So, how exactly does Trust level work? I can't even post simple youtube links

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I once got suspended for a week for talking about military service with few other people. It was a friendly conversation, but it got flagged under “Real life threat”.

and other 2 times really someone just didn’t like what i said. Silly.

So like, I will never be able to post YT links/imgur images ever in the life time?

No, you can still earn trust levels after being suspended. It takes about 6 months to get to TL3 after a forum account action.


(post deleted by author)

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When you already got suspended for it, quoting it is likely to earn you another one. Clearly suspension not understood.


Still, if there was no actual violation of the CoC in the reported post, there would have been no consequences.

A moderator would have had to have agreed with the reporter (or found other infractions) for there to have been a forum vacation.


Had it…lost it again.
The special forum is only one players blog anyway.
I got removed for Trolling their personal forum on my other account.
You will get it back or not.
Don’t let it get to you.
Have fun…good luck.


we both got flagged :slight_smile:

yeah im not stressed out. Im one of the only few people on classic side who actually goes into question threads and replies with helpful info. Most people just going into controversial threads.

So just makes it a little harder leaving links and images for people that actually ask questions and you are trying to give them legit answers.


Yes, your post was likely flagged due to the inappropriate language. If it got you actioned once, repeating it, even in an informational way, is not very wise.

Copperbrew’s post was likely flagged due to spreading their usual incorrect conspiracy theories about forum actions. That is trolling, even if it wasn’t their intention.

Edit to add: Thank you for removing the inappropriate language. However, changing it to “they didn’t like what I said” is highly misleading. It was obscene language, and not allowed on the forums.


eh, obscene is definitely a stretch.

I’ve seen people getting banned for less though. At least reddit is not as dramatic.

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It is not a stretch. It is obscene. I use that language in my daily life, as well, but regardless of what we think about that word, it is not allowed on the forums. Even removing the “u” to leave the three consonants is masked the obscene language, which is also not allowed.

No matter if we agree with their rules, like their rules, think they are too strict or “dramatic”, they are the rules of the forum. Players must follow those rules, or they will find themselves actioned, up to and including a permanent ban.


Just to touch on this if its inapropriate to use ingame its just as inapropriate on the forums masked or notyou may get a little leeway the first time but rpeated breaking the language rules will incur fuether action.


oh yeah that’s fine. I’m not fighting the mute i got for a week because of it. or the rules/CoC of the forums. It’s their rules. I broke it. I got punished.

I was just curious if I’d ever be able to post simple YT links.

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I do understand. That shouldn’t be the focus of this thread, because that wasn’t your question. Just explaining why (in my opinion) your post was flagged. Since you edited it out, there shouldn’t be an issue. :slight_smile:

Yes, you should. Anyone with posting privileges will have the opportunity to gain TL3, but it takes six months of no forum actions. Not sure when your last one occurred, but if it hasn’t been six months, that would be why.

Pretty sure that no one is ever blocked from gaining TL3 (outside of a permanent ban of course).


you can still post links using the Preformatted text option.
…they just won’t be live links.


(post deleted by author)

You should be able to at least post wowhead links.

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I’m not certain which post you are referring to, Tesalyn. Looking at the last three penalties applied to the account, all of them were flagged as inappropriate because you were using profanity and in one case and fairly inappropriate expression.

It isn’t about someone not liking what you said, it’s because they are aware that our Code of Conduct prohibits the use of profanity, both clear and masked, and other expressions that simply aren’t appropriate for our forums. If you avoid those, it is likely you won’t have an issue and can eventually gain Trust level 3 to be able to post links.

Others flagged the comment as trolling, but the post was only hidden, it wasn’t removed at that time. It would need to be reviewed by a Moderator before that happened. You deleted your post.

To be clear, regardless of why another player may have reported a post the ONLY thing that happens there, is the post is temporarily hidden while waiting for a review. The report itself cannot delete the post nor can it apply any kind of penalty to the account.


(post deleted by author)

Similar is happening with SoD on reddit, but via downvotes.
Saying anything negative about SoD is currently not allowed on there. Even on threads for opinion sharing, if yours is not in favor of SOD, it’s getting downvoted into oblivion.

yeah those work.

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maybe it was on another character. But yeah, I’m not fighting those. It was against the rules. I got muted. That’s all right. I’m not like trying to justify it in anyway.

Im just curious if posting links, such as YT and Imgur images will ever be possible again. Trust level rules on here are pretty rough xD (strict would be a better word to use)