So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

Alright now I’m in Stormheim. And the intro goes as follows,

We know the Aegis is important, it seems Slyvanas is looking for it. Keep tabs but don’t engage unless necessary.

Genn then says, I ain’t going there unless it’s to kill her and promptly opens fire on the Forsaken fleet the moment they see them. This goes very wrong and the Skyfire is destroyed along with several Forsaken ships.

There is nothing to suggest Greymane has some broader reasoning outside pure vengeance. It turns out to be the right move, but he didn’t know that. He just assumed it would be because he believes Slyvanas is evil and must be stopped. Which turned out to be the case. But it wasn’t known at the time.

Also I looked it up and Legion Assaults were only added in during 7.2. So, safe to bet this happened after the attack which was available to play at launch.


I was very angry with Genn when the Skyfire got destroyed.

It’s even better if you’re playing a Warrior.


Horde warrior especially.

Bad enough to find out Sylvanas was collaborating with Helya, a villain who was - at that very time - still trying to kill the player with her kvaldir. Horde warriors also got to find out that their own Warchief’s activities involved trying to help Helya steal Odyn’s val’kyr, cripple the Valarjar and in effect knock their own Class Hall out of the war against the Burning Legion.


And that was after Saurfang tried getting himself killed the first time.

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To be honest it was always a bit weird being an undead warrior in that Class Hall from the word go. My first thought was;

Thanks and all but where the hell were you guys the first time?


Given Odens penchant for trials and displays of courage or daring acts of derring-do, I’ve been of the opinion that rather than being outraged at Sylvanas he might have been inclined to applaud her tenacity and gaul.


That was the weird bit about the Vrykul. Previously they had been a recently unearthed in Northrend by Arthas, never before seen by modern races, and the Val’kyr themselves an invention of Arthas’, to all of a sudden both the Vrykul and Val’kyr always having been there in Stormheim and I guess just no one ever talked about them, despite both the Zandalari and Kul’Tirans trading with them.


Seems Odyn’s forces are still upset about it, as seen during the Vol’jin questline in BfA:


Cripple, please the warrior order hall wasn’t doing anything meaningful with those val’kyr anyway.

The love hate relationship with helya was super weird though as a forsaken warrior like…are we allies…enemies…secret lovers who have to keep things on the downlow? Or was this just like a one off thing that happened on a drunk night and we pretend it didn’t happen.

Idk if I’d count that as odyns forces being upset but more specifically eyir and her clique being still mad about it.

It’s like odyn is the head of an organization and sylv wanted to steal away a ceo of one of his departments, as long as the work continues to flow (since he can make a new ceo) I doubt he’d care all that much.

The people of said department though may be annoyed that the whole structure of how things were done there could of been drastically changed with new management at top.


It was lame that the Alliance gets to fight, like, every named demon ever. And the Horde just fights generic grunts. Including the one that kills Vol’Jin.

They coulda at least split up the named guys.


The devs and writers are just laughably biased towards the Alliance at this point.

Seriously, we’ve gone like 3 expansions each with an Alliance lore getting to dress down and threaten the Horde PC directly, and SL is going to make 4.


Watching it again, I think maybe Alliance were supposed to think that the Horde was in on the plot somehow–that they were the ones helping to set it up, not just the Legion?

But still, that idea shouldn’t have persisted beyond learning about the Horde’s losses.

Ironically, having Vol’jin survive, as was originally planned, would have fit that narrative much better than having him die. “Oh, so we lost our king, and you claim you were being overrun, but somehow you don’t seem to have lost your leader …”


Looks like you decided to pick a softer version.

Confront The Val’kyr (quest):

Spirit of Vol’jin:
So whoever whispered to me’s not da same as who sent me back?
You have been granted all the knowledge I am willing to share. Leave now, and never return.

gl hf


They didn’t even fight though, since they’re gone the moment the cinematic starts.

Seems more like it’s for a show of force/ power if anything that should for all intents and purposes had the alliance retreating first, only for the Horde to go wtf, we’re being overrun and then see the alliance retreating.

Then have the horde think the alliance betrayed them or at the very least left them high and dry with all the demons, getting vol’jin killed in the process.

would give Alliance and Horde more of a reason to fight in the future that isn’t just…super one sided.

P.S I’ll never understand how the one man who probably understood that the Horde didn’t betray them with the horn being blown, is also the same man who saw just about every big named demon we had ever fought and said…“We got this guys”

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Also the only one who wasn’t on a giant airship with a clear view of how screwed both sides were.


And there’s Illidari right there in Stormwind. It would’ve been as easy as asking them what was going on in Durotar, and they’d respond they also thwarted a Legion ambush at Vol’Jin’s funeral.

And Stormheim hits different if you do it immediately after Broken Shore. Because Anduin just explicitly said let’s not screw with the Horde. And everyone’s thirst for vengance comes off a little silly when the guy’s kid is calling for cooler heads.

Like he’s technically an orphan now and he just got the world dropped on his shoulders. He is having a worse day than Jania or Genn. And Genn’s move is to not only skip the funeral, but to go crash very expensive military hardware against the Horde against explicit orders.

He really comes off as a grumpy, loose cannon prick that happened to be right.


Actually it’s not. The whole pick which zone you level in first was a late addition to Legion. Originally you started out in Azuna and this quest was the breadcrumb that leads you to Stormheim as the next zone. Later in developement they decided to let you pick which zone you start in first and it kind of broke this, but they never updated the quests.

This is why the start to Stormheim is just “Hey the Sky Admiral wants to meet you” rather than something a bit more fleshed out with story like all the other zones got. Because it’s supposed to start with you finding and delivering the letter, and that leading you to the ship with the Admiral and Genn, and them speculating on what her entire plan is since they only have part of it.

It also explains why Anduin okayed the mission in the first place. When played in this order it fit’s together like perfect puzzle pieces.


Aizen face
Since when were you under the impression that she wasn’t?


When Blizz bold face lied to us and promised she wasn’t?


Well, your fault for believing them, or being a forsaken/horde fan.

Horde bad.