So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

I mean, couldn’t you just dig him up and move him away from that graveyard then? Idk if they wanted that option off the table they couldve just said they cremated him.

At least according to the WoWpedia article, bodies recently have been mummified and burned, so that’d be why they haven’t tried raising him.

There were way more demons than we thought because Mathias Shaw, the guy whose job it was to find out that kind of thing, was replaced with a Dreadlord.

The Alliance assumed Sylvanas betrayed them because Mathias Shaw, the guy whose job it was to find out that kind of thing, was replaced with a Dreadlord.

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Just how I remember it. Didn’t make much sense then either.

She is nasty beesh, indeed.
All this titan-related beings are very biased against the trolls.

You have no idea how much I hated that. If it was Vol’Jin’s last moments they did everything in their might to bastardize his Warchief reign.


Sylvanas indeed did start this little game of assassination tag.


Did you not read the quests before it, that is literally suppose too be the last stand for the world

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It definitely wasn’t though.

Which is explained well enough, I guess, by Shaw getting replaced by a Dreadlord. But it speaks to how asinine Azeroth’s intelligence networks are if one imposter can cause that much calamity.

Particularly when this is demons we’re dealing with. Even before the Illidari turned up you’d think they could get some Locks to enslave a high ranking one and make it talk.

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yeah all the people involved, didnt know it wasnt, thats meta infomation

read the quests, it was the last stand, no body knew about the keys existed, till after

I guess. But both factions return home to have a funeral. If they’re convinced their only hope to save their world was dashed they’re not acting like it.

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well like 2 sec after khadgar finds a new way to save everyone lol

Yeah, I wasn’t a huge fan of that cutscene either.

Still though, I fully understand his blinding hatred of Sylvanas. I can only imagine the bitter contempt and rage I would feel if someone “accidentally” harmed my wee one in real life. There would be no PvP-off toggle for anyone even remotely close to them.

Kind of a parent thing.

Fair enough but if you’re a feudal lord you really have to prepare for these sorts of things. Genn’s if anything lucky this isn’t IRL medieval conflict. Yeah his son got got but nobody stuck his head on a pike and paraded it around his castle during a siege. Or stuck him in a room with starved hyenas then set it on fire for a less European reference.

And he still lets his daughter gets nabbed by the Forsaken who ransom her for peace.

Guy’s kind of a crummy father if we’re being honest.

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So the Ironic thing about this quest now is that we know Sylvanas was working for the Jailer and therefore the Dreadlords(aka mathias Shaw doppelganger) so she would have been aware of the trap even before they set off for the broken shore yet kept quiet about it.

Which means she lead us all to our deaths and purposefully left the Alliance to die to rack up the kill count.

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That’s still the goofiest thing. I know Blizzard forgets a lot of things, but to forget that the Gilneans already got their lands back has always been astonishing.


Wasn’t that Crowleys daughter. Gen had already left for Kalimdor.


Wasn’t that Crowley?


Everyone always forgets Crowley exists.


Isn’t Crowley one of the undead bad guys by the end? I’ve done the Silverpine quests several times and to this day I’m still confused about the characters.

No That’s Godfrey but your confusion is understandable.
I’ve done and read so much about the worgens and I STILL get them confused

There’s something about the lore that makes it hard to keep track of characters.
But it doesn’t help that they’re both traitors, just opposite storylines.