So hows parse culture working out?

So they’re more powerful than you?

I really don’t understand how “parsers” affect most people? They didn’t destroy anything with the game, its lack of content that did. Can literally join a guild if you’re concerned with not dealing with sweaty parsers

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ah so the countless posts of DPS charts that are completely overinflated by parsers has no ill effect on the game

the players who aren’t good at this game will go to any lengths to scapegoat the fact their game has reduced player base as something to do with people who press 2 buttons better than they do

there are a lot of communities on classic wow

one was the premade community, oops all gone
one was the gdkp community, oops all gone
i guess the parsers are the next target on your way to a utopian game?

oh wait every change is driving the game into the ground while you point fingers at random people on warcraft logs :rofl:

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Just sayin. The outside world will judge by a dumb number and color. It’s way different than just within guild vs something viewable to everyone. It’s a totally different vibe.

Lol, if you were raiding in 2005, you’d know how hard it was to find replacements. PuGs didn’t exist unless you were doing MC at the last patch or something and even then, they were more small guild coalitions. So you don’t just randomly “kick” someone and find someone else.

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Not touching the reason why SoD P3 is dead right now, but regarding “parsing”, one thing to consider is how many PuGs do look at logs. And that’s totally fine. But fact is, you’re shunning potential players for content that easily puggable. And if it not easily puggable, I’d argue that it is in blizzard’s best interest to make it so.

And this is coming from a person who is pro pre-nerf ST btw.

Parsing excludes people, and depending on the game you want that’s either good or bad.

a common complaint on here is that its not easily puggable, too long, too hard, no one wants to go, 20 mans too hard to organize etc etc, sounds like its the right decision to exclude people who aren’t even trying


Maybe, it depends on the direction Blizzards wants to go. I enjoy sod for the sole reason that it’s “newish”. MC next phase could be ice themed. Which would be an awesome troll. If they want to make it harder fine. Easier? fine.

I’d just argue that the people quitting due to it be “too easy” is less than those that are quitting due to it being too inaccessible.

my raid lead spent 5 hours a week recruiting and pugging people for our 20 mans he quit 3 weeks into p3, people are trying, 20 mans are just logistically not good for a seasonal server that started with 10 mans and then gave us 2 weeks notice that they would be swapping to 20 mans. 10 mans were easy to pug and allowed more time for alts. you could have a group ready for gnomer or bfd in 10 min or less the few times i tried pugging ST it took over an hour. the barrier to entry got higher and people quit because it really is season of dads and they dont want to waste their game time.

yea it was a very bad idea to give dads the impression the game was for them and it would be 10 man pinatas the entire time, they cultivated an entire audience of gamer dads then rug pulled them

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yea why would more players playing the game be good…what a brainless take.

yeah more players are playing catering to you, right? oh

did you read that before you posted it? oh probably not judging by your toon name. more players playing makes game feel alive pretty simple concept. or do you like seeing the 30% drop in player numbers each week?

more players makes the game feel alive, ok…? but your recipe for more players is to make the game even easier and boring because you are barely functional

that is what they have been doing and it has not worked

you are in the camp of “guy they are catering to” but also “too stupid to realise hes been catered to”, the most dangerous kind of wow player

Now somehow its parser’s fault :rofl:

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??? no i said 10 mans need to come back because they are easier to organize…i know reading is hard.

“i didn’t say easier, i just said easier”


is not the same as organizing a raid. you really are struggling with this one arnt you?

yeah you definitely weren’t talking about making the raid easier

now lets look at the sentence before that one you quoted. i know your struggling with your reading here but at least try man.

the barrier to entry is combining 2 raid groups, is that what ur saying?

instead of the 2 raid groups just joining together, they all just quit the game? yea that makes a lot of sense, its nothing to do with a longer harder raid…right