So I came across a blue post and thought I would share it with you

Spriest pumps on AoE. The problem is they get AoE or ST. Not both. Also they have zero utility barring very edge cases. Usually dont need a mass dispel outside of last boss in Seige (when a warlock also brings another dispel) and you dont need a purge when mages/DH also bring that AND more damage. Oh and SPriest doesnt have a real defensive cooldown.

There is a FoS for doing all the dungeons as a +15 in time, but meh imo. M+ is far more boring and obnoxious in BFA than it was in Legion. There’s such an excessive amount of trash and there’s way too much going on a lot of the time, it’s just not fun. Not to mention if you’re not one of the meta classes you’re going to have a hard time actually pushing keys.

So I take it you also don’t have a guild, no friends that play WoW, no network of in-game friends/community, commute 140 miles for work on swing shift, only play in the mornings because you’d rather spend the night with the person you love, and have other hobbies besides WoW?

Bull. Neither are stronger than Elemental right now in M+ for dps. Elemental won’t be prevalent in high end M+ for awhile yet since most players that were good at it left after years of being relatively meh, but Elemental is arguably the strongest dps in M+ right now assuming equal skill if you look at dps alone.

You’re starting to see one breaking into the top tier of M+ rn (Barokoshama runs with Jdotb & crew occasionally) but until more players return to the spec you won’t see it as often just yet.

I only speak for Elemental here because Enhancement isn’t considered for the spot traditionally filled by a mage or hunter in M+ and would instead be compared to DH/Rogue which brings its own problems.

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I agree that WOW should have hard content. It should have a range of difficulty to appease to the various types of players that WOW attracts. But that doesn’t necessarily mean put in content that’s impossible to accomplish. Goal setting is very important in this game and currently in BFA goal setting is not emphasized and it’s a shame. In fact there are catch up mechanics, Azerite Power for example, that make goal setting less attractive - why spend time now grinding content when the grind will be much easier a week or two from now?

Yeah, this is pretty much the takeaway I got.

If you are playing with people that can’t be bothered to stop DPSing for a second and do mechanics the issue is the detrimental gameplay and attitude towards the content, not the developers design philosophy.

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You’re posting this from a dk. Are we being trolled?


Personally I believe all classes and specs are viable for mythic+ to a point, of course some are more viable than others but thats the nature of the game and I dont have a problem with it. What I dont agree with is that the 8.1 tuning helped enhance. Broken down the tuning looked like this to me…
-5% overall buff
-nerf to a couple of key pve abilities almost negating the 5% buff
-buff to several undertuned pve abilities which for the most part hasnt affected their viability
-removal of a couple key pvp abilities resulting in huge pvp nerf
-last minute nerf to new azerite trait thunderaans fury which appears to have made it quite undertuned paired with the fact it no longer replaces lightning conduit making it currently available only on some of the new gear

This is just my opinion and i could be wrong so forgive me if Ive overlooked something but the result of the tuning to me seems to be a very slight pve buff, a huge pvp nerf and no major changes to talent or azerite trait choices. So to me it seems that 8.1 basically left us in the same position we were in in 8.0 as far as pve goes and in a worse position as far as pvp goes.

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It is not lowering the standards.

There is nothing wrong with having content that is hard to complete. I get that.

But after a month (approximately) if half of the player base isn’t there it is time to nerf it so that the majority (approximately) can actually do the content.

This is the point of my rule which is what the OP actually linked in his post. (From the old forums.)

My rule is correct and very logical.

I posted it only due to finding it linked to a post here, talking about current content. So someone who has the power to link posts just under OP, like what has happened to this post, is doing something wrong.

As for Shamans it could be nothing more than players not knowing how to play them, from the data I can gather there is bare minimal representation, other classes may just perform better or are easier to play.

And yes, this has a huge factor in why players turn nasty on each other. Since one class is better suited to something than another class making it easier for some you end up with players turning on each other.

You know, like breaking the rules to have 2 healers on the sisters boss in WM and than zoning out to swap back to DPS because one healer no matter what is not strong enough on Tyrannical week with a sub par tank class.

You guys need to go through all the data from all the servers and compare which weeks and dungeons are being done looking at the iLVL and class combinations.

Prove me wrong, go get the data that shows something like a Warrior/Paladin combo at 360 iLVL that has completed a +10 this tell us what % of completed runs there are. Without even seeing the data I’ll bet it is a very low number.

Just go through the M+ leader boards, you will find none if any in the top % that are at or lower than the iLVL that the place drops and even seeing the time the top 100 complete their runs in, even those lower than +10, there is more than half that don’t meet the time. This being a weekly occurrence from the random runs I look into.

