So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

Tbh the whole thing was weird. The vibe I got from Varian and Windrunner seemed like borderline flirtatious.

And the last thing Slyvanas says is to hurry up and drop Gul’Dan, which would imply the Horde’s in a sticky situation over the hill.

And also pretty lame no big names turned up to fight the Horde. When we could’ve at least gotten Mal’Ganis and Magtheridon, they’re pretty relevant to the Forsaken and Orcs.


Said ship, when you do it on the Horde side, was part of the fleet leaving Durotar for Stormheim, as it is mentionned by the crewmates iirc. Thus the wrecking happening at the same time as Genn goes towards Stormheim to get even with Sylvanas.


The Forsaken fleet had left a few days before the Alliance leaves Stormwind. Not at the same time.

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Even if it is so, the information found on the wreckage never made it to Genn.


I guess they just… forgot he was Warchief until he died.

I’m going to assume that Blizz just didn’t think about it, but my headcanon is that he’s still dealing with his fathers death and is struggling not to blame the horde for it even though he’s been told it was a trap.

(Query): Why even add that quest to the game then? If it doesn’t serve any purpose after being handed into the Alliance, why have it at all?

To just add some spooky Sylvanas factor is my thought. Nothing more than that. I don’t think there’s any reason to hold onto that quest as proof of anything, if the game itself also doesn’t show Genn with that knowledge when he actually moves to do something. I think whatever was intended before the expansion went live ultimately shouldn’t matter, if it never actually goes live as intended.


Genn is going to Stormheim to see what Slyvanas might be up to. The Aegis is presumed to be involved, but no other information is stated as being known.

Genn then opens fire on the Forsaken the second they encounter them. And I thought it might be played more ambiguously like there was a misunderstanding or maybe the Forsaken shot first. But no. They open fire on the fleet with the hope of killing Slyvanas.

Then you fly down and boat hop, trying to find Slyvanas but it turns out she left. Then the Forsaken blow up the Skyfire and beat up Genn.

I know you technically beat up Nathanos. But I’ve played both sides, and in the Horde one Nathanos is A-Okay, walking around barking orders like an angry goose. And Genn’s knocked out in a tent.

Side bar; weird nobody ever points out that Nathanos and Genn seem to have almost identical coats.


I think that a lot of people simply forget that Sylvanas killed Genn’s son and basically plagued his home?

So, at least to me, I sorta understand his cry of “I knew we couldn’t trust her” and the bit with Stormheim. At least if I knew I could get a free shot at someone who killed my son, I would take it.


Oh, it’s completely understandable. It was also a possible act of war, regardless of the intentions.

It’s just that Sylvanas didn’t do anything about it until after she accepted another olive branch from the alliance in the meantime, making the whole war reasoning fall flat.


I think a lot of people forget the Legion was in the midst of launching it’s largest ever invasion of Azeroth and this was a particularly bad time to burn through military hardware and manpower in the pursuit of personal revenge.

Of course as it turned out it was actually a smart move. Because Slyvanas was in league with a threat even greater than the Legion.


Was it, though? Sylvanas had zero plans to use the Horde troops in her personal plans until the Alliance got involved.

Would it not have been smarter to track her (as he did later) and basically confront her with the full backing of the Alliance forces while the Horde is busy with Odyn’s tasks and such? Instead of getting his troops and materiel destroyed and drawing in the horde forces who were legitimately there for anti-legion purposes?


No one’s really accusing Genn of making a smart move, just a lucky one.


Oh fer … we JUST went over this in the other thread. Literally two days ago.

And here’s the kicker:

Also, said journal does NOT make it clear that whatever Sylvanas was going to do would be in Stormheim.


I don’t know, never trusting Sylvanas has historically been the right call.


My personal head-canon is that between the Alliance forces were dealing with the Demon Commanders, and even fighting through the trap with the possibility that Jaina was able to gather a large number of them and port them out of the battlefield, then make her own narrow escape. (Hence why she is not seen in the cinematic despite being involved in the scenario portion of the battle), and Gul’Dan set up to bring up the Super Fel-Reaver as a last final wave of defense of the portal before the Horde Broke and forced what was left of the Alliance to retreat.

It amuses me that the Alliance thought it was a good idea to go into what is essentially a bottleneck/funnel zone. Where their only safety net is that the Horde protects the top side with out thinking out the possibilities of what could happen with that.

Hate makes you do… interesting things. I can see his “rationality”.

Sylvanas used bioweapons on his people, and murdered his son. That last part is going to ingrain a hate that would drive most people to extreme acts, even years after the act occurs.

As a parent, I can totally understand that hate.

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I mean, she was aiming for Genn. His kid jumped in the way. Incidentally that cutscene is great unintentional comedy. It’s supposed to be dramatic but it comes off very community theater.

What I don’t get is why the Forsaken didn’t raise Liam. Would’ve been a nice way to f with Greymane. It wasn’t until after The Gathering that ol Genn realized the Forsaken are, ya know, people. So all you would’ve had to do is let unLiam try to go back home then rescue him when Greymane tried to kill him.

Far as I know he’s still in Adrec’s Repose so options still on the table. Or perhaps he’ll turn up in SL.


There’s supposed to be something about the graveyard that prevents it, from what I recall.