So, if they are going Blue side Red side

Yeah I think it’s when they are having to evacuate from the Darkspear isles

Nope, that was the Highborne. You know, the elves that became the Nightborne and Blood Elves? Not all the Night Elves in general. That would be like blaming all of humanity for the arrival of the Orcs on Azeroth because of Medivh, or the Draenei for the Eredar joining the Legion.

The world could recover from that. If the Legion had their way, everyone was going to die.

Eh, honestly, I’d be worried about the Botani most of all. Remember the Evergrowth dungeon? Or worse, the Botani portion of Chronicles 2 and Gorgrond?


I’m counting on it. I want to see the alliance’s reaction when Yrel comes in, super nice and happy to see everyone, and then tells them they need to eradicate the orcs.


Seriously, I feel like THIS should be getting more attention. The Botani are released upon Azeroth! They are a pestilence, an incredibly invasive plant species … one that is absurdly dangerous (even in the small population that survived the Lightbound purge of Gorgrond).

By all indications, if we really are looking at a “Red Kalimdor” (or Mostly Red) … its taking the form of a new Dreanor in many ways. Hell, the only Alliance race thats likely to stay within that continent in such a hypothetical future are the Draenei (convenient that).


Not even then. They know exactly what the Botani are capable of, and would likely gtfo. Not to mention that Botani are massive consumers of the Spirit Element, which is why Aggramar had to step in and create Grond just to ensure Draenor would even survive. Imagine what they could do on Azeroth.

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Yeah … its downright terrifying. The Botani are nightmare creatures … there is bound to be a reckoning of even that small a population making it to our world.


Yeah, that storyline had better be part of a world revamp/new expansion.

Thrall/Velen, seeing the Botani on Azeroth: “WHAT THE LITERAL HELL DID SYLVANAS DO?!”


How much do you want to bet that Blizzard completely forgets all about what few Botani came through the portal with the Mag’har? Would such a thing be interesting storywise? Sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it’s yet another little thing Blizzard just tosses aside.


Ogronns i think joined the horde alongside the mag’har and gorians (And a few Gronns as well). So i wouldn’t be to worried about those guys messing with the Draenei outside of the obvious Horde vs Alliance things. The Saberon and Botani however…

Well the Saberon really shouldn’t be a threat any more severe then Centaurs, harpies, Furbolg, or Quilboar, the Botani are gonna be very, very dangerous to Azeroth, especially since we were idiots and didn’t burn the Genesaur that attacked stormwind.

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Thats one of the missed corners of WoD. The Botani is literally the growing pit for the Cenarion Circle. BUT The Botani were confronted by the Kirin tor and not any druids. It was a missed Mountain range for a Malfurion/Hamuul storyline.

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Uhh… Can anyone translate?

Massive Missed opportunity and squandered player subscription time…