So how exactly is GDKP banned?

Did you PuG harder era content like AQ40 or Naxx?

Yup, it was only 1 alt back then cause yknow classic era but I’d still pug plenty if I couldn’t hit the guild raids due to the work.

Who did you pug Naxx with, just curious as I didn’t see many groups without strict HRs at the minimum? It’s not like a lot of groups cleared it either, even in 2019.

They seem to be just making the combat less zerg and more mechanical at least for bosses.

I think poe2 has already sold 100m copies lmao.


In 2019? I hardly remember the names now, they were pugs I didn’t stick around to remember their guild names.

Slower game play then?

Why would this be good?

That’s a sign of someone lying. They probably didn’t log it either, right?

What if it was only BoA?

Brother you are just a paranoid mess aren’t ya lol


You’re lying and that’s not nice.

Its flat murdering diablo… kek!

It looked that way tbh.

But maybe that was because low damage because of early builds.

I mean the game looks Pog.

I didn’t know it launched tomorrow either…kinda sucks.

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Yea Diablo 4 deadge

I think you’ll be okay, time you find your bottle and head to bed.

I think players are getting older and the high CPM/APM isn’t nearly as attractive to this audience.

See that is what I am thinking. It allows the player GDKP like agency without the gold everyone gets upset over.

They also talked about mobs having res like d2

So IDK how much that will play into it.

All I know is I’m going lightning sorc

The responses from these select few people are totally unhinged.

Just completely ignoring any and all discussion and being intentionally ignorant and obtuse.

They just want GDKP’s no matter what cost, and refuse to acknowledge any actual discussion.

Almost like they have an ulterior motive for doing so… But no they’d never say that :joy:

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You’ve never once told me what happens in a GDKP thats actually illegal or what someone actually cheated you out of.

You just have alot of feelings from what I can tell. You feel like they’re cheating, so that’s your reality.