So, Human and Orc Heritage armors are finally revealed

All the posters here complaining that the Human armor looks too reminiscent of Stormwind…

Where else were they going to pull from? Stormwind is the Human city.


I was 100% wrong about the orc armor. I predicted it would be red and spikey and instead it is purplish and spikey.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, that’s only 50% wrong.

Glad they’re doing these at all, but the human one just needs better scaling and texturing and it’ll be a really solid set.

Part of the issue is it looks abit too much like BfA warmode gear. They could have gone witj something like:

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What else could they have gotten? It’s their very home, of course humans are going to have armor based on their seat of power and the iconography of the Alliance. It’s not like they could’ve gotten armor based on any other human city or kingdom:

Lordaeron - Now largely aligned with the Horde
Dalaran - Neutral
Arathor - Defunct
Alterac - Defunct
Gilneas - Already part of the Alliance
Kul Tiras - Already part of the Alliance
Theramore - Smoldering crater

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It would be so much better if they made the sets look like “traditional dress” for the race. Why did they go the route of just making each look like a city guard?

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That’s like all that humans in wow have to offer, though.
Honestly humans shouldn’t even be a playable race. It’s so…milquetoast.


If they didn’t have any better ideas for human heritage armor than a set we already have, they should’ve worked on another race.

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I told you not to jinx it!

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at this point you learn to roll with the punches.

They went back further - right to the WarCraft II story cutscenes.

I think this is more meant to be a stylized Footman armor, which, well, it was the iconic Human unit throughout just about all of Warcraft’s history.

I’m not going to argue for its quality, but the lamentation of ‘it’s Stormwind-based!!’ is so completely off-base as to be laughable. The armor is absolutely going to be Stormwind-based, and it will also be primarily plate since that’s what the most recognizable unit was. What were players expecting?


Well, this is the point. Anyone who thought the Human/Orc Heritage sets weren’t going to be a throwback to the original RTS title were smoking some excellent stuff.


Not impressed with the human and orc armors. It’s like they didn’t even try. All the other heritage armors look fine. The existing transmogs that people have access to would make up a better set.

What people are irritated about is it’s just a redesign of the Stormwind Guard armor that’s been in the game since it’s inception.

Like I said, they seemed to be going more for a Barbarian look for Orc.

human set…

" By your command !"


A Grunt, absolutely.

These two sets are absolutely based on the most notable units of both sides in the RTS; the Footman and the Grunt.

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Hate the helmet but kind of like the rest. Probably would have kept the color scheme similar to what we have on the heritage set already.

Human heritage armor is something something about Varian and something something why his armor is honored/dedicated to him

This is one way you can tell us you didn’t play legion

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