So I'm going to rehab

Okay, Charlie, so you are checking in, good for you!

Best thing in the world is when YOU realize you need help. Good on ya pal and best wishes for a speedy recovery.


ā€¦would a toast to kicking the habit be in bad taste?

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Depends on if itā€™s sourdough, wheat, seed, rye, or raisen toast! Lol :wink:

(an attempt to keep our op smiling)

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The first step to recovery is admitting the problem.

Good job, and may you rest well. I hope things improve for ya.

Iā€™ve certainly seen people who decided they were cured and start drinking again go right back where they were before.

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No reason to. Youā€™re taking responsibility and doing something to try to better yourself. I wish I could help out with an idea for something interesting on WoW, but since I canā€™t Iā€™ll just say instead not to give up on yourself. Keep on going!

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Iā€™ll take Italian please, thanks.

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20 years later I can agree with much of this, but am also glad that one program doesnā€™t fit all and we are lucky to live in an era where there are options for everyone seeking help - especially women.


I hope all goes well for you, OP. If you didnā€™t want help you wouldnā€™t be seeking it out, so that is a huge step toward a brighter future.

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It takes strength to admit that.

Good on you.

I wish you luck with it!


Go to Plunderstorm, run to the first person you see, and dance dance dance!

Also good luck OP and give us a yell when you fill ready to return!

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Good for you for taking control of your life.

Play the PTR Pandamonium since you might not be able to play it when it comes out.


Good for you for taking control of your life back.

I wish you all the best! :heart:


Awesome and I hope all goes well!

Well, as something different you couls try role playing on an rp server with trp3. You get to meet some folk and some folks in thier profiles have really good stories and artwork.

Stay out of goldshire but stormwijd mage district is usually serious RP.


Skip the rum and coke and just pvp.


Maybe they donā€™t like their job and itā€™s a point of severe stress in their lives. Sometimes cutting loose is the best thing for you, even if itā€™s not financially ā€œsensibleā€.


This can be true but itā€™s hard to judge. I did quit a job rather than taking a leave of absence at one time over different personal issues (not addiction related). Regretted it later, but itā€™s not the end of the world, and Iā€™m glad for the time away from things and the help I got.

Not something Iā€™d pass judgment on the way it seemed it was here though. Things are different for everyone.


Blown away by all the support thank you all.


Good luck and congratulations on working on improving things in your life.

Wish you all the best on your journey!

Try things in game youā€™ve not tried before? Do something silly for the sake of it? Random acts?