So, Human and Orc Heritage armors are finally revealed

I think the problem is that this is literally the 4th or 5th Stormwind guard looking set we have.

It’s not original or creative. We already have several sets that look just like this.


The shoulders are about it. Heritage set shoulders have a bird’s head look lol. Color is similar to the Wod Stormwind armor set. Was hoping the human armor would be more like a farmers outfit lol. Overalls lol.

It’s already happening and the salty tears are sustaining me.

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I see a bit of wolf pelt on the shoulder there. I wonder if/hope there is some kind of wolf pelt on the back.

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Another sw guard set. Glad I don’t play humans lol. Orc set is ok if you’re playing warrior, I guess. Not a fan of the spiked-toe boots Blizz has been so fond of lately.

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Personally, all the human armor need is the L of lordearon somewhere, maybe the gloves? I mean it has the lion and grpyhon which is what it should have. And maybe make the pants more high rez or something?

False, the Belf one looks great on every body type 1s and 2s blood elves.

They’re not from lordaeron.


Honorbound set with just a little less honor :rofl:

Some of them are actually. Or did you forget the current leader of Stormwind is actually from Lordearon?

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I’m just happy they didn’t give up on the project

The human in that heritage armor must have the smallest feet in all of Azeroth…

So what if some people moved from lordaeron to stormwind? It’s still stormwind.


…that’s a skull.


The orc one looking pretty cute. I think they should let the night elves get the cute mog too.

Left shoulder. Hanging down from the pauldron.

That both these nations have a large cultural tie and have influenced each other? That the only reason Stormwind stands is because Lordearon was the one who helped them when they were at their lowest?

And the current human icon literally has the L of Lordearon:

Human (


Pretty close to perfect.


True. That always seemed weird to me if I’m honest. I guess it might still turn up on part of the armor not visible in that image.

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Ehh to be honest I’d rather just mog my human into the 7th legion elite set than that heritage armor, the 7th legion sets just look way cooler.