So I came across a blue post and thought I would share it with you

You’re misusing this paraphrase. The customer is always right does not refer to individual customers, but the body of customers as a group. If there is something that customers have mentioned overwhelmingly that they want, then you should probably have it for them at an appropriate cost.

However, you are an individual customer and not the customer. Unless you work for Blizzard and have access to proprietary data that they keep in house, then you are not physically capable of representing anyone other than yourself (edit: and any dependents you may have.)

It’s fine that you have things you want to see in the game, but don’t dishonestly claim that the majority is on your side when it’s not physically possible for you to know that. It makes your argument look weak, and is likely to make anyone that matters overlook your post without considering the merit of what you’ve suggested.

I see what you are saying. But consider this.

I have directly called for many changes over the years. Back in BC, for example, I was outspoken against attunements.

Blizzard got rid of attunements. The did this not because of me, personally, but because the majority of their player base demand it.

I could list dozens of other things, large and small, that I have called for and have been implemented.

Yes, the customer is always right.

I just have an excellent understanding of what that is.

If skill wasn’t in video games people would not play them professionally nor would their be a market for professional players. If mythic raiding is hitting the attended amount of customers Blizzard wants whose to say that’s a problem? If Blizzard is aiming for mythic raids to be done by only 10% heroic done by 30% and normal done by 50% and lfr attended for all those who want to raid than everything is working as attended. Just because you want gear with ilvl in the range of mythic raiding doesn’t mean you deserve to have it just because you’e a paying customer.

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Both Enhance and Elemental bring one of the most complete sets of M+ utility possible for just one player: Interrupt, Hex, Purge, stun totem, slow totem, & Lust. Quantity is quality in this case.

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And yet people apparently aren’t particularly compelled by the length of the list when they can bring a rogue or demon hunter instead. Really makes you think whether quantity really is quality (especially if most of the list actually is rather easily replaceable, as the “unique” parts of the kit like tremor totem aren’t useful very often). :thinking:

I have gear in that range anyway.
So it is not about gear.

And esports are different from video games.
This is a video game not an esport with a cash prize.

Blizzard needs to follow my 50% rule to be successful.

The problem lies in limited slots and right now, rogue and DH bring stronger evasion and dps than enhance shaman. I would bring an elemental shaman in a ranged slot if I didn’t have the haste cooldown otherwise covered by a mage or shaman healer. But because group comp does matter, I’m looking at a per dungeon per key composition and will take what I think will contribute to success the most. A 1k II shaman at 375ilvl will beat out a 360 mage with 500 II any day. Just as I’d consider the 360 mage over the 380 ele shaman if the II scores were reversed.

It isn’t a vacuum and people that are explicitly ruling out certain classes are just being elitist or dumb.

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True but some specs have massive stigma’s to overcome… feral and shaman in general being just some of them. Mainly because of how class balance currently is and with M+ being very selective in what classes they want. Mainly because some buffs for example are considered mandatory, such as the 5% magic boost or physical boost.


You dont speak for me.

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I have a clutter of opinions about this…One of our issues is that Enhance got zero changes in 8.1. People look at that in itself and think “oh they are still trash.” Elemental and Enhance were really rough. I HATED questing as either…Literally questing in this expac has been the least enjoyable for me since Vanilla. It actually makes me grind my teeth when I think about how shamans got a lack of attention before release. (am I wrong? I’d love to hear otherwise.)
I did a +8 Manor the other night as Elemental. I followed mechanics, I used my totems to stun, and slow. I purged. I used EQ to knock enemies down. At the end after the final boss died, the affliction lock with us told me I did zero damage and to enjoy being mediocre, then he hearthed. I’ve gotten used to trolls and bad people in the game and it never really bothered me before. This expansion it’s different…How many times can you hear something and start to think its true?

If you are a player with aspirations to do the highest content, then having content that you’re struggling to complete might feel bad, or it might motivate you to watch strategy videos, work on your skills, and get some better gear.

If you are a player WITHOUT aspirations to do the highest content, you do normal/heroic dungeons and LFR, and don’t care about what others are doing.

So, in a sense, the Blue was right. It might sound elitist, but in fact it presumes that you’re either ambitious and willing to put the work in, or unambitious and don’t care what other players are doing.

