So how exactly is GDKP banned?

Because you’re confused on the issue.

You think it’s GDKPs.

Yet all of your examples are involving Bots and the Auction House/Trade. Guess what will still exist in these Classic Classic realms?

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I got news for you dude. There is a large population of people that refuse to farm for gold and no matter what… They will buy it. Whether it be for mounts, consumables, or anything else that can be bought with gold.

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to both of you, i dont think you understand fundamentally how supply and demand work, im done wasting my time with you

if there is more demand for gold buying because of GDKPs more bots will show up, just how it works

take ONE economics class, educate yourself

any who, so glad GDKPs are banned :smiley:

have a great day yall


How are you not sure the supply didn’t go up for bots and gold farming since players can’t make gold from GDKPs?

If the most lucrative way to make gold is removed from the game, doesn’t that make the market for the other?

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They don’t hold back on botting. You sound way less intelligent than you did before, and thats disappointing. There will be the same amount of bots whether there is GDKP or not. There is always demand for gold to be bought. GDKP doesn’t mean more bots. All of their bots are farming. If they have the bots, they are being used. This makes no sense.

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Tell me to educate myself all you want but anyone reading this thread can see the difference in each others arguments.

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Pretending to be experienced with economics and then posting the laughable things that you posted makes you seem even more unintelligent. It’s honestly really disheartening.

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This isn’t about having bots is it? My guess is they’ll determine if this is an efficient use of their hardware. Decreasing the amount of machines you have running WoW to instead do something else with them is probably. There’s a real fancy thing they teach only to post-grads called opportunity cost i think.

There are also less sophisticated botters who purchase botting software for some $$$ amount per month. They have to make a certain amount of money to make what they’re doing viable… Lets also be honest these types of botters are probably from less well off countries and the initial investment into WoW subs, botting software and probably even their hardware is a serious investment of their money. So describing explicit dollar amounts for this stuff that might seem trivial to us is pointless, since it isn’t trivial to them.

My understanding the the majority of botting in WoW is from people who are best described by my second paragraph. All of this is to say it sorta seems like you’re insinuating that botting is some sorta eternal constant unaffected by increases and decreases in the price of gold. It’s pretty obviously not the case though…

I’m sure at this point you’re just gonna say something about how GDKPs somehow magically do not effect the gold prices or volume of gold being purchased in any way shape or form. Genius. Stuff.


Wouldn’t removing one of the best gold farms in the game create more of a market for RMT when it comes to the cost still existing in the game?

It would only affect the gold prices and volume if everyone was doing GDKPs.

And its clear they arent. But everyone else is still buying gold anyway.

Imagine relying on buying gear to enjoy the game


I hope you know that most of the people in a GDKP group aren’t the ones buying the gear.

“hOw DoEs iT aFfEcT yOu???”

^ Anyone who uses this argument is straight up an Basshat arguing in bad faith.

It seems a large portion of the current WoW playerbase thinks it is 100% OK to cheat in a multiplayer game.

To them, if they swipe their credit card to cheat in the game and get all the best gear, they think that’s totally fine and not something anyone should be upset about.

They’ll tell you just worry about yourself, don’t worry about how they’re cheating, and they don’t even see paying real money for gold, and then buying items with that RMT gold, they don’t think that’s cheating or wrong at all in their minds.

There’s not much you can do to convince people who just think it’s OK to cheat and pay real money for advantages in an MMORPG.

They just want to pay for the status to make themselves feel better than other players, without actually having to play the game to attain the gear or the accomplishments.

“hOw DoEs iT aFfEcT yOu???”

Can you answer my simple question on what illegal thing is happening in a GDKP?

All of your questions have been answered numerous times in numerous threads including this one.

I view people continuously asking the same question that’s already been answered as simply refusing to admit that GDKP’s directly facilitate pay to win in WoW, and were very harmful to the game in multiple ways.

It’s not just “illegal” but that is definitely a part of it.

Nah, GDKP’s at the end of the day are the main way of using RMT bought gold to get rewards in the game.

It’s a system that directly supports, and is in large part funded by people buying gold, and not to mention it promotes purchasing Epic or Legendary items that were never meant to be bought with gold.

And it hurts social aspects and reasons for people to join guilds.

There’s so much more negative to GDKP’s than there is positives, I might be interested in a built in, in-game, non-transferrable Token based PuG system.

But gold is just too transferrable and abusable to be used as a main loot system in my opinion.

There’s a good reason why they banned it in SoD and Fresh Classic.

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No one has answered my simple question.

What illegal thing is happening in a GDKP? Is it something happening outside of them that is the real issue?

Read, I already addressed this response you just posted in my last post as well.

GDKP’s at the end of the day are the main way of using RMT bought gold to get rewards in the game.

It’s a system that directly supports, and is in large part funded by people buying gold, and not to mention it promotes purchasing Epic or Legendary items that were never meant to be bought with gold.

I view people continuously asking the same question that’s already been answered as simply refusing to admit that GDKP’s directly facilitate pay to win in WoW, and were very harmful to the game in multiple ways.

At some point it’s just you not wanting to admit GDKP’s directly facilitate cheating and gold buying, and that’s before all of the extremely scummy practices, economic damage, and social damage in the game.

Can you answer why you don’t think any of those things matter to you, and why you aren’t against GDKP’s for allowing all of those harmful things within the game?

If they’re the main ways of using RMT why does RMT still exist in all it’s capacity without GDKP?

What RMT was banned by removing GDKP?

This has already been answered multiple times, go read.

People might buy gold and pay 1k for their mount, or 10g for consumeables, but people are dropping 10k gold in GDKP’s routinely.

Why can’t you answer my simple question I asked you?

At some point it’s just you not wanting to admit GDKP’s directly facilitate cheating and gold buying, and that’s before all of the extremely scummy practices, economic damage, and social damage in the game.

Can you answer why you don’t think any of those things matter to you, and why you aren’t against GDKP’s for allowing all of those harmful things within the game?

GDKPs present a difficult challenge later into the phases as all people will do is run GDKPs once everyone is geared. If we could COMPLETELY restrict the possibility of gold buying then it could potentially be a nice thing as BiS 60s have no reason to raid these dungeons they’ll get nothing from whilst spending gold on consumes and saving world buffs. If you could gurantee that no one was buying gold it’d be an alright system that facilitate hiring well geared people to spend their time to take you through a raid they’re well past by this point.

GDKPs are the main gold sink of WoW. The only major gold sinks a regular player without GDKP will face is their mount and their skills and maybe on some trade goods to level their professions. Without this it minimizes the demand gold sellers can take advantage of and earn money making the game a little more honest.