So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

It’s bad enough Blizzard is trying to gaslight us; you don’t have to help them!


This is part of why SI:7 being the only intel agency of the Alliance is pants on head stupid.


Well… technically the Horde has two in the Shattered Hand and the Deathstalkers, but instead of being incompetent they’re just lazy.

Actually, they might be the most effective spy networks on Azeroth since we never hear about them.


So perhaps I missed something, but something always struck me as odd in the Alliance Broken Shore cinematic. At the 30 second mark they hear the retreat horn blow, see the archers fall back and Varian says “No…she wouldn’t” and Genn says “I knew it! I knew we couldn’t trust her!”. Why is their reaction to blame Sylvanas for the retreat and not the Warchief, Vol’jin? If they suspected Sylvanas was the one to betray them, why wouldn’t they try and contact Vol’jin? He was the leader of the entire Horde. Finding out he was dead would be a pretty good indication about why the retreat happened in the first place, yet their first instinct is to try and assassinate a Horde leader instead. Feels like a lot of steps were skipped to get there.


I posted this a fair few times, but Genn and the Alliance in Stormheim openly admit they have zero clue what Sylvanas is up to in the zone. Only at the very end do they figure it out. The journal may have been a reason to go to Stormheim, but it’s clearly written that the contents of the journal were not the reason they attacked.


Well, they’d just been talking about Sylvanas’s archers. That’s the best I can do.

Also anyone on the Alliance side (i.e. would easily assume Sylvanas was the one in charge of the front. I don’t even recall Vol’jin saying much of anything and far less in the actual ‘leading’ department.

Basically it was Sylvanas’ show and when the retreat was called, it was clear it was she who made it.

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It strikes me as odd that the Warchief of the Horde is on the field of battle with everyone and is calling zero shots. And then when things go south, everyone immediately blames Sylvanas for it, and not the leader of the Horde. Who, again, was on that field of battle with them.

At a minimum you’d think literally ANYONE would try and contact Vol’jin and be like “Yo, your underling Sylvanas screwed us over. Why?”


It becomes even more stupid in BTS when you find out that Baine and Anduin are having regular correspondence. Come on, Blizzard. Let the peaceniks have an upside.


Ooof ya, forgot about Baine sending bits and pieces of himself to his bestie. You’d think the topic of faction leaders dying would be a big deal. Maybe not for the Horde since it happens so often, but the Alliance for sure.

On that topic though. Does anyone know exactly when the Alliance finds out that Vol’jin died? Do they have any reaction to it at all?

It also mentions that Anduin doesn’t completely believe Baine when he talks about the Broken Shore, which makes me wonder if Valeera or Shaw even told Anduin about it being a Dreadlord’s trap.

I’d assume they’d have found out when they found out Sylvanas was warchief, though I can’t remember when they found that out.

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This was painfully bad and for worst all of that “heroic moments” were throwed away with Vol’jin death for Sylvanas bipolar adventure.

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And quite a few dead ones as well. such as the one we “killed” in the Argent Tournament, another we laid low at the Sunwell Plateau…

This is Genn Greymane we’re talking about here. Level-headed thought with proper perspective is not what he’s been known for since the days of Reign of Chaos.


Genn wasn’t around in Reign of Chaos. The wall was already built by the time that game played out.

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Gnome dude, for a long time I thought exactly the same but it’s not that black and white. The Horde’s Warchief fell, Thrall was badly injured, Baine had to stop fighting to get him up and every single archer on top of that ridge had to turn their attentions to the hordes of demons swarming everyone.

The only thing you can blame the Horde there is that Sylvannas didn’t get near the ridge and did a loud Banshee Scream followed by “WE ARE OVERUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN” before sounding the battle-horn.


Two things. First being we’ve managed them before. Second, they aren’t even present in the cinematic, which makes me think the story and that part were not communicated across teams.

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We have dealt with them before. Separately. They were all a dungeon or raid boss fight a piece. Now it’s all of 'em, and an entire demon army.

I’d agree maybe there was some miscommunication between the game and animation team. But it’s amazing to me the quest wasnt

“Fall back and hold them off until Jania can port us out of here”.


I always thought that the Broken Shore represented a bit of a tension between the story and the necessary mechanics of an MMO.

I felt that, from a story perspective, Varian was approaching the Broken Shore as “This is our one shot to stop the Legion if we fail here it’s over”. So in that context the idea of retreating and fighting another day makes no sense.

Mechanically, however, that doesn’t work because it would be the shortest xpac in history. Mechanically, we have to be able to retreat and the Legion has to putz around doing not much so that we can run around gathering allies and foiling minor plots etc and then attack the Legion on our schedule.

And then we just have the completely unbelievable inanity at this point that the two largest superpowers in Azeroth have no protocols for communication between each other. No official channels.

Not to mention that we are to believe that two of the greatest military minds on Azeroth, Varian and Sylvannas, had not considered the possibility that one side or the other might be overwhelmed and need to retreat and accordingly set up contingencies to deal with it.

I mean, cool cinematic with the Fel Reaver and Varian, but boy there was a lot of nonsense around it.


The lack of communication is the weirdest part. First off, I’m pretty sure the Goblins and Gnomes could figure out an emergency phone line like the US and USSR had in the Cold War.

But even if that’s impossible both sides have people more than capable of teleporting, telepathy, sending messenger birds or being the messenger bird.

You’d think they’d set something up so a misunderstanding wouldn’t lead to a world war.


or some sort of… horn… that you could blow… that would signify a retreat?