So I tried FF14...and, uh, what?

Ok so I bought into the hype and tried out FF14 for a month.

What are people actually smoking to say this game is better than WoW? You might not like Systemlands, but holy crap it’s not even close.

FF14 is like a skyscraper, and WoW is Mount Everest in terms of quality, features, etc.

I dont even LIKE the current state of the game and am unsubbing to WoW because 9.1 looks terrible…but even I can admit it’s way better than FF14.

I wanted to like it, but the “flow” of combat is really weird. Not very responsive nor enjoyable to play, and PvP is a ghost-town. Pressing a button and waiting for animations to finish before anything happens feels really, really bad.

How did this game get so much hype? It’s not BAD, but to say it’s better?? Yikes.

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Cat girls

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Blood elves with cat ears.

They couldn’t go full Khajit, the cowards.


Quit at level 30?


What level did you get to? That little detail might be important.

But whatever, this just smells like a troll post to me.


More of an ESO person, myself. I don’t get why everyone praises FFXIV so much.


If you don’t want a massive amount of systems in your mmo then ffxiv is better


Yes I am playing it too. I like the community and the story screenshots ‘look’ very nice.

But the play of the game itself doesn’t match the feeling of WoW.

People are probably into it/advertising it because it is already popular and is comparable in numbers.

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Story, community, lack of toxicity, flexibility with classes, regular content updates, devs that listen to the community and not just the bigwigs upstairs who only speak dollar signs, music, crafting system that is relevant… the list goes on and on with how FFXIV is better than WoW in its current state.

You played for a month compared to WoW which you’ve played for over a decade… of course WoW has shown you more.


What level did you get to? I feel like its better and I haven’t gotten a job past lvl like 10. I am finishing the collection process in this game and quite possibly moving on. Between FF14 and the plethora of Steam games I own and haven’t played I have a lot of entertainment to choose from.

What is it you did not like beyond the traditional response of cat ppl.

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I got to max level. 30 is where I was told to start judging the game. Didn’t change much od the feel to the game. I will say it DID improve a tiny bit.

But the feel is…clunky?? For lack of a better term.


This needed an entire thread to say you didnt like a game that millions of people do?

Its almost like opinions are subjective.

Also, how many threads does this need?

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Fair enough. Nothing against Elder Scrolls as a series, because I like all the single player based games and the experience they have provided but I think Final Fantasy has a larger, and POSSIBLY older fan base. Either way there are without doubt more games set in the Final Fantasy universe. That doesn’t mean the MMO is automatically better just that it explains some of what you question.

Going to any other game from WoW is tough, especially when WoW’s been your game for over a decade.

Took me a while to get into FFXIV, but once I did I really liked it. The professions and later storytelling got my interest, and their monk class feels so much more fun than WoW’s, and I’m huge into martial artist classes in games.

But it does have plenty of its own issues. It doesn’t feel half as polished as WoW does, but WoW was also a mess until recently as far as a fresh experience went.

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What you’ll hear from the fans is that you didn’t play long enough, the game gets much better later, you need to be patient and play a hundred hours or more before it improves and it’s worth it and so on.

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I have played for 5 months. I like a lot about it but it also fails in a lot of ways WoW succeeds. At times I wish I could have the FF community but in WoW. :joy:

Me and my friend Harley play both.

My face when people ask me to choose but I like both:

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I enjoyed things in the game. I just didn’t enjoy how it felt to play. I want my character to be responsive to my input, I want it to feel polished.

I think it COULD be a great game for me but likely a few years away.

WoW is uniquely responsive in that way among tab target/GCD games. There isn’t any other game that has tab/GCD combat that has character response like WoW does. This also bothers me when I play 14, but to be fair, no other tab/GCD game has the snappy responsiveness that WoW does. WoW is better in this area, simply said.

Final Fantasy is a rpg game first and a mmo second. FFXIV is all about the journey to max level and WoW is all about the end game. When at one point WoW was about both, that’s why I leveled 20 alts to max level by the end of WoD, and have not touched leveling since, Except for the boosts that come with the expansions.

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Yeah, the game is slower for sure. Clunky is a good word. It’s just a different game. If you like it the way ffxiv does things then yes it’s better

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