So I'm going to rehab

Good luck on your road to recovery , and try to remember that sometimes the best choices we can make are the hardest.


Best of luck, happiness, and wellness.

You got this!


This is a long, tough wearisome road that will need to be navigated with wariness of that draw, that temptation to drink. For a while there, I lost a lot before I got on the right track and sober. Nov 12, '07 was the last time I had a drink. I’m still an alcoholic: I’m just one who hasn’t had a drink in a long time. Some days are very hard; some days are a little easier. I don’t know what your own path will be, but I wish you the absolute best in the world. If you stumble, please try to get back up and try again: I think it’s worth it. That’s my only advice.


Life is one hell of a ride but so totally worth it. It’s okay to poke fun at and laugh at ourselves sometimes. Human are ridiculous creatures and sometimes this is what the most serious situations need.

The road ahead is hard but you can do it. Anyone could. And you’re not just anyone. You got this and you’re not alone. :heart:

You can always come back later. Good luck on sobriety.

i’ve been there and i know what you’re feeling. you can get better and you can live a life without drinking. the one big piece of advice that i always kept with me with respect to recovery is “keep what works, leave the rest”. if you go to AA rooms, you’ll hear a lot of nonsense and you’ll meet a lot of people who may have sober time but are insufferable – listen to all of it, and if it doesn’t apply or doesn’t help you, put it aside. maybe you’ll need it later.

focus on sobriety today. recovery takes time and is a deeply personal thing that nobody can do for you. but you can be sober today.

please be sure you have supervision between now and intake. some people (like me, lucky me!) have very serious and potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms. quitting alcohol is no joke.

feel free to add me on bnet when you get back. i’m no expert but i’m coming up on 15 years sober and am happy to share what i can.


Don’t do it for your family, do it for you. One day at a time.

I’m still in rehab. I get out Thursday - good luck to you brother.

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good luck op im glad you decided to go into rehab to start fresh. really wish ppl stop reporting posts like these

throwing my cap in the ring, cause i love to see posts like these. you can do this, you’ve already taken the biggest first step, which is asking for help. you got this, i believe in you. take your time and we will see you back on azeroth when youre ready friend :slight_smile:

Why the flag i mean the guy has a problem


Now I’m going to have that Amy Winehouse song stuck in my head for the rest of the day :slight_smile:

Seriously, though good for you, I hope it works out, it takes a lot of willpower and a lot of persistence to keep trying to beat addiction.

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I wish you the best of luck. You’re doing the right thing to take back control of your life.

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Good move, bueno suerte!

I hope you get better soon. Addiction of any kind, is bad. Take it easy.

PTR MoP Remix

No trolling here. You’ve made a tough call that demands a lot of you, and it’s the right call. I wish you nothing but success and a far better life after recovery!

Can I have your gold? Your crafting materials?


That’s a big decision you are making.
I wish you the very best during this time.

I haven’t been to rehab but have been committed to various places for issues.
From that i can only suggest that you shouldn’t forget anything.
It may sound silly but i was somewhere and didn’t have toothpaste or sunglasses in the middle of summer etc.

It won’t be easy but as time moves on it will become easier.
I wish you strength and the absolute best.

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Try out pandermonium on ptr. It’s really fun and is only up this weekend.