So I’m leaving Proudmoore

I’m curious, how did you even find this thread to necro it?

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Area52 = Horde version of Stormrage. Legit good choice :+1:

Already been suggested. Area52. Its one of the best and most populated Horde servers in wow. No joke. The server is 98% Horde. Just like Stormrage is 98% Alliance. Most people that play Alliance on my server Play Horde on Area52 because its like our mirror server

This thread is almost a year old. I think he found a new server.


This is why I should be in bed not on the forums. It showed up on the main page under GD. I should have looked at the date. OOOF!

I know what you mean. I started to reply until I noticed a “21” out of the corner of my eye. lol

I need sleep too. G’night!

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As far as I know, your best bet is Wyrmrest Accord, Moon Guard, or Proudmoore in terms of finding a big LGBTQIA2S+ friendly community.

Although I reckon most big servers have at least some kind of community.

The Proudmoore Admiralty mourns this loss.

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It was a smart move… we don’t want another: Kael’thas, Arthas, etc etc…

You necro’d a 4 month dormant thread to comment that it had been previously necro’d?

The OP server transferred from Horde on Proudmoore to Horde on Moonguard? What was he thinking?


No, I replied to a post from somebody who necro’d the thread. You can clearly see that it was a reply to somebody else in my post.

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Yours was the post that necro’d it after 4 months with no responses.

I see. He deleted his post and you inherited the “4 months later” tag.

No it wasn’t, I replied to Artemm, as you can see, who then deleted his post apparently after realizing what he’d done.


Race change to alliance is the best way!

takes a deep breath “Goldshire… or Silvermoon’s Wayferer Inn I guess?”

He’s upset that there’s hardly any horde on Proudmoore. Moonguard is the same, hardly any horde.

It’s still there, it’s just not the glory it was back in MoP.

That… was a joke friendo… the idea being OP just likes Goldshire…

No the person they replied to did… and then that person deleted their post making it look like Brewa was the necro. But you can tell they weren’t if you know how this stupid forum operates.