So how exactly is GDKP banned?

Poe2 gonna be poggers.

Might not be back.

Their bosses have more mechanics than all of era.

Lightning sorc go brrrrrrrrrrrrr

You keep parroting this but your only example is 1 time where the organizers lied to you and didn’t let you roll, that’s not a SR MS>OS issue, that’s an issue with dishonest players and liars.

Which can be solved by joining a guild, but you said you can’t do that, but you also want to play with really good players, but you don’t want to have to min/max and want to try different things and can’t commit to a schedule.

You’ve got so many contradictions in everything you’ve been saying.

This sounds kinda entitled.

No? I can join a guild and raid with them if I want to? lmao


Drinknblink! My favorite truck drivin’ pro-GDKP shill!

I hope you have fun there.

You’ll be back, though.

Give it three weeks, maybe 2 months, max.


Quote the rest of the post and read it to understand why it’s entitled to believe you deserve to outbid someone with bought gold or gold from your main, instead of rolling fairly, when you’ve both contributed to the raid.

This is the most cliquish thing in the game.

And if they don’t have as many alt raids you as would like to play in, do you leave them and find a more cliquish group to fit your desires?

Seriously, the whole argument for “join a smaller group of players for matchmaking in an MMO” is straight up dumb.

The PuG scene should thrive. It’s the largest “guild” there is.

That isn’t terribly hard to do, tho mechanical technical difficulty only matters to me in single player games who dont have ladders.

This might just be the saddest thing I’ve read. Brother you just gotta be cool if you want people to let you into their guilds.

Guilds bring structure and community to the MMO dog.

I’m telling you point blank there is a massive pug scene. I’m actively pugging when there isn’t enough guild raids.

You aren’t reading.

How do I go about this on an alt?

Do you think that all guilds are cool letting alts onto their main teams?

I am reading though I’m questioning if you are. It seems like you’re skimming and taking the knee jerk reaction to it.

I join most if not all my alts to 1 guild raid on the main team with my main and if there isn’t any other raids going I pug with the massive amount of pug raids that are running.

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You’re missing the opportunity that exists with GDKP, the “main” who got outbid by the “alt” has a payout at the end of the raid and then can afford to bid next go vs fewer players who need, even possibly getting the same loot for less.

Old school DKP works exactly the same way in respect to bidding, with the only difference being the GDKP is fully transferable from any of your characters into any GDKP raid giving you the player the opportunity to play when and where and on whatever character you select to raid on.

The entire point of GDKP for me is alts. That’s how it is for the vast majority of GDKP players.

And again, if your guild doesn’t have as many alt groups as you have alts you want to raid on for a given week, do you just gquit and find a guild that does? Do you go back to your old group when a new phase hits or your free time on those alts is cut down?

I’ve been a RL, GM, Officer, tank, healer, dps, casual, sweaty, you name it. Being able to play the game without weeks commitments is one of it’s biggest areas of opportunity for residual play.

Dude what lmfao

I raid with my guild and then find pugs for alts. You aren’t reading.


How well do those pugs work out for you? Do you think most people have a good time in pugs?

The fact that it is transferrable is exactly the issue.

That’s why it’s so easy to cheat via RMT with GDKP’s because it’s so transferrable.

If they added some kind of PUG token system that was BOP and completely untradeable between any characters that’d be a much better solution.

It’d still have issues for sure, but it’d be a hell of a lot better than gold.

But what are they cheating you out of? If you’re in the raid group don’t you get some of that gold at the end?

If you’re not in the raid group, don’t you get some of it by selling higher priced consumes on the AH?

I actually have most if not all my pug experiences have been pleasant ones.

And is this only in SoD?

Do you think this will happen in Classic Classic era? When loot is half as plentiful for double the raiders?

Era and Sod