So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

Nope, that’d be Godfrey.

https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Lord_Godfrey

https: //wow. gamepedia .com/Darius_Crowley


No crowley is the werewolf in stormwind uniform allied with Ivar bloodfang. Sylvanas gives him his daughter back in exchange for withdrawing. Ivar doesn’t appreciate that.
The undead guys are Lord Godfrey, Baron Ashbury and Lord Walden.


In fairness, one might feasibly confuse them by their names in passing because Crowley and Godfrey both share the distinction of having staged rebellions against Genn when they were still human, albeit at different times and for very different reasons.


Godfrey, that’s it. First time I played that, since Slyvanas is quite caring toward the Forsaken in it, I thought he might be Varimathras’s replacement.

It’s not like they’d have Slyvanas cut down unarmed, helpless Forsaken.

A couple things I want to say on the Broken Shore.

  1. This was a desperate First Strike by the Alliance and Horde after Khadgar failed to stop Gul’dan in the first place. Retreat was only a final option if there really was no hope to close the portal.

  2. Hordes of demons from the portal are endless but I imagine Fel Reavers are not. We’ve only ever seen a handful of them within the game and they are obviously constructs not natural demons. Meaning they are akin to eg. the Skyfire. So when the Skyfire was vulnerable collecting fleeing troops it was the perfect time to summon a Fel Reaver to destroy it. I don’t think Gul’dan had to pay a great price to summon it but it probably took a ton of energy from the main portal summoning in the rest of the demons.

  3. We do see some Dread Lords and probably Lord Jaraxxus in the cutscene. They’re just far from Genn and Varian. (You wouldn’t have your important commanders on the very front lines.)

  4. It is some pretty bad writing that Genn blames everything on Sylvanas when Vol’jin was in fact Warchief during this offensive. Though I think you just have to accept his hate meat stick after everything that went on at Gilneas between them and undead of all kinds.

I like how the OP casually just glazes over the fact that Sylvanas was within screeching range of the Alliance the entire time (as she whines and bothers them several times throughout the battle with her constant nagging in yell chat)

And despite this, she never announces to the Alliance, “Hey, we can’t hold anymore. We gotta retreat” and instead just pulls back completely, making it look like a betrayal.

What was the Alliance supposed to do here? They were coordinating efforts and suddenly one half of their forces just pulls back with no word. It’s suspicious as ^#%$@. The blame is squarely on Sylvanas for not being a very good battle commander. But I mean to be fair, it was her own fault that she died in the first place so I guess the verdict was already out on that…


Ignoring the fact that a dreadlord had compromised their intelligence without them finding out after.

Ignoring the fact that a hillside literally prevented the Alliance from seeing what was going on on the otherside.

Ignoring the fact that they were more or less relying on Sylvanas to do her friggin’ duty in trying to save Azerothian lives.

But we all know now that what she did, she likely did on purpose. So now it makes sense why she did what she did. And now the Horde has even less of a leg to stand on for putting their faith in the Banshee Queen.

Thank you based Blizzard writers for making the Alliance in the right after all. Like they always were, to be fair.


None of that explains why you wouldnt attempt any communication before launching a surprise attack. Would’ve been as easy as just asking any passing Horde in Dalaran what happened.

Genn selfishly attacks the Forsaken in Stormheim. It’s a bushwack and he’s doing it because he wants her dead, for good albeit personal reasons.

The annoyance is that this is of course retroactively the smart move. And there’s a bit of a theme here. Siding with the crown to crush a people’s rebellion against a corrupt and thieving aristocracy sounds at best callously mercenary and at worst just evil.

But of course it turns out this rebellion is full of terrorists and criminals who have no grander designs than mass destruction. And the corruption is the fault of a black dragon.

Doesn’t it get a little boring having all the moral complexity of a Disney princess movie? With the writing calibur of it’s straight to video sequel no less?


It’s down right insulting really. Why can’t the alliance simply be in the wrong, Just once?


‘Instead of blowing the retreat horn which is the purpose of it, she should have shouted to the same effect but longer.’



I want to know how Sylvanas was supposed to yell to the Alliance they were retreating and GTFO now. She was in the middle of a raging battle and no longer at the top of the cliff.

You try yelling anything in the middle of all that noise to someone God only knows how far away and over a cliff side to the people down below.


You’ll have to ask Sylvanas, who not only yelled down at the Alliance from up on that cliff, she could hear what the Alliance was saying to Gul’dan as well:

    Lady Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Less chatting, Wrynn. Kill him already!

Except she was no longer at the top of the cliff by that point as my post points out. She rushed to Vol’jin’s side after he was stabbed.

She called for the retreat after Vol’jin implored her to not the Horde die that day. By that time, she was in the middle of it all. With all that metal clanging, yells, screaming, and whatnot there was no way she could be able to yell down to Varian to retreat.


Classic Hordeposters always making excuses… and never just taking the L. :roll_eyes:

Here’s the kicker though. Sylvanas blows the horn to retreat, horde retreats, varian looks up, sees DEMONS ON THE RIDGE and everyone is convinced it was a betrayal?

I mean, I get it from Genns point of view, of not trusting her considering what she did to Gilneas and his son…but I just find it no one else bothered to say something like Uhh…did NO ONE else see the demons suddenly appear on the ridge line?


I remember someone bringing up the horn a long time ago:


Still though, NOBODY alliance side had two brain cells to rub together and thought Maybe, just MAYBE now is a good time to retreat? after the demons overrun the ledge

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‘Just admit you’re wrong despite the facts.’


I’m also don’t get how a handful of Dark Rangers were supposed to effectively serve as effective anti air against the largest concentration of demons in recent Azerothian history.

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That’s what they immediately do, call in the Airship and retreat. But Gul’dan then dues ex fel reavers them.

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Same way a group of knights were supposed to stop a flood of demons from walking out of a portal.

Lots of time and swinging, and praying.

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