So I just decided to unsub, how many other have unsubbed also?

If you ask GD, 85% of people here will say they have unsubbed. 50% of those are forming a class action lawsuit. 40% will be writing their congressmen / FTC / ACCC / etc. to hold Blizzard accountable for misrepresenting their game. 99% are top M+ / mythic raiders / gladiator PvPers and know absolutely everything and know for sure that everything Blizz does is wrong.

Of course, hardly any of those are telling the truth.


This is well said and exactly how I feel about the game


Probably not that many. I really don’t think most of the people posting unsub threads are doing anything more than trying to farm upvote clout.

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I love the game but hate everything about it! I’m unsubbing!


Maybe I should unsub, too…

I mean, Outlaw looks fun.

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I’m done January 30th.

Just so boring.


I love the same people coming in, being all edge-like to downplay how someone feels lol — but honestly… if you aren’t enjoying it, it’s a game, just say your peace and go find something you do enjoy.

I have 13 hrs left and even if bored I really have no reason to resub since I have constantly just checked ah and logged off 'cause I had no urge to do any of the meaningless stuff.

I wonder how Amazon’s LOTR mmo will be like :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m payed out until Feb 2022 with gold. So i will be around for at least a bit.

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If it wasn’t for this I woulda stopped 2/3 years ago (lol)


Haven’t payed a dime since tokens became a thing. Best move they ever made.


I hardly log in. Probably won’t re sub until they release a new zone.

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You still make gold? Current stuff is tough to level for me without lots of liquid gold and end-crafts are selling for :poop:

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Welcome to the liberated. You’re off the treadmill. What you do now, is completely up to you. I uninstalled the game. This expansion, well, not my cup of tea. Also, they have abandoned the casuals.

Stretches feet in the room


I await legion getting fixed. Several classes with several 2 per class at least many classes…this could motivate me to 60 and gear up more chars to do 2 runs per week for mythic goodies.

Some time killed here. More time needed…time I’d pay for 6 month blocks for.

If…they change this crap out. I am subbed till February so they have time.

As is now no real desire to 60 alts. Even a base 50 runs old wod and earlier decent. Saw 3 covenants. I get bits and pieces in Kyrian and venthyr fro necrolord story…so no burning rush to see this on the dk. The dk I don’t want to run pvp, then lfr to gear up either. Already doing this on 2/3 chars…that is enough.

Yea, sitting on 2.5 mill since the start of the expansion on one server and about 300k on another. Avg anywhere from 10k to 30k a day with tiny play time. Just gotta find the groove and put it on autopilot, easy gold.

Of course it’s incredibly easy with the Brutosaur too because the convenience is amazing.

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Nice… got the bruto and felt burnt out but didn’t realize how under-prepared I’d be with leveling some of it without gold set aside.

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If you got alts then just questing between 50 to 60 should proved you with 10-15k easily…for each alt. I understand the burnout part, it happens from time to time. That’s why i love the gold for time played, i can walk away with my bank and come back anytime and get more time easily.

I feel like this is bait…MAJOR bait.


Not sure how long I have left on mine exactly but once it’s up i’ll probably be done for a while.

I like a lot of the changes they made to the game overall and think SL brought some cool features. However, there’s a lot of things that have turned me off to the xpac or either wow as a whole. Many, if not all, are subjective issues that are purely just my personal take on things, but those are the things that usually end up mattering most when deciding if I’m having fun or not.

Number one issue is time. I just don’t have enough to really accomplish enough for me to enjoy the game. While this is mostly just a “me” problem, I do feel like the maw & torghast take a big chunk of time for what they are. I enjoy Torghast (not the maw though… it just frustrates me), but sometimes it ends up very much feeling like a massive chore.

Next biggest reason is that, personally, i’m enjoying the direction of the story, lore, and character development less and less as the xpacs go on. There’s lots that go into this feeling of dissatisfaction, but overall I just don’t enjoy the “tone” of the story anymore (in lack of a better way of putting it). Many parts come across as overdramatic where everything is overly dependent on cliffhangers and “grand reveals”.

The 3rd thing that I noticed had me feeling less interested in SL was that (in lack of a better way of putting it) the setting doesn’t feel like WoW to me. For pretty much this whole xpac I’ve felt this weird dissociation with the rest of the wow world. The settings and characters of Shadowlands come across as very unrelated to the rest of the game. I know that lorewise they’re are relevant but despite any of that when i play i feel like my character is very out of place. Personally I wish they had gone with more race or culture related afterlives instead of the all encompassing ones that just absorb/transform the deceased into something generic.

Another big one (and probably the most “objective” complaint) is that running old content now is quite a mess which, as a mount collector, is a fairly big hit.

There are other reasons but these are a few of the big ones and i’ve rambled enough already. Obviously these are just my own personal view of things and are mostly all subjective, but they are none the less important for me (at least in terms of WoW). I definitely don’t hate WoW and will keep tabs on things to see if there’s ever a reason or excuse for me to stay/return.

But sadly for now, wow just isn’t quite worth it for me.


I hear ya, I just can’t stomach that again even for the 10-20k. To do for 7 or 10 hours or who knows what. My servers have some wonky prices for a lot of current crafts so that makes me just peace out sometimes (lol).

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