So I just decided to unsub, how many other have unsubbed also?

23 days left on a sub that has never been broken since WoW went retail.

It feels…odd. Almost akin to quitting alcohol…but I failed at that so I will probably be back to WoW someday. HA!


I won’t be quitting as I run a raid team but there is a lot that’s annoying me lately. Chore ghast has turned into vertical islands for me. M+ loot change is wildly frustrating. Wanna play around with other covenants but nope cause reasons. PvP being the only reliable way to get gear is mega cringe. Idk Blizz spends so much time just getting in thier own way with their stupid design philosophies it’s a wonder they find the brain power to breathe with out a design philosophy…


Yes, because they get $20 for that sub now instead of $12-15.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great for players who would rather grind gold than pay cash, but let’s not ignore the elephant in the room. Blizz makes more money this way.


If they want to mitigate this apostasy maybe they should fix legacy content.

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That’s a double edged sword…they also haven’t raised the sub price in 16+ years either. Besides i would rather they have “$20” for a few mins of my time every day then to pay them actual money out of pocket.

Not emotional, but time. See wow is not like lol. It doesnt end in 45 minutes.

Most of us , SL is not the 1st expac. We have put effort into multiple characters. Dedicated time to gear and stuff. So when it becomes a CHORE and you can clearly see the reasoning for the failure. You voice your opinion whether that will heeded or not.


checks launcher

:hourglass: 3 Months. Blizzard will learn the hard way that a raid (pvp?) or die play style leads to death. :woman_shrugging: A game can’t survive without the casuals, just ask Carbine.


I always cancel my sub so that it doesn’t keep going if I want to stop, but today I made the decision to quit WoW due to how SL balancing is being handled.

Does that mean the decision could be reverted before 2 month elapse? It’s possible, but with how much I’d like to see changed and how reluctant Blizzard is to change things, I’d say there’s a 95% chance I’m done.

Outside blatant imbalances the game is fine. It’s fun doing M+ with people I know and I’ve really enjoyed the expansion’s premise, along with the Night Fae…it’s just not a monthly-sub worthy game anymore.

But that’s just me. I can see why others like the game, but it’s clear to me that skipping all of BfA happened for a reason. Had this character since vanilla, so will be sad to part ways, but hey…what else can you do when the developers appear complacent? That feeling helped me not buy BfA, and it will help me quit for good.

Again, it’s not guaranteed, but that’s assuming Blizzard continues as is…and they sure as hell aren’t changing anything for a few quitting posts.


Mine are all spread out across the country now, so the game was a great way to keep in touch. We’ll just have Discord now. But it’s better than nothing. :slightly_smiling_face:


My stance on the wow token is completely neutral. I pay my sub, but I pay in 6-month increments and the last couple years that has included getting some kind of in-game goodie (usually a mount, but more recently a transmog set) for free. If folks want to grind gold and pay that way, that’s great!

Was just pointing out that there’s no way it was done in the name of “player choice”. it was done for profit. There are players who feel they’re sticking it to Blizz by not paying cash but in reality they’re making more money for Blizz due to the token cost.


No 1 said any of this. This is very sad ASSUMPTION. Most if not all are saying that the game is fun in only certain aspects while not in many others. Those many other aspects is what we are pointing at.

For example : Legion raid scaling. This is a fun aspect that is not working in SL. No 1 is asking for Raiding or PVP to be made fun. Just other areas that used to things to do not possible anymore.

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It would help.

I have had a fun wow day, rare these days. I could have sworn a paladin did Wrath but…nope? I am seeing achievements so I guess I didn’t.

I saw wintergrasp was alliance controlled so I said oh…lets hit that raid. Couple of chars since of late horde owns the place alot and some of my horde did this and no mog finds. Last was the LFD paladin.

Who then hit ICC and tournament…gear aplenty for mogs. The dragon tower raids now off to see kel’thuzad.

This is what I do when I go I can’t just see ashran for the 20th time in a weekend. AV’d out and wintergrasp gave a no BS easy win on offence last night. So I know my luck for attack is burned up there. No BS horde folded at the 20 minute mark. We were shocked as hell seeing that.

De other side…can stay on the other side.

Legion fixed…its a whole new world there. I just did basic raid clears for balance of power. Lowest level needed. Minimal number of runs needed. 2 runs to get all the items…2 runs was all she wrote there.

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Mine are spread out and now I go on the TWITCH streams.

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It doesn’t have to be one or the other, it can be both.

For me personally i’m not sticking anything to Blizzard, the game throws gold at you in record amounts, you just have to know how to get it. It’s a time efficiency thing.

Same boat… prob cancel one this week

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I mainly played with friends in elementary school. I wish I had college friends who played cuz then at least I feel like I’d have a more solid group!

Are your friends from school?

I meant players in general, I didn’t pick up that vibe from you :slight_smile: Sorry if I gave that impression.

And you’re right, players with an abundance of gold do see a benefit regardless of the motivation for implementing it. Options are a good thing.

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Cancelled 2 weeks ago,but I had a 6 month sub. Runs out beginning of March. Wish I just did month to month. Will not be returning for rest of expac probably.


Mine are ones I met from tabletop gaming. Our group grew after Origins Game Fair one year and we met new people. Some are from when I played Starsiege and went to E3 to catch up with them.

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Guarantee it’s going to be gated behind a pathfinder. Although most of the pathfinder should be already completed if you play regularly, the main question is if they are going to pull another Mechagon/Nazjatar on us and make us grind the most abhorrent zones known to man.