God I haven’t seen this much copium since the last election.
FFXIV being successful is a good thing for WoW, by the way. But feel free to thrash and tantrum about because WoW is slowly sunsetting.
It’s even funnier because they don’t judge their metrics on whether or not they are successful based on how many people they’ve tricked into playing for 6 months because of MAU mechanics.
who said anything about copium? It’s funny how folks think that FF14 will be the wow-killer prophecized.
But tell me, if the following past games couldn’t dethrone WoW, what makes it better?
Also, if FF14 is so successful, why the damage control about the criticisms of the game?
Why hang here if you’re enjoying the game (If you’re here because “I still have time on my account” doesn’t make it better and makes it sound like you’re trying.)
Just like how FF14 bribed folks with a Fat Black Chocobo mount raffle on Twitch? one that was badly handled?
Man it’s almost like I can play and enjoy multiple games at once for different reasons.
It’s almost like I an be upset with how bad Shadowlands is because I still love WoW and I want it to be better. And seeing blind crazies like yourself in denial throwing fits anytime somebody points out how badly the game is doing is just…hurting WoW. And is kind of sad.
Jeeze you’d never know that speaking to some of you nutjobs lol
Are you really about to go after FF14 for a promotion that a certain number of streamers didn’t like while comparing it to a game that gets constant crap for their ridiculous 6 month deals to just tide over sub numbers until the next quarter.
seriously…what? If you’ve been paying attention there’s plenty of flaws in the game. Though blown out of proportion by content locusts upset they can’t clear the whole story in one day like in the old days.
Also, we don’t know the actual numbers the FF Devs are mentioning nor Blizzards though all we got is the Bellular source (that he himself admitted isn’t as reliable as it is.)
funny thing about those sub mounts: you can buy the mount without the sub. If you got a 6 month sub, it’s a good incentive. For those who don’t you can buy it without the price.
Dunno why you think it’s some kind of retention when folks will buy the mount.
And yeah the streamers hated it, it was a poorly planned event that resulted in FF14 streamers wondering why they got passed over.
Though funny how I’m suppose to be the copium addled WoW player while you seemed to be a bit hostile the second anyone brings up problems with Final Fantasy 14’s gameplay…where did I hear of this story…