I certainly believe that you’ve made suggestions that have been echoed across the boards and been implemented before, though as early as last expansion the sweeping changes to the Mage Tower to make them easier and more accessible that you demanded were not made whatsoever.

You could argue that you were still right and that that’s what the customer demanded regardless of a reality neither of us are capable of knowing with certainty, but I think that that conversation would just go in circles infinitely.

You’re not perfect, and you have demonstrably been wrong in the past. I think you are this time as well, because one of the points you use to hold up your 50% rule does not appear to have any basis in logic or in the history of this game.

I strongly disagree with your bottom line here, and Blizzard has over time both implemented and explained changes that directly contradict this bottom line.

When Blizzard implemented Flex raiding at the end of Mists of Pandaria, they noted that they observed 4 primary groups of raiders and that these raiders had differing levels of both skill and commitment. They also noted that 4 difficulties in a raid was perfunctory as that was the only way to keep all 4 groups satisfied, and that content on those other difficulties was not generally capable of fully satisfying other groups.

In short, according to Blizzard the customers of their game have differing skill levels and that without the varied difficulty levels that have existed in WoW since the end of MoP they would not be able to reasonably satisfy their existing customers.

There is no logical way to reconcile your 50% rule with that fact, and I see no way for your 50% rule to reasonably proceed until that’s no longer the case. There are other reasons I disagree, but this is getting long already so I’ll save those for another post <3

I know my experience is anecdotal, but I play with players from 3 of those 4 groups right now (all but those targeted by Normal mode) and that rule alone would drive 2 of those 4 groups (of my friends) away from the game immediately.

And thats the thing, one thing is viable and another is desirable which 60% of classes/specs arent.


This is literally an issue of getting good. No content takes specific classes, and if you are having to respec mid-m+ then absolutely you are failing the skill level requirement. The game is not made this way, people push much harder content without having to do that just to complete it.

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So maybe don’t leave classes completely broken from the beginning of an expansion for months on end, promise them a rework so people stick with it anyway, and then give them basic tuning fixes that could have been hotfixed in a week?


@OP, I think you are exaggerating things a little bit, I play Priest too (Disc and Holy) and both are perfectly capable of dealing with Grievous, Bursting, and any other affix.

Also, about you don’t need a specific comp for any of the dungeons you mention (Motherlode, Freehold, UR). I totally agree that some dungeons were extremely difficult on some affixes but most of those have been nerfed.

A lot of your complains also seem to be about other players mentality and approach to M+, but people being mediocre is not something you can change, not everyone wants to learn and improve (that’s just how life is)… There are a lot of players with better mentality that care about doing mechanics, talking strategy, an improving, they are just not usually running keys in the 8 to 10 range. Most of this type of players right now are at or above the 14-15 range.

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I do not claim to speak for you.

I do not claim to speak for every player.

All I am saying is that my suggestions and comments, for the most part, reflect the majority view.

And I give the following logical proof to support this statement: Literally dozens of my suggestions have been implemented by Blizz over the years. Dozens. This is not because they listen to me, personally. (They should.) This is because my suggestions reflect the feelings of millions of wow players.

This is likely because my time played is in the years. Yes, years. It gives me a good sense of what is right for this game.

The idea of having to work for the gear that you have goes hand in hand with skill. If the player does not possess the skill they cannot complete the content required to gain the higher end gear. EVERY game is attenuated this way, and they should be. We are running into more and more players that don’t know their class, but have the gear in content they have no business being in. They havent earned the right to do it, they were given it. That isnt how end game content works, in any game, at all.

But, what if you simply cannot get the gear due to how the game is? In every single run I have checked for M+ on Blizzards own leader boards, every single team has a higher average iLVL than what the content drops.

Look at the times they are being run in, roughly 20% are under time, the rest are over, some by quite a bit and this is the same for all realms I see, some realms for some dungeons are like a +6 onwards whilst some are +13 onwards, yet they all show teams who have a higher iLVL than what is being rewarded.

Unless we have access to all data from the leader board or a way we can download the raider io information, this is the best I can do. So why is it that there are that many runs and not one random one I can find that shows the team to be a lower iLVL than the dungeon rewards?

Myth+ is by the large the worst way to gear up. It is also currently a small niche in end game. Very few end game players do more than the 1 a week needed. The pattern you are seeing is the player base dedicated to myth+ because that is what they enjoy.