So how exactly is GDKP banned?

Unless the player base is SIGNIFICANTLY different, there is (or was) RMT on era too. RMT is driven by economics, not sentiment.

Now that everyone has everything they want, I imagine demand is significantly depressed and gdkp probably doesn’t move the needle much. But again, economics.

I was thinking to raid TBC again but my guild chose retail over fresh after blizzard mishandled the servers and added sharding. I truly enjoy pre-nerf TBC raids, but the low quality players found on fresh who ratethem self a gigachad are rather pathetic and not even fun tonplay with.

I have just recently got into GDKP on era after being burned in SR one to many times by sketch loot rules disclosed AFTER the boss was killed barring me from a chance at the items I need.

A friend told me to use their GDKP so I did out of a desire to actually get the drop I wanted to finish one of my characters who was missing a single item… I did the run, it was pleasant and only cost me 1500 gold for the item and I walked away only down 700 gold because of the payout at the end.

It was so good a run that it felt like a reasonably seasoned dad guild run, I rate 9/10 on efficiently playing the game.

After that I have done a couple more to get items for other characters, and make some gold on top, its actually been a positive experience for me and ill NEVER do SR runs ever again, they’re easily the worst loot system ever.

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I saw you post this before, personally my experience is the exact opposite.

I’ve never had any issue with SR MS>OS runs.

Your issue was people lied to you about the loot rules not any problem with SR runs.

The issue with these systems is untrustworthy players, the thing is GDKP’s are so much worse in terms of allowing cheating via RMT, versus just rolling which can’t be cheated unless the organizers literally lie to you, and that’s not a SR MS>OS issue.

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It sucks to play for hours and get nothing from it. End of story. Cherry on top when no fun is had either.

Look at retail with it’s currencies, reps, tokens, etc. Are those all really better then GDKP?

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The present population of Era on whitemane, and thank you for an honest and logic based response; the community of WMC is more comparable to OG vanilla in respect to what the players expect, the classes accepted in dungeons, the lack of care in regard to Raid logs, no raid logs was kinda culture shock for me in 2021, but really I dont actually miss it anymore since no one logs.

I have had several very irritating SR runs where I was effectively lied to by the guilds that ran them who in effect needed raiders but could not keep a raid team now that I see how they operate.

There is ONE honest SR group on Era, the rest are basically bad guilds who rob pugs, and this is why for the last year I haven’t raided on my rogue since my guild left Era. I tried some SR’s, one Good one, the rest were corrupt, and this last month I wanted to finish up my Rogue south of Naxx (for now) and was encouraged to GDKP, it went very well and it was fair and I wasn’t treated badly, mislead or cheated.

Easily the best PUG I have ever been with. It was so good I have joined them a few times since; I will never SR again, SR’s are 95% corrupt and generally a bad group too.

I prefer to raid in a guild and parse / speed clear, but its very rare on Era now and the clowns on fresh are mostly posers who disgust me with their terrible attitudes and lack of respect for other players.

I mean, they don’t increase demand for RMT. So yeah?

15 different currencies blows but having at least one slowly accumulating currency for SOME progression in gearing makes the game more fun. Isn’t that what you gdkp’ers say? “No reason to raid if you’re not getting anything out of it.”


Basically retail is just the same, players RMT get carried for EVERYTHING… R1 players even sell glad titles, that use to bother me because Glad is challenging when you’re not R1 skill level.

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They in turn decrease residual value for playing the game.

I’m gonna give you some honest advice.

If you really would prefer to raid in a guild and parse and speed clear, but for some reason you’re unable to find a guild, and you believe it’s because everyone else are clowns and posers who disgust you with their terrible attitudes and lack of respect for other players as you say.

Maybe, just maybe, a little introspection and acting more respectful towards other players in game would allow you to find a guild that would take you.

It might not be that everyone in the world is just against you and that’s why you’re having so much trouble.

I don’t think GDKP’s are actually the solution to the problem you’ve been having.

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What about people who don’t want to commit to one group?

I think alot of the anti GDKP crowd is RLs having a tough time against the roster boss.

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Then you join PUG’s and roll against other players who also don’t want to be committed to a group.

I’ve heard people also try to say that GDKP’s “keep the same group of people every week” and that’s a benefit to them, which is directly contradictory to what you’re saying.

Have you done this? Do you understand the quality difference between certain pugs?

Yes, I already said this above, and in another thread as well.

I’ve never had any issue with SR MS>OS runs.

I’ve Never had an issue SR’ing anything, MS > OS, literally never had a problem and most of the time later in phases most people reserved only the most sought after items like weapons from the last boss.

Most of the other items you got for free for MS and most people didn’t even roll on them.

Do you think this is everyones experience?

How many MS>OS Naxx runs do you think there will be? Will there be any HRs preventing me from even a chance at rolling for some loot? How are those players able to HR items, did they RMT for it?

Should all raids just be personal loot to prevent this potential RMT for HRs?

I think the issues he mentioned about being lied to about loot rules are definitely an outlier and much rarer than having SR MS>OS runs without any issues.

Just giving my personal experience.

I’ve also done GDKP’s and seen first hand people who bought gold, joined as fresh 60’s and were allowed to sit AFK while we cleared because they were “buyers”
And I’ve seen in GDKP’s people going out of their way to bid people up for items they had no intention of buying.
I’ve seen extremely scummy organizers taking larger cuts, having high minimum bids to inflate their payouts, and all kinds of horrible interactions in GDKP’s.

For me personally, yes, SR MS>OS runs have by far been better experiences especially in terms of having fun in the game and the social aspects of running thru a PUG raid.

Again, if you want to raid Naxx and get the best gear possible, the whole thing is you join a guild and that’s how you get there. That’s how the game was designed.

Everyone isn’t entitled to being full BIS just because they want to or because they can afford to buy gold.

I’ve seen people boost from 1-60, then go to the AH and buyout the prebis gear they need to raid, consumables and enchants for their preparation, then go to a SR group.

Why is that still allowed?

I think you’re spinning dude. Look at SoD right now.

Healthy raiding scene with 1 HR 1 SR MS>OS being the norm usually the RL reserves the singular item they need and when I do it I roll on nothing else except as an 99 to let people get at it for their own builds since I’ve taken something off the loot table for everyone else.


SoD is dead. Are you kidding me?

I want the gold buyers to be banned 100%, but what you described is still a hell of a lot better than them buying more gold, going directly to AFK in Naxx and buy a Gressil over someone who’s been farming every raid weekly for months.

But how does someone buying Gressil affect you more then the player I mentioned getting ready for an SR raid?