So I just tried to do AV to see how its going

That is a problem yes.
You get a lot of people in that you would swear are 9 years old.
You try to organize, but you will probably wind up getting flamed.

When you assess you groups make up, and try to direct those who are lowest level or poorest geared towards working the PVE objectives, which they can do very well, you will probably get slapped back with a dont tell me how to play tirade, when it isnt telling you how to play, it’s telling you how you will be most effective and have the most effect and in the end score the most out of the BG.

Caps, no one wants to hold them (does not matter the game, could be WOW, could be a FPS etc) people cap and get itchy in 2 seconds and wander off.

BTW Pained, good on you for trying to organize a cap, but focus on GY’s 1st, they let you advance forward when you die, which is real important especially when you are in the severely handicapped situation you were in.

Healer in pugs, well we are kind of just dog meat, no one pays attention who we are or tries to make sure we aren’t being punched in the face.

If you can queue in a group of 5, formed as if you were setting up for a hard 5 man, you will have more fun because at least you know what your group will be doing, if there is another 5 man in the BG, it starts to get a lot better cause the people that group like that are going to be a lot more willing to coordinate in raid fashion.

Sometimes, i do wonder how some of these people even make it through a raid at all, even just UBRS, or even a 5 man.


I call bull on that. I am sure there are plenty of bots. Ive seen them running into crap all the time. Lots of Horde bots, but not like Alliance. Next time I get one of the standard solo queues Ill screen shot it. It’s litterally dots scattered everywhere just not moving. Afks, bots, or jus tactual morons. Then like 5 decent players out of 40. It’s the worst experience.


The bots shouldn’t be getting anything. You should only get stuff if you’re doing quest objectives, hitting players/enemy mobs, or healing players.

And stuff like the rams, harpies, troggs, and wolves should only count if you are on a quest for them. Maybe get a participation buff for 5 mins when you grab the quest and you have to turn it in or do PVP to get another.

Yeah the experience is just poor if you aren’t in a premade group. It ruins the game for me personally. I’m exploring other games to play and becoming closer to just being a raid logger. There’s no point putting your heart and soul into PVP in this game.


I would not do that, tried that during a chunk of the original trilogy
not interested in doing that again, missed out on too many other things.

I go play AV for fun, maybe tired of farming stuff to sell, i dont want to start another quest chain at that moment

Not to dismiss your suffering, but this sounds hilarious from an outside perspective.

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Played a few games last night and Alliance pugs gave Horde in Oceania a spanking.

Everyone has different experiences.

I played this constantly a few years back. Love AV. Play alliance and back then they were good matches, fun and fairly balanced, Anyone could win. Now? Absolute total joke and as unbalanced as is humanly possible. I don’t enjoy it at all and don’t que much. Blizz is either going to have to deal with this pathetic imbalance or watch as it disintegrates and alliance finally gets tired of getting beat every single game and doesn’t que. I’m pretty much done with it…


Looks about right to me.

When you have the other half of your faction belittling you while removing themselves from the general population, that tends to break their spirit. Alliance pugs got used to losing because all the people who wanted to try were no longer grouping up with them as intended.

And now its a self-fulfilling prophecy, they think they’re going to lose so they make it happen…and then they get called a disease for it.


From a tactical standpoint. One thing you need to do if you are fighting in small groups is think tactically. What should I kill, what should I avoid to draw attention to me. Killing Lieutenants is good because it doesn’t alert us to your location, but the second you touch a Tower or Graveyard someone like me who is healing, listens for the game warning something was acquired or loss, open the map call out the area and a unit is dispensed to retake it.

I understand your feelings about the crap at the gate, Horde have it occasionally but it sounds like not as bad. It probably doesn’t get any worse as the Horde juggernaut has change strategy’s again since Tuesday since they no longer face as many AV premade teams.

This reminds me of the status of the retail version to be fair. Alliance go there for s&*ts and giggles… they know it will be a loss. IB outweighs any of the 753 strategies that Alliance throw up at the start so they /shrug and muck around.

An aside Zohkar, are you aware you can have a translucent mini-map open in battlegrounds that you can see all the time? Hit shift + M on your keyboard. You can see all the objectives in blue/red/contention on the map without having to open anything.

Did not know that, I knew I forgot things when I left the game 8 years ago. I remember you needing all these different add-ons or you where not allowed to participate in raids. I have tried to get the ones I could remember but still not running any heal add-ons or raid frame add-ons. Thank you for the information will try it in my next battleground because it’s not working for me in the regular game.

Pugs are filled with all the kids that cried about getting stomped in phase 2 and didn’t actually quit. They absolutely dont know how to pvp and most of them you dont want to pvp with TBH. Which doesnt matter because they dont want to learn to pvp and are perfectly fine afking and getting camped.

Imagine being in a fight and you thought you had backup because someone was standing there, only to have them hit your all of your blinds and do nothing but auto attack.

It’s not everyone, but enough that winning is absolutely out of the question, and the few people that do know how the game works and how pvp works can only hope to get around 2-3k guaranteed honor then hope to farm the horde ranks for swords, fists, and helmets.

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Wtf? Hell no.

The problem is cross realm. It does exactly what we knew it would. Everyone is a random faceless player, and nobody is held accountable because they won’t ever need to deal with the same players again.

Horrible decision from blizzard, then and now.


I agree that CRBG definitely are a issue. It gives no server loyalty and no one is held accountable for there actions. While it does allow servers that are dominate have faster queue times it hurts the servers that are balanced and under populated. Me, I would rather keep facing off against my own server because then I am held accountable for my actions.

If people are so bent out of shape about P2, which had no problem until Honor was introduced in previous phase then maybe take honor away, and do something else, like use it to buy gear instead of gaining ranks. The only other solution would be like retail, turn them all into PvE and allow people to toggle PvP on or off, but have a no activity timer applied.

People report them as AFK so they dint bother anymore


Xrealms were a thing way before Cata

I am too - and I love AV. Its like the Horde are permanently doing 40% more damage. We get rolled - people die before my flash of light goes off. Match ends with getting camped in the cave. Never saw anything like this in vanilla.

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I’d actually sign on for 40 man premade AV’s for both sides at this point