Your rule is no where near logical due to the fact it completely ignores the fact a lot of people are just not bothered to do certain content regardless of difficulty level. They’re people who play the game who don’t raid or do dungeons simply because they don’t want to be in groups. Even if this a small percent of the player population say 1-5% it contributes to this 50% that will never participate regardless of nerfs.

Everyone has the opportunity to run mythic level content, the question is whether you want to put the time in to do it. If you think putting time and effort is being overturned why bother playing MMOs?

You seem to expect the game to be fair. The game is not fair, nor does it need to be. It favors Horde over Alliance, PVP over PVE, raiders and dungeon runners over crafters and gatherers. I have never had any expectation of being able to complete all the most difficult content. I don’t see why you do. I have never had any expectation that I could make money with my Inscriptionist or Jewelcrafter, at least not since Pandaria. This results in me playing the game the way I want to play it. Unfortunately for me, that involves being able to fly in all zones, so I have to do all those Pathfinder requirements. I like World quests, I like LFRs, I like fishing and gathering. I hate guild raiding, PVP, new dungeons, and level scaling. I like doing old content solo to get pets and mounts.

you need to send this gif to whoever runs forums and tell them to give you your old icon back.

it was iconic!

The 50% rule takes into account that some people do not do certain content.

Thus, if say 10% of the players just don’t want to do a raid for any reason, then it actually would be 60% of those who do the content that would need to have it completed in a month (approximately.)

Keep in mind, you only need to complete it once to count to the 50%.

So this would really be an excellent rule that would greatly improve the game.

It is not about fair.

It is about the customer being right.

We, the customers do demand that rules like the 50% rule be put into place.

Only issue I’ve ever found trying to pug a M+ 10 key is either the group requiring excessive entry requirements or the more common case: just not that many groups being listed (which I think is more of an Alliance issue).

One of the most fun things for me to do at Blizzcon was join random strangers in a line for the M+ challenge. I participated with four random people I never met on the show floor to complete a M+ dungeon with PCs provided at the show. Actually meeting people and sitting together to complete the challenge felt so much better than doing it all online only. It gave me a new perspective to pugging M+.

I personally don’t feel there’s any particular class or spec that cannot complete a M+ 10 on any given affix week, assuming they have appropriate ilvl and neck level.

Im a customer and I would quit if they put that bs in.

I am not a hardcore player at all. I am currently just shy of 380 an have a neck high enough to unlock everything from the new content when it gets released from normal. I didn’t clear mythic uldir, but I didn’t have to. Myth+ just isn’t worth the time/reward imo so I keep my happy butt
out of em. One of the major reasons I quit raiding heroic and mythic is because players that lacked the skill caught up with the ilvl requirements and were doing content they had no business doing. They did not spend the time required to learn the fights or even their class and they wasted 15-20 other peoples time. All your little rule will do is speed up when that happened after new content is released. No thanks.

How do you distinguish between players who can’t do the content and players who have zero interest to do the content? Also you keep saying we, when instead you should just you and possibly a handful of people. You have zero evidence that 50% of the people want to do the content but they simply lack the skill to do so.

I will say that one problem with the game right now is how EASY it is to get 370 ilvl loot, from emissaries, incursions, and warfronts. That’s not a problem with M+, that’s a problem with rewarding a warfront which is a scenario you can’t lose, be the same as a M+10. It’s asinine.

This is definitely the problem right now.
Pushing players through low effort content to be given m+10 gear for no real skill-based challenges is blatantly bad for the mythic dungeon scaling since that lets many players out gear low keys and then get into higher runs and fail to success… many of them barely know mechanics or can execute cleanly on avoiding them.
Been in plenty of groups for keys that has at least one player not paying attention to mechanics and obviously not aware of boss mechanics outside of blatantly obvious things.

Blizzard is at fault for this. The in-game system is anemic for announcing and tracking boss abilities so dbm becomes almost mandatory… and high ilvl gear has been thrown around like candy from a parade.

We wasted 150 ilvl to quest and level up and run normal/heroic dungeons before real content starts.
But those 150 ilvls becomes about 180 that is basically handed to the player for almost no effort until you hit 370 and getting that last 15-30 ilvl is hard as hell… why are we letting just anyone get 370? It’s not about status, we do content to get higher ilvl to do harder content… many of these folks don’t care about challenge, they just want shiny prizes for doing as little as possible…


This is a game and not one of skill. So “skill” should never be used for descriptions of wow content.

But to your question, you do not need to distinguish. Blizzard just needs to follow the internal metric of 50% of the player base has done any particular part of the content in a month. (approximately.)

It does not matter what the reason. Indeed, if tuned properly and rewarded properly you can bet they would easily beat the 50% mark.

Bottom Line: If the paying customers are not completing the content, it is a problem with the content not a lack of “skill” which does not exist in a video game.