So how good warlock is in tbc pvp?

After Second Wind was nerfed, Warriors were never Rank 1 if I recall.


  • RDruid/War - The second that you feel like you’re matching well against Locks, you see the odd Lock/Paladin and you just give up immediately.
    And even when you feel like you’re really getting the hang of it, you still lose constantly to RDruid/Rogue and probably RDruid/Hunter as well.
  • RSham/War - You start getting matched up against double deeps and you cry because you have basically no chance of winning.
  • HPal/War - Goodish against double deeps, generally loses to mostly everything in the top tier.


  • Double Healer/War - Beats everything except similar comps with Hunter or Rogue instead (and Lock?) and still loses occasionally to Triple Deeps.


  • Maybe Triple Healer + UALock + Arms Warrior can do something here.

The bottom line is, Warriors are great, but they aren’t God Tier.

Yes Druid as healer or disc priest. Those 2 healers do well in 2s.

Basically war+healer, rogue+healer, until soul link nerf warlock+healer.

In 2s nothing else comes close.

I d on’t disagree I am attacking the logic of saying warriors and rogues are the only good classes if u look at what I replied to

Pop a lip, Ill use resto pot. =)

Yes, but I wasn’t disagreeing with you either. I was merely adding to the discussion and thinking out loud.

But soulink is the best spec for duels, but not for raids, if u have enough gold to respec everytime u go to raids, send to my mail and i will be glad to agree with everything u say.

I mean if you aren’t respecing to pvp spec an get clapped in pvp that’s your own fault tho. You can’t say that warlocks are weak in 1v1s in vanilla cuz you lost in a pve spec.

Druid countered Rogues pretty hard if I remember correctly

Locks were ridiculously overpowered in early TBC, but I doubt Blizzard will be releasing early versions. They’ll most likely handle the game version as they did in Classic…

I’ve played a lock since Vanilla, this class has many mechanical faces like a rubik’s cube.

I’ve enjoyed TBC, Cata, Legion
If I could pick a permanent place for my lock, it would be TBC… but been debating if I’ll move forward after TBC era with my lock as I did with expansions in the past on retail

SL/SL specc is broken but boring to play.

What’s your overall opinion of warlocks in tbc pvp?

How do the non SL SL specs do?

If you’re fighting Undead Rogues/Warriors, especially some sort of mace stun, you can easily get reamed before you can do anything. SL/SL doesn’t matter if you die inside of stuns with no counterplay available (you trinket one stun and get stunned again, and Cheap Shot/Kidney Shot are different DRs so you eat a full duration stun).

That’s for arenas anyway. For BGs, you do really well multi-DoTing stuff. It’s harder to kill an SL/SL Warlock in BGs because you can keep siphon life up on a bunch of stuff that isn’t necessarily aware of you in order to tank through stuff.

This is a common misconception that I see among classic Alliance players. Many are hopeful for TBC because they heard that warlocks and hunters are really strong, however what they fail to realize is that these classes are widely stronger on Horde side and not alliance. For PvE Orc racial drastically increases both warlock and hunter dps when paired with drums and other cooldowns. The same is true for pvp. Any class on Alliance that relies on fears as their primary CC is useless against Horde which are practically all immune to it. Warriors can berserker rage out, rogues, priests, and mages are typically UD, and shamans can put down totems that cleanse fears. The only class you can actually fear are hunters…unless they are BM which are immune to all CC. Most people who rolled horde realized this a long time ago and made the right choice this time around.

i still can beat rogues, with LIP, coil and dots,

LIPs don’t function the same in TBC so that isn’t a viable option.

but shadow priests, honestly, dude just cast 2 dots and can leave,

Maybe with resilience. On my almost full bis lock I just put curse of shadows on them, send my felhunter at them and pump shadow bolts at them until they die. If my shadowbolt and shadowburn crit I can two shot a spriest without their shield.

Usually this is what i do.

Weird thread.

SL SL warlocks are S tier pvp and arguably the best pvp class, with rogues, druids, and Disc Priests comprising the top tier.

Half of this thread is way off base. The class is super intricate, requiring a ton of pet management and good utility management.

Warlock has the best sustained dmg in pvp, is as tanky as a warrior, has a ton of CC with fear, banish, deathcoil, has a ton of health regen, and utility out the wazoo with drain mana, life tap, Silence, offensive AND defensive dispels, Curses (exhaustion, Tongues).

They’re the absolute kings of distance fights and longevity, and are rarely targeted due to their unreal survivability.

Warlocks only drawback is lack of mobility, lack of burst (Nightfall/Shadow bolt is really it).

Warlocks struggle with rogues, but should be beating warriors in a tough fight - but other than that warlocks mostly wreck other classes.

lmao… this guy is a true pvper. He has no clue.