So how does your ignore list look?

None. Never really felt like I needed to. Usually I’ll just scroll past them when I no longer want to read what they have to say.

No one currently. I’ve only ever blocked one person because I got tired of seeing a really gross gif the kept spamming.

No one ignored on forums. I don’t think anyone ignored in-game.

You still would because they dont actually disappear. Eventually someone will quote their nonsense.

No one on ignore but a lot of threads get muted once they degenerate into a circle of ad hominem attacks. Sadly, that happens a lot.

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Yeah, it’s hard to watch as they cross the event horizon.


I don’t have any. And I kinda wonder if I’m in anybody’s.

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Mine has no one.

I don’t ignore people. That’s cringe.

Not in mine! And mine is about to get emptied out anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

And since I’m lazy it takes less effort to mute a thread than it does to ignore someone.

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I forget about the feature until topics like this come up, so it’s empty.

I see it differently is all.
I can go into a thread that I think it’s great conversation, and inevitably there’s 3-4 bad eggs that just want to tear down the conversation.
That’s a fine use of the ignore feature.
All it truly does is hide the responses those folks make, keeping it simple for you to read responses that aren’t attacks or the like.

Why would you ignore people. Everyone opnion should be heard.

The only people I ever put on ignore in game are people who decide to harass me in whispers after a dungeon or battleground so thankfully the list is rather short.

The majority of them seem to be from Illidan or Malganis.

No, they shouldn’t.


Uh yes they should. I could just say your opnion doesn’t matter and should be censored.

It is heard.
The ignore feature doesn’t remove their ability to post in the thread.
Like I said before, all it does is hide the reply from people you don’t want to see anymore.

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I don’t ignore anyone on the forums. I don’t feel like I interact with any particular person on here regularly enough for even obnoxious posters to become ignore-worthy.

In-game, it’s pretty empty too. There was a phase during Legion where I’d just auto-ignore anyone spewing twitch emotes in Trade Chat though. It made things much more pleasant. The vast majority of people doing that weren’t worth interacting with.

(kappa got an exception because knowing when someone is being sarcastic or otherwise not serious over text is tough, and that’s basically the same as ‘/s’)

I haven’t seen a lot of people doing that recently though. I moved servers and haven’t had to ignore anyone. Don’t think I saw much of it in early BfA before I moved servers either.

I mostly ignore racists, sexist, etc. types and people who yell at everyone constantly in battlegrounds and dungeons. Also occasionally you run into someone who insists on giving everyone TMI about their private habits and I usually ignore them too.