So I'm going to rehab

So I decided to quit my job and check into rehab for alcohol. I needed a reset. Things have been really tough.

I just was curious what I should do with my last weekend with WoW for awhile? I would like something to spice it up.

All of next week is planned for family. It’s going to be rough saying bye to everyone but I have drank to the point of completely running my life multiple times. It’s time to go.

Troll if you wish. I get a kick out of it tbh. :heartbeat:


So. Before I retired my old account, I made a crap ton of expensive items, like the craftable engineering mounts, and the even the alchemy drake, and just straight up mailed em to random people in trade chat that were nice. Also, congrats on getting the help!


Drunken pvp seems like a good/bad suggestion.
I truly hope however that you are on a road to a better and happier life.


gimme your money. jk gl man you gonna need it. playing pvp is gonna make you wanna drink even more def don’t do that lol.

Good luck on your journey.

To answer your question - if you have WoW friends, login and talk with them maybe.

A bit outside of the box though - maybe skip WoW entirely, get off the computer, find something good to do just for yourself.


If you are near redding i highly recommend good news rescue mission. Its a year long program but it will transform your life you let it. I wish you best on your road to recovery.

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others will have better suggestions for how to spend your last WoW weekend, but i just wanted to say congrats on getting help and good luck! :heart:


((Irendyn)) - I’m sorry you have to deal with this disease. I’ve been there - remember it’s not a character flaw. Remember staying sober is harder than getting sober the first year. Remember to learn your red flag situations. There’s more, but I’ll keep it simple with those three. I wish you success and peace of heart. And more than anything remember there are angels on your shoulders like me when it gets hard that are supporting you and have been through the same journey and won. :green_heart: :butterfly:


I’m happy to hear you’re getting help. It’ll be rough, but you can do it! I hope all goes well for you, OP :people_hugging:


It’s a hard move to do something like that, so nothing but respect for trying to get through this

Best of luck


Try the pandemonium PTR that goes up today? it’s only on the PRT this weekend.

Also, good for you on realising and taking steps to save your life!


My dads a recovering alcoholic.
I remember him being passed out groaning on our kitchen floor when I was a child. And then another time where he was in hospital, skin and eyes bright yellow from Jaundice.

He’s had relapses through the years but let me tell you, he is younger today having quit drinking than the memories I have of him as a kid. Spiritually, Mentally, Physically. You’d swear he’s aged in reverse over the past 20 years.
Good luck to you.

Oh really? Did not know this.


Cheers! :beers:

(That is root beer.)

I was a heavy drinker for many years. After going on a low carb diet, I lost my alcohol cravings. Be aware of what you eat. Make sure you get enough protein.

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This was a wrong move, you can keep your job as long as you file for a leave of absence.

Play with friends and decide from there, I’m sure they have fun ideas.

Anyways, glad to hear that you are taking your health seriously, it’s a good decision I wish you the best on your journey.

do u mean actually alcohol or is there a metaphor for wow?

Eh, na. Drinking is serious. The only thing I can say is stick to the program. Don’t think you’re cured because you don’t want a drink, and don’t allow yourself to make excuses as to why you need a drink or should be drinking… it’s all garbage mind games.

You can do it, just stick with the program. There’s a lot more to it, and it will take a lot of work but again, you can do it.


Wish you all the luck in the world!

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Wishing you nothing but the best with your rehab. Don’t worry about WOW, get better and enjoy life…

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Best of luck with everything. I can only imagine the challenge that lay ahead of you, but even without knowing you, I hope you are able to overcome it and emerge on the other side happier, healthier and ready to come back to WoW with an all new outlook on life.

White tiger watch over you.