So how exactly is GDKP banned?

GDKP is for anti-social capitalists who have lost sight of playing a video game for a fun hobby. It is no surprise that majority of GDKP leaders are also gold sellers, once you are fully geared and just run them with your 5% cut as lead then you are just making gold for golds sake. Which leads to the question as to why someone would need 100k gold in classic WoW if not to sell it. I mean 10 years down the road - if you aren’t an actual RMT gold seller - then will you look fondly upon the 50k you made in classic WoW GDKP runs the 5th time around (including private servers)? It is about the journey, not the destination. Anyone saying they are pro GDKP knows exactly how shady they are and how economy ruining they are.

Have fun buying gold i guess, and then doing it again in 3 years, and then again in another 3 years, what fond memories of buying gold and paying gold for gear you will have.

Get some perspective. People hoarding gold are selling it via RMT. GDKP is used to launder dirty gold, and nobody has any use for being gold capped in classic WoW aside from doing RMT with it.


How does someone else playing the game affect you so much? Don’t tell me you don’t play games with cheaters either because plenty of bots and RMT is still around in those servers.

Take that Microsoft. See how that $254.19 billion (2023) in revenue looks after you ban Hagro and their golden dragon friends group.

I’m on your side Hagro. You do you, and don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do. Bless.

Easy. A huge increase in gold circulation brought on by bots who sell gold to GDKPers causes the value of items to plummet. Meaning that the farming you do for gold via anything is devalued, due to the rampant bots and huge supply. Couple this with ever increasing inflation caused by GDKPs as the servers/gold buying goes on causes just the entry point for some GDKPs to be insane amounts of gold, 500g min bids, etc. This means the only way to enter such GDKPs is not by farming, but by buying gold because if youre trying to farm youre getting peanuts for your items and constantly falling behind the inflation of the GDKP bids per week.

It ruins the economy, devalues the effort you do into farming (if you arent a gold buyer), and incentivizes gold buying to participate in raids.


How is your farm devalued? Isn’t it more valuable with more gold in the market?

If they need 10x the gold for consumables, don’t you make 10x the gold from selling them?

No, this is basic supply and demand. If a ton of bots are farming items and flooding the auction house because of the demand for gold buying said items dramatically decrease in price. This makes trying to keep up with an army of bots and make some gold with your precious time and 3 black lotus impossible.

How to people not understand this? Take one economics class y’all.


So what’s the problem if prices are decreased? I thought you said it raised prices?

this affects farmers and seller? how am i supposed to make gold if all my items are selling for peanuts while an army of bots gains 100 fold what i do in the same amount of time?

But what do you need the gold for if things on the AH from bots are cheap?

Repairs, general reagents, respecs, buying mount training, buying epic mount training, gold for profession leveling, other general gold sinks, ammo/bank slots, etc

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How does GDKP affect mount cost? Isn’t it the same no matter what?

Are things more expensive or less expensive? You keep jumping all over on this.

Every example you’re giving is in regards to Bots and the Auction house too, nothing with GDKP.

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So basically assuming that you’ll never do GDKP, you will never have to farm the amount of gold it costs to join one. Therefore being a non-issue for you. The bots are going to farm and sell gold regardless if GDKP’s exist or not. The inflation is only present within the GDKP, the prices of consumes don’t go up as a consequence.

not my fault if you can’t keep up

and im so glad you brought that up

mount costs dont change with the economy, therefore if anything with GDKP be prevalent it will be harder to farm for your mount because you are getting less per item you are farming for thanks to the bots inflating supply into the market

You’re only talking about bots and the auction house, you realize this?

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This is your problem, not GDKP then.

I mean incorrect, please read my above posts, slowly. I believe in you.

it is everyone’s problem

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Your posts are filled with nonsense. I have read them and deemed them to be low effort.

Do GDKP bring more or less gold into the economy? Does that make buying your static cost mount easier or harder? Can you answer this without bringing up bots and the auction house?

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because they are connected? if there is no heavy demand for buying gold because GDKPs are banned then there are less bots? how is any of this a hard concept to follow?