How does that affect people outside of a GDKP negatively? Isn’t that just putting more of their gold into the market instead of one players pockets?
Those harmful things still all exist in the game. I am against those and don’t want ignorance to cloud my judgement. I am trying to find the real issue in the game and GDKPs don’t seem to be it.
Unless you can tell me what harmful thing is now removed from the game along with GDKPs?
I can still effectively RMT or bot the same.
People can no longer purchase items in raids with RMT bought gold.
That is a major extremely harmful thing that has been removed.
You literally just circled back to “hOw DoEs iT aFfEcT yOu???”
Which again, has already been answered.
It’s just pathetic to see people so intentionally ignorant and arguing in bad faith constantly like you are.
“hOw DoEs iT aFfEcT yOu???”
^ Anyone who uses this argument is straight up an Basshat arguing in bad faith.
It seems a large portion of the current WoW playerbase thinks it is 100% OK to cheat in a multiplayer game.
To them, if they swipe their credit card to cheat in the game and get all the best gear, they think that’s totally fine and not something anyone should be upset about.
They’ll tell you just worry about yourself, don’t worry about how they’re cheating, and they don’t even see paying real money for gold, and then buying items with that RMT gold, they don’t think that’s cheating or wrong at all in their minds.
There’s not much you can do to convince people who just think it’s OK to cheat and pay real money for advantages in an MMORPG.
They just want to pay for the status to make themselves feel better than other players, without actually having to play the game to attain the gear or the accomplishments.
You just keep spamming the same thing that says nothing about the topic.
If everyone is RMTing to play in a GDKP who gets the gold during the GDKP? Or do those players just sell it because there’s no way anyone can be a good faith player in your scenario?
It’s dumb to think removing GDKP is good for the game.
I answered every single one of your questions, and you just keep repeating the same questions, which I also addressed.
Ask the same question, get the same answer.
All of your questions have been answered numerous times in numerous threads including this one.
I view people continuously asking the same question that’s already been answered as simply refusing to admit that GDKP’s directly facilitate pay to win in WoW, and were very harmful to the game in multiple ways.
You’ve never answered my question about what happens in a GDKP that is illegal.
Read up, It’s already been answered multiple times.
Or just keep asking the same thing, it’s still the same answer.
It really looks like you aren’t here for an honest discussion or to seek enlightenment.
GDKPs = bad for game, promotes gold selling, giving dishonest people a paycheck for dishonest work.
No GDKPs = Good for game, promotes MS>OS raids, geared 60s are less likely to participate but you eliminate swipers from bringing a big fat wallet to buy their way to the top and put the gold sellers kids through school.
What an enlightened thought…
Now that GDKP is banned on Fresh the China gold farmers and sellers are now selling the coiners “Ticket Raids” its just direct RMT.
This has been a thing for a real long time on Retail, and really the only reason its not on Era (yet they try) is because GDKP blocks their status.
Classic Era servers where GDKP is used (I have done 4 GDKP raids now and they are really good) we do not have a gold bot problem and the likely % of players who buy gold per the population on era is very low.
The reason is likely because gold buyers simply cannot afford enough gold to gear on Era so they cry. Gold sellers also likely hate it because no one needs their products.
I’m sorry I thought I’d bring it down for you to more simple terms since more lengthy explanations went over your head.
He’s just trolling and intentionally avoiding the answers to his questions because he can pretend he has a point.
Again, it’s pathetic and is repeated in numerous threads.
I thought I’d try to discuss it, but clearly that can’t happen if people aren’t willing to read and actually be honest.
I bet Classic Classic is dead before BWL. There is no residual value in playing it right now.
Anyone halfway excited for it is excited for TBC and will just sit dormant until then.
I haven’t trolled once. I know that RMT happens and that GDKP is an incentive to RMT, but news flash.
Playing the game with trade incentives RMT. You don’t think any RMT happens during Scarab lord or race to server first?
You are welcome to your own opinion, just have it over in the corner please.
Soon as AQ40 opens RIP.
ALWAYS happens every single time (excluding Era)
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It won’t make it to that even. People will already see BWL as that stepping stone and think onwards to Kara.
Maybe people who only play for GDKP’s will quit, but everyone else will have a great time without them.
It’s not an issue at all.
There will be dozens of you!
They dont use gargul usage to track it. They use raw gold data. Such as how did jimmy just get 10k gold. Lets track him. Sees a raid lockout then used and he now has 25k gold. Gargul being used to track is a myth. Its a loot roll addon with multi uses, makes loot managment easier, in gdkp and normal ms os.