So how good warlock is in tbc pvp?

“Nerf warlocks” was a constant forum shout in early TBC.


Yikes at some of the misinformation in this thread…

Warlocks aren’t unbeatable in TBC and will struggle against strong War and Rogues, but at worst, Locks are the third best DPS in tbc pvp, and arguably ahead of warriors for #2.

The only problem with TBC warlock is that SL/SL is an absolutely brain damage spec that just runs around livelording.

Luckily, if you wish NOT to be SL/SL, there’s Felguard in the first season (it gets worse every season via scaling), and UA warlock has a very specific comp in all seasons with Shadowpriest/Resto Shaman that is damn fun to play, and damn frighting to play against because their collective damage output.

Pserver arena tournament even had a snowflake Destro lock doing well, but I wouldn’t bet on many people being capable of playing that at decent ratings (and it was basically never a thing in og tbc)

The overwhelming majority of locks you find having success in arenas will be SL/SL however, and likely running with War/Druid, or Rogue/(Druid or Shaman)…

In TBC bgs, I’d say UA is actually probably king. You won’t be able to rely on being healed like arenas in order to carry your mana pool, and the dispell protection is incredibly strong. Dot-Kiting tends to be incredibly safe for bgs, where you have more space to work with as well. Destro builds don’t really have the same teeth they do now


I hit glad s1 as sl/sl with resto druid. Locks are insane in 2’s until rogues stack ArP. I am not a great PVP player by any means but anybody saying locks weren’t good in PVP must be thinking after ArP gear was available. DoTs weren’t affected by resi. They couldn’t crit. SL/SL was busted and stupidly easy to play.

Locks worked all the way to 5s but really shone in 2’s. Destro was a lot of fun in BGs. People didn’t really know what shadowfury was and you could line up a pretty sick burst train in BGs and the aoe stun was great for node pushes particularly in EotS. SL/SL and UA worked well in BGs as well but not, in my experience, to the same level that deep destruction did. Destro was a 2 school (talent supported) nuke caster which negated lockouts. You could keep distance with fear provided a rogue didn’t open on you and you had heals or a helpful peel particularly in BGs and 5s.

3s were by far the worst bracket for locks compared to RMP.

Horde locks have it a lot better because they don’t have to deal with WotF. UD warriors are death to warlocks and ud rogues are too.

S tier: Druid
A+ tier: Warrior / Warlock / Rogue
A tier: Priest / Mage
B tier: Hunter / Shaman / Paladin

that was in early tbc when everyone did sl/sl for pvp. it got nerfed hard from 30% to 15%.

i didn’t like that spec, it was retarded to play it. i liked going full spec 41 points of whatever. But those specs sucked at pvp, all of them. and once they nerfed sl/sl, it totally killed my demonology spec which i did like to play, because I liked demons.

Druid is an S tier healer but not an S tier damager dealer.

Warlocks were good in pvp and top meters throughout the entirety of TBC.

not really, and i played one. pvp was terrible.

I hope we get the later patch where sl/sl is nerfed so we don’t have to deal with fotm stuff. It would be prudent to give us the full balance patch but keep the raid content hard.

Maybe you werent geared or you suck? You saying you played one doesnt tell anyone anything.

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I was good and geared in seasonal pvp gear. Once there’s melee on you, nothing you can do.

I refused to play SL/SL.

What happens to melee when a warlock catches them at range? They die. I would hope a warlock would be hampered by melee on them.

Also, if you didnt play SL/SL you didnt play with the most powerful 1v1 pvp spec. Its like a warrior complaining because he didnt go Arms.

U are horde, so u dont have to say anything, try to be a alliance warlock when your entire enemy have a racial that makes him immune to 5 sec of your main ccs, just shut up. Most priests, rogues, locks and mages are undeads. Warriors are impossible to fear, we have hunters and druids only.

My main is alliance actually. If you are talking about in group pvp I can see that wotf must be a pain as it effects warriors a lot too. But 1v1 there is no way u can complain even as an alliance lock lol.

are you joking?
Warlocks are top tier in pvp right up there with druids, you’re nearly as tanky as a full prot spec warrior while also spouting out damage with some okish cc spells

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It was stupid spec that got nerfed, and unfortunately nerfed 41 pt demo spec. They could have made it so that demo isn’t nerfed, but they didn’t care.

You don’t catch melee at range, plus they can reset it. You have no catch up as warlock.

That’s a spec/personal issue. SL/SL is a very strong spec that performs exceedingly well in PvP. You not wanting to play that spec doesn’t mean that the class in general gets trained by everyone.

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It’s a retarded spec. All the cool new toys are 41 points, and you can’t use any of them.

Insect swarm / dreamstate spec has entered the chat


Only in 2’s.

As much hate as restoration druids got, they weren’t overpowered except in 2’s.

In 3’s they were middle of the pack, in 5’s they were dead last among healers, they weren’t considered overpowered in battlegrounds, and solo weren’t really threats as their DPS was beyond weak.

It was basically a fight where you weren’t killing them but they also weren’t killing you unless you tunnel-visioned them.

Priests actually beat Restoration Druids everywhere but 2’s Arena and even did well in 2’s. They were the true S-Tier healers.