrages or down Desolate Host before the AoE kills you with a 200 item level. Absolute balderdash.

The only fights that couldn’t be solo’d because of mechanics were Eonar and Avatar, but they recently nerfed them to where they could be, but good luck doing so with an item level that low.


Ok my bad.
So a whole 2 raids at MYTHIC difficulty can’t be soloed at 200 ilvl… OH NO THE WORLD IS ENDING. /s

There are usually groups in LFG for legacy raids. I guess you’ll just have to suck it up, and play “gasp” with OTHER players in an MMO.

I mean, every raid above those can’t be solo’d either, but in the context of Legion, yes, those 2. You’d also probably have a hard time downing the first boss of Emerald Nightmare before she mind controlled and one shot you and you will probably struggle with some fights in Nighthold, so realistically, you can change your sarcastic outrage to 4 raids.

I never said the world was ending. I said if you want to solo Legion mythic raids, you had best be geared, or you’re wasting your time. That’s a reason a casual would have a high item level and would seek out gear that a casual normally wouldn’t need, which is what this thread is about. You know, the thread you’re trolling me in.

You think? Maybe because the legacy damage is hogballs, like I said, and people can’t really solo most fights without being geared, like I said. You don’t see the problem with that? Having to form a group for 4 year old content? It doesn’t matter. I wasn’t arguing about whether it was right or wrong, I was merely stating why a casual would need good gear.

But on that subject, I don’t think anyone should have to group up with other players for legacy content, not even in an MMO, unless they choose to. It shouldn’t be mandatory for downing hard fights. There should be no hard fights. The mobs are tuned for level 45’s. It’s messed up and Blizzard knows it is.


Because Blizz told me I need more gear to solo legacy content :slight_smile:

Tell Blizz to add a 400% buff for Legion Mythic Raids (BFA Mythic Raids in 10.0) and I won’t need gear again :slight_smile:

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BFA isn’t Legacy content yet. :slight_smile:

Been soloing both of those raids since BFA (for Xavius’s leather shoulders, and the Green Infernal from Guldan, both of which I’ve gotten now).

Skill issue detected.

I think I deserve high end raid gear for logging into the game. blizz better figure it out or they wont see this level 20 war ever again.

Not trying to be semantic, but you didn’t say legacy raids, you said…

But yes, Legion is home to the only legacy raids that give anyone, anywhere, any kind of problems, at least for a whole whopping 1 level, when BFA technically qualifies for legacy status.

I mean, I didn’t say that I would struggle, I said that you would struggle. Also the scaling made things worse, not better, so it was actually easier to down these raids in BFA with all our gear and essences.

Oh and also, I doubt you were in full blues when you were soloing these raids in BFA, but again, I don’t want to be semantic.

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Love how the OP admits there’s nothing to do for casual players. Blizzard better worry about that part of the equation a lot more than the gear part. Seems there’s less overall to do, but it’s more looped to do it endlessly, than any other point in the games history. Nothing says content like doing the same 8 dungeons for 2 years and korthia 100x

Tier sets don’t need to change, what needs to change is how people think about gear. Honestly I am going to give you the same response that people give causal players about gear. If you want the reward do the content or world content is not that hard. There were many times in the past when something was BiS and did not come from raiding. I still remember when Darkmoon Faire cards were king for a lot of specs.


We can rethink gear/ progression. Having good gear for world content would not be the same thing as having good gear for raiding or mythic+. Denying a change to how casual players could progress their characters because raiders may have to do gasp open world content is wrong.

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Expecting raiders to farm m+, raid consumes, and world content 20 hours a week just so they can raid is wrong. I wouldn’t hate them redesigning world content to not be just about the most boring thing you can do with your day aside from maybe taxes but any time you increase the quality of gear from an existing avenue or add a new avenue to get quality gear it adds a thing to the chore list people who want to play the game at a high level have to do.

Because…none of your business? Honestly why would my gameplay or quest for gear be in anyway your business? You paying my sub?
The answer is simple though…I want my toon to be as strong as strong as possible to allow me to follow what ever path I may choose.
Now myofb.

It boils down to this problem: The scaling isn’t great which is why casuals want better gear.


Even with highest end gear eventually its out gearing the current content thus leads to doing nothing…

“Character Progression” I belive its called.
Everyone wants it. Does not matter how far one goes or doesn’t go.

Where did I say I expected raiders to do any of that. High level players are not the only people playing this game. If designed correctly the only reason to go for gear outside of the content of your choice would be for transmog. Just because gear has a high ilvl does not mean it is good for you, any good raider will tell you that.

Denying other players because raiders only want to raid is not a good design choice.


Or, just like in the real world, but the best with money.

I AM capable and yes I do have equal access, but my point is that as a raider the game gets easier and easier as they spend the time and effort doing what they enjoy. Dailies get faster and faster, rares and non current raids get quicker and quicker to complete. I CHOOSE not to raid but I spend as much if not more time in the game as someone who does. I don’t feel like your 100 hours wiping on mythic bosses is more deserving of a power reward than my 100 hours of pet battles and rare farming.

They dumbed down pet battles to a scaling system so that players INCLUDING raiders could start in any zone with level 1 pets. No-one has to do the nasty grind of levelling pets to 25 to hop right in and get the EXACT same rewards as the guy with 6 level 1’s.

It used to be that power items tied to rep stopped at honored and then they put the mounts and pets etc locked behind a horrible long grind to exalted. They also stopped doing that and put in a bunch easy rep buff tokens into the game allowing EVERYONE to easily get to the pets and mounts.

Both of the previous mentioned changes took away what made MY character special. Now everyone has 1000 battle pets and all the exalted mounts. So I guess what you’re saying is that unless I raid, I’m a casual nobody who doesn’t deserve anything special in the game for my time and effort?

I’m not sure why raiders “need” pets and mounts for all the activities they CHOOSE not to participate in if I don’t deserve some nice gear for not raiding.

It goes both ways.


No, I’m not. You are literally asking for anyone who doesn’t raid endgame to bow down to your awesomeness. No-one cares that you don’t have a problem doing world content on your own. What about players who do? That’s the most selfish argument EVER. “It’s easy for ME so you need to GET GOOD or get lost”.


GD forums condensed to 1 post.

News flash, I don’t raid either.

233 ilvl from Korthia welfare gear isn’t enough for you? When its literally better than the 226 ilvl from the current normal raid tier